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Discussion in 'Debates' started by vigteo, Apr 5, 2008.

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  1. billybobjrrr

    billybobjrrr Member

    it would have to be the 360.
    The wii is good fun, but its mostly aimed at party games and, although quite unique, doesnt have a great deal of games on it.
    The ps3 is rubbish in my opinion. Although the blu-ray discs can hold more on it, and the ps3 COULD have better graphics, it doesnt use em, and if it does, it doesnt show. The developers for the 360 have been making games for it for years longer, and so have become more experienced and make the games better than the unexperienced (at ps3 stuff) ps3 developers. Oh, and the ps3 took the xbox marketplace and wii ideas and tried to put em together, unseccessfully in my opinion. But thats just my opinion.
    The 360 i think has great online games, as well as great single player games. The graphics look best (IMO) and the xbox live and profile stuff all goes together really well.
    So, thats why i think the 360 is better :)
  2. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    I say Wii, it is fresher, a pure gaming revolution in a box as small as a PS2lite. The only new about the PS3 and 360 are the better graphics and better only feature, the wii keeps online stuff, simple and you can buy retro games for a small price! And I got a Wii for free (think im the way of santa)
  3. amir nasser

    amir nasser Member

    Wii's the best.
  4. Skambu

    Skambu Well-Known Member

    360 in my opinion.
    Better multiplayer, better exclusives and also has many new games coming out for it.

    Although, PS3 does have great graphics, and Wii has great exclusives too.
  5. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    I can't make up my mind. I'd go with the 360, but the PS3 has MGS4 and I'm a total fan of the MGS series. But the 360 has a great online feature, many people here have it (online gaming with them must kick ass), the controller is big (so are my hands) and has a great collection of games (don't come with the graphics shit, as long as they're HD, they're the same for me. I'm with you, B2K). Only 360 downside is RROD, but MS fixes it now, so it's not really that much of a problem.

    Also, the PS3 here costs almost the same as two 360s.
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    RROD doesn't happen if you are clever about it. or you cut hole in it and bolt on pc case fans ;D
  7. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    What i'd probably do is remove all the metal case around it, except the part above and below the hardware. The sides wouldn't have any metal protection. If that wasn't enough, then I'd turn on a fan (not a computer one, a real big one) and make it air the 360. 'Nuff said. :p
  8. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i don't think you've ever seen the inside of a 360 have you? when you open one up for the first time you'll see that will not realy work. the best thing that someone can do easy is swap the fan to the tailsmoon ones and cut both the plastic and metal mesh from the back. then just not to put it in a confinned place or stand it up
  9. KhalidKahn

    KhalidKahn Member

    halo 3 = overrated , good online but the campaign is terrible compared to the original halo.
    the 360 is great but its graphics are no better than the ps3's, they just have more of a market ,more companies that publish them on that format.
    ps3 is awesome , when the orignal 60 gb came out , but then the took stuff out and messed up the graphics for previous playstation games and it got kinda worse. the 6th axis is fun but gets boring after a while and hard to control.

    now the wii.... great idea.... but....come on .... you look like a prick half the time, the graphics for the most part are terrible ... and the sensor .....well its so laggy. this new wii remote idea i think is stupid, when they could of just made the wii abit bigger , added sum deccent graphics cards and a new processor, made a decent sensor that doesnt lag and need to be calibrated at least twice every few days, and then youve got a console that could challange the market. as it is.... naaaah , good for a laugh but...not worht it on the long run.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I was in CEX today and there were clearly more pre-owned xbox 360s than PS3s on the shelves.
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    but that could also be to do with that some people have swapped in an old one for an elite and the fact that more 360's will have sold in the first place so obviously more would come up on the second hand market.
  12. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Wrong-graphically the ps3 is proven best...

    360 is, I suppose, more online friendly

    AND wii is more appealing to families-NOT KIDDIES!

    And why would someone who watches horror moves buy wii games that aren't alway violent-because he appriciates good gaming values...

    The wii is so far wining, but who knows-the 360 may pull up...

