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Discussion in 'Debates' started by vigteo, Apr 5, 2008.

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  1. rpgirl

    rpgirl Well-Known Member

    I don't think we should put all 3 consoles into debate because we already know that each console has its pros and cons and depending on what you are looking for, they are all good respectfully. For instance, games for Wii are supposed to look cartoon because it was meant to be that way. So if you are looking for something cute, fun and enjoyable, then Wii is your choice. Where else if you are looking for something more matured and has kick ass graphics, then they would either be the xbox 360 or PS3. If we put the xbox 360 and PS3 side by side without knowing and both uses the exact LED/LCD with exact HDMI cables, can we actually differenciate it? Would we be able to distinguish which one is what. So we shouldn't really compare WII to PS3 or the Xbox 360 as it would be on a different level completely. I love all of them and that's what gaming is all about:)
  2. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    well ps3 has updatable Ram,so the lack of ram wont be a problem for future ps3 games
    that was the release model,ps3 updated ram some time ago,i think now it has 512 mb RAM
  3. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    Ps3 is the best hands down. I have had my since they came out and it hardly ever freezes. ALso what does weight have to do with anything? Yes they weigh more but who cares? Will you be carring it with all day. I thought not.
  4. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha true that, the weight doesn't matter.
    But people tend to look into something to use as argument hahaha.
    Since it going to be in a table or a hack, doesn't mater, due that it's not a portable console.
    I second you on that.
  5. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Our 360 barely ever freezes
  6. Arcwolf09

    Arcwolf09 Guest

    Thank you, someone with since. It also has much more impressive harware than the Xbox and is made better. Some people won't even buy it because it is from Japan. But i usually ask them where the clothes they are wearing come from. (china 99.9 % of the time)
    Post Merge: [time]1286252565[/time]
    THis post is for chris redfield
  7. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Hahaha thanks, and true, people wear stuff from China, and bought stuff from there, indirectly but buy.
    Their PC's hardware is from China, Taiwan and thing.
    And so their consoles, the materials used to develop it.
    But don't tell 'em XD or they'll throw it away XD
  8. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    Well said Arc_Wolf,i own all 3 consoles,im not gonna say that Wii or xbox 360 is shit or is worse cause both are great systems,but in my opinion ps3 is getting better and better and thats why i said that she is a baby,she has so much more to give in the near future
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It is not. Also how good a game looks is down to the developer not the console.

    point 1 is the fault of the developers, not the console.
    PS3 has a geforce 7800GTX, and I doubt the xbox is anywhere near a HD4870.
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    You would know how? The PS3 is more powerful but the 360 still has some legs. The more developers work with both architectures the more tricks they come up with to make games looking better and better by having more efficient ways to render or whatever. Hell, there's Xbox games that look just as good as this gen's games.

    Also 360 exclusives have won GotY's, Halo 3, Shadow Complex, Gears 1 and 2, and I think Mass Effect got some but I'm not too sure. Hell from what I know Uncharted 2 is the only PS3 exclusive to win many GotY's. Which Halo 3, and Gears 1 has accomplished beforehand.

    Uncharted 2 is also a good game, just not as good as people make it out to be. It feels too scripted for me to warrant any more playthroughs.

    I want to mate with you.
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i like these tech comments. it greatly shows that they didn't buy the console for the game. they bought the console for the tech.

    uncharted may be game of the year but it didn't cause 360 owners to ditch their console to buy a ps3. the games on the 360 made ps3 owners ditch their consoles to buy a 360. it is a an amazing feat for microsoft to do such a thing.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Chris Redfield doesn't even own a PS3 or Xbox 360.

    You have no proof of this at all. There's nothing in the comment I can take seriously.

    This is just you saying according to your messed up and skewed observations, taken into account ALL your topics you've created and all the posts you've posted in this topic: It's bullshit.

    I totally missed your last reply.
  13. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    me too :/

    i would like to see a PlayStation 360 some time, that would be cool :p
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    No, no, no. If you bothered reading up on my post at all, there were many exclusives that made the platform great. Most of Bioware's outings were available on the console, Crimson Skies, one of the best Arcade plane shooters last gen (the best imo) and had great online, do I have to go onto the others? There are people who bought an Xbox not just for Halo but for a lot of other reasons. Hell my favorite game last gen ONLY came out on the Xbox and is the reason why I bought the console so late in it's life cycle, Ninja Gaiden Black. Playing Halo 2 online was just a bonus, really.

    Last generation console sales, Xbox came out in second over the Gamecube. People cared enough for the Xbox to buy the console and play it's games and use it's features it had over both the PS2 and Gamecube.

    Are you fucking kidding me?

    Modern Warfare 2, although not the best game out there, nor is it the best looking game out there, is one of the most played online game. Along with the most copies sold, you're saying that all these people aren't playing the game for fun?

    What about these other games I love playing, like Team Fortress, Halo Reach, Ninja Gaiden, Battlefield, Resident Evil, you're saying that I'm only playing this so I can see what the PS3/360/PC can do? Are you kidding me? I play these games because I find them fun. Having better graphics and effects simply boosts the presentation factor, thus having a more cinematic experience and being more immersed in the game at hand.

    Halo 2 had the most robust and advanced online system for last gen consoles, changing all, if not most online gaming on consoles after. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory's multiplayer is the most unique multiplayer I've played next to Demon's Souls, along with it being stupid amounts of fun. People bought the Xbox for it's online component, hells yes. The number of people playing Xbox games online trumped the PS2 players in multiplatform games. Battlefield Modern Combat had more people playing online on the Xbox than the PS2, same with Timesplitters 3, and Starwars Battlefront 1/2. Along with that the Xbox had one thing the PS2 cannot do, which was patches and DLC. Something like adding maps to any of the games I mentioned was not possible on the PS2.

    Everyone with a PC is able to see Youtube in HD. Also HD penetration as of late have been booming in the last couple years. And BluRay penetration has increased as well.

    Also with a PC, most people have been enjoying HD or ED for almost forever, the boost in clarity is god damn amazing when talking about stuff like small text.

    Yes, we all have been totally bamboozled, yes indeed.

    What is this even here for? Hell you even got the order wrong, it's supposed to go Lair, Haze, Heavenly Sword. Also all these failed killer apps are something that happens with ANY console. Even the 360, what, you forget Kameo? Perfect Dark Zero? Quake 4? Tony Hawk? Condemned? These games I just mentioned were launch titles.

    And are you serious? You can't argue against what I posted, I posted sale numbers, and regardless of what you say the PS3 is steadily gaining ground against the 360 as proven by my previous post.

    And no one said that the PS3 is going to be as successful as the PS2, we all kinda figured that either when Sony announced the PS3 or when the PS3 launched.

    The PS2's success relied on mostly proper timing, and Sega's failings with their own consoles. It came out with DVD playback support just when DVDs were gaining ground, and people in Japan were waiting for it because it's the most affordable DVD player. This destroyed the Dreamcast in sales, and made the PS2 extremely popular, along with that it had a huge headstart compared to the Xbox and Gamecube, just like the 360.
  15. Fruity_Noob

    Fruity_Noob Member

    i just stopped reading this retards comment here.....
    50% fail rate? lmfao. whats your bullshit source? you just making these percentages up?
    the RRoD was fixed in 2008 buddy. the slim was just extra help for that. the only people getting RRoD is the fucking 10 year old retards. who don't know that you can get RRoD if your power cord comes out then you plug it back in and its fine so they return a perfectly good console. also the morons who put blankets and shit or books on/around it.. they tell you not to because it'll overheat.
  16. 2DamCerius

    2DamCerius My eyes for your brain...fair trade.


    I have a 360 and I have played it for two days straight with no extra cooling fans on the box inside of my hot room with no air conditioning, and on the top of that, with no bathroom breaks.

    So I do not see what the problem is with all the fuss about this versus that. All systems are meant for different games.
  17. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    everyone wished that RRoD was fixed,everyday i pray for my xbox 360 not get RRoD,dude i bought two XBOX 360 elite in 2009 and both had RRoD ,RRoD was not fixed in 2008,it was never "fixed",everyone with a 360 has a chance of getting RRoD ,the 360 slim still has heat problems and shuts down to prevent overheat,so STFU moron...everytime you make a comment you just keep burying yourself...Homo!
  18. ultra

    ultra Guest

    when was the last time you heard a 360 owner saying, i'm selling my 360 because i want to play ps3 games? never! but we do have people saying how they want sell or have sold their ps3 to buy and play 360 games. i bought my ps3 a year ago from a person who had owned both and sold the ps3 to me but kept his 360. i ask him why sell the ps3, he says because the 360 has better games.

    a lot of people did believe that the ps3 will do more then what the ps2 did during launch and the announcement of the ps3. you'll need to dig through 4 years of web material to find those things. i remember about those predictions on how the ps3 would remain number one, microsoft at number 2 and nintendo either third or leave the video game industry like sega. you can find these things on the web, just dig through 4-5 years ago and you'll find them. people talked how the cell processor would bring new offerings to gaming and how the ps3 graphic capability would be so revolutionary that it'll blow your mind.

    ps2 success wasn't really on dvd playback because you had the xbox which also did dvd playback. heck the xbox was even superior then the ps2. timing is correct about the ps2 because an early release means a more investment of resources to understanding your machine as opposed to the competition. there is one more thing that made the ps2 successful, the backward compatibility as it was a bigger library. one could buy a ps2 and though the ps2 many not have any ps2 games worth buying, at least they have ps1 games to fall back on, which was a lot. so clearly dvd playback and the hardware wasn't the reason for the ps2's success because we have the xbox to show dvd playback and better tech. it was also due to luck, remember that. there was no competition for sony. sega left the game industry and nintendo were busy finishing up. so it was open water.

    when i mentioned those ps3 titles doing nothing for the console, the order wasn't the concern. the concern was that those games didn't meet the satisfaction of the hardcore gamer. if those games met the satisfaction of the hardcore, they would have not sold their ps3 console. but they did left their ps3 console.
  19. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    No I don't own, but I've opened the slim models of PS3 and 360 for analysis and I use as bench marking games.
    The consoles are from my friends.
    The fact I don't own doesn't mean I didn't never opened one and veryfied the hardware specs.
    So I base my arguments on what I see inside 'em.

    Which means that in teory PS3 is better, but in "the field" 360 version comes better.
    Besides, ever heard about Moore's Law in processors?
    If no, google it.
  20. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Because that ONE experience to you signifies the entire gaming population? As I said before:

    And you can't argue against sales numbers, the PS3 is gaining ground again6st the 360 as I mentioned beforehand, showing your personal experience and only referring to it is a moot point.

    This is all before the PS3 came out. Predictions turned out wrong, who cares?

    It was a huge part of it, the Xbox had DVD playback only