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Discussion in 'Debates' started by vigteo, Apr 5, 2008.

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  1. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    More like a ring of flames. ::)
  2. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    i reckon WII, then X360 then PS3, although they all pretty much suck, dont live up to what they were said to do (in my opinion)
  3. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    my up comming gaming server ;D

    shovel ware for the wii, repetitive uninspiring titles for the xbox (plus hardware issues they refuse to resolve), not enough inclination to choose the ps3 over the xbox 360, more shovelware for the ds, sporadic games worth playing for the psp and developers left right and centre neglecting the PC market (again)

    seriously, this is the most overrated generation ever, people getting sucked up by hype, then getting a crap game spat out at them. what major game hasn't been hyped over for months prior? still want a wii, though.
  4. koal_ferrari

    koal_ferrari Active Member

    I have a 360 and a 21" CRT so the way it looks only goes so far. 360 has a very large catalog of games with extra replay value due to the achievements. Also there is always someone online playing the same game for a multi player.
  5. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    no one neglects the PC market they choose not to put tittles there, they know people mod consoles and copy games but its far to easy to copy a PC game and that's why they stay away from putting games in the market.

    yes there is allot of rubbish that gets put in the market as there always, you just need to find the right games for your self. i agree that xbox are stupid for not just changing a few things inside the box to make it not blow up but screw them its our gain, its easy to fix and you can buy the red ringers so cheap.

    and to be honest the PC developers are making games on the 360 and all the good tittles over the past year are either already on the 360 or being ported the only one that is not is crysis and that's cause not even most PCs can run it

    come on i was a 360 hater/PC lover and now i have a 360 i love it and i don't change my mind that easily so it has got to have something good.

    oh and i play it on my 19" lcd monitor it looked crap to begin with but changed all the settings and now i think it looks awsome
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    crysis sucked compared to what it could have been if it actually worked. EA rushed it out and as a result its the most buggy game I've seen in a long time.
  7. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i thinks its awesome. i didn't see anything buggy about it, well no more then any other game. at least it has a new gameplay edge over all the others that are exactly like each other.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    rocket launcher disappearing from the inventory whenever a helicopter appears, heli getting stuck in a crane and opening fire whenever you were in view, crashing to desktop, causing spontaneous power-down of the system, and events not triggering when they were supposed to, so the mine door never opens etc.
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i never saw any of that, it played flawlessly apart from the usual in game glitches
  10. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    I dont know, I would pick PS3 cause it has MGS4. But then again at the moment its more costlier and having bad experience where my Sony controllers alwyas spoil I wouldn't pick it. As for WII the games are much too kiddish. They dont even have GTA 4...
  11. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    PS3 >X360

    1. Playstation 3 will surpass Xbox 360 sales in 2009.

    2. More and more games are being added to the shelves of PS3.

    3. Excellent updates to the PS3 are being added date to date.

    4. PS3 is more durable than X360.

    My choice- PS3 :D
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Actually, PS3 sales have already surpassed X360 sales.
  13. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    I mean to that the PS3 sales will completely leave X360 sales behind.
  14. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    The Wii's dead as far as games up to date (Except Trauma Center, Mario Kart, and SSBM)

    but if they don't make any better games than that, I'm gonna go ahead and wait for my sister's PS3 for her birthdauy present...from my uncle...He has 2...He's trying to sell it to me...

    I'm gonna want taht PS3 real soon, unless he's messing with me...

    But I'm getting bored with SSBM..
  15. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    They have ?
    Last I checked, Xbox 360 had sold 19 million units compared to PS3's 12 million....
  16. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    though remember the 360 is old now. PS3 is new compared. Besides sales dont mean anything. I bought a Wii and it just sat on the shelf and collected dust. If you have a look on ebay and the like, its Wii thats being re-sold.

    And i agree with winterrs bitch about GFX, because yeah thats completely up to the game.

    Also yeah achievements on the 360 are extremely addicting. I just wish you got something for them, besides uber respect :p
  17. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Wii just because of SSB Brawl. The other systems have nothing that can rival the amount of fun it gives me to smash my opponet out of the ring with peach while taunting "LA LA LA LA LA LA"!
  18. ultra

    ultra Guest

    it's a matter of rather you prefer the pc [ps3, 360] or a console machine.

    i prefer the console machine, as i already own a pc and don't need another one.
  19. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    ps3 and 360 are CONSOLES
    a any pc isn't a gamming pc as a gaming pc blows everything out of the water only problem is devloper don't like producing games for it as its so easy to play a copied game
  20. ultra

    ultra Guest

    you could always put it this way, are you in for a company that just follows the status quo of things or try something new.

    i'm in for something new. besides, everyone knows about nintendo's success over the two competetors.
    i'm not only talking about their sales figure but also on developing a huge fan base for their next system build.
    because the people who bought the wii now have a flavor of nintendo, when nintendo builds there next system. these people will look nowhere but nintendo as nintendo has proven them satisfaction from their experience they had with the wii. assuming this is the number of people who bought the wii, http://www.vgchartz.com/, then we can assume that the next wii will have the same amount of buyers.
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