    The ps3-bad move sony-tooo big :(

    I think they were trying something new at nintendo, I liked the idea of something new, though I admit I was weary...

    6th axis was a last minute rip of wii's idea, in my opinion...hell 360 is getting thier own version god dam it!

    My wii remote is fine-yours may not be cailibrated-set up correctly-ours is aligned to the right slightly due to poormpositioning...and laziness...yet me and my bro still do well in house of the dead and other shooters-though it sucks that we can't hold the remotes like the arcade ones...tv too small not really suitible for wii :(

    I see plenty of ps3's and 360-it's half and half really-but in the end those don't matter-it's the sales...WANNA PROVE ME WRONG!
  13. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    To be blunt anyone who has tried Wii motionplus knows the Wii is currently the best of the three.
  14. Meramex

    Meramex Well-Known Member

    The 360 is way more powerful than the other two. But the Ps3, with games like "Final Fantasy", and "white knight chronicles" will be more preferred by RPG gamers. However, in terms of being user friendly the 360 is unbeatable. Using and interface similar to that of windows allows some games to be played cross-platform using LAN. Internet surfing is way better than that of the PS3 and the ability to earn points and download new addons and expansions of many games clearly shows the superiority of the 360. Nintendo have approached the next-gen console war like they always do by giving the public something different. But as great as the Wii is, even hardcore nintendo fans will eventually get tired of it's control system. I doubt they can play at least ten continuous matches of TopSpin3.

    The PS3 and Wii both have excellent signature games, but when it comes down to being user-friendly and a complete powerhouse, the XboX 360 is king.

    But it all comes down to the fans who eventually decide which of the three consoles to buy. It does not matter which one is statistically superior, it all come down to the gamers and their preferences in the end.

    PS. Any losers who think that the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox, please don't open your big mouth without knowing anything, i would hope you would do some actual research in the future. :-\
    Post Merge: [time]1252751817[/time]
    Some people are saying that the PS3 is graphically superior, but the the graphics quality of a game depends on the game designers who make the game and then integrate the game on to a platform. Eg, FIFA is available on both the 360 and the PS3 but programming wise the two games are light years apart. If they they were similar, we would be able two PS3 version on the XboX and vice versa. So gaming consoles can never be compared by using graphics.
  15. uhhh how exactly do you mean the 360 is stronger i thought the ps3's processors were used in super computers??? and also the 360 browser takes way to much time to set up for my taste,oh werent there more rpg games on the 360 so far too? sorry but your post confused the poop out of me.also the ps3's xmb is alot easier for me to work with than the 360's new expierence thing,i can never find anything on it.I also find myself playing my ps3 more idk why i think its because my xbox has red ringed twice already.

    now the wii i love,although the controls do seem a bit weird when you first pick it up,but i gotta say ill never play twilight princess with a gc pad again.the os on the wii is great too i freaking love it and the vc/wiiware is cool too,mario rpg ftw lol,and if you play with the classic controller pro on some of the games that support it,it feels great...hmm anyway

    i say the ps3 is better to me i prefer it to the 360 because its more reliable,simple,and well...free online(yeah im cheap i know :p),plus most games are exactly the same on each console so i think the only major difference is the exclusives and well after mass effect and fable 2 i lost interest in them on the 360,hopefully mass effect 2 will catch my interest again.oh yeah but one good thing about xbox is that it gets stuff earlier (well kinda i think its more like microsoft pays developers to release stuff on the ps3 later lol)

    (to any ps3/xbox/wii fanboys im not bashing any system im just stating my opinion i like all 3 of the systems but i seem to prefer the ps3 its what i play on most)

    lol i just noticed but i said and ALOT of times :p
  16. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    well I can say you are a 360 owner.
    And I also can say Ps3 is better
  17. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Well I can say you're fat.
    And also I can say 360 rulez
  18. was that really necessary he states his opinion and you call him fat,not cool lol
  19. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Then I suggest you do your research, the PS3 is considerably more powerful than the 360.
  20. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    My insult was better.
    360 owner
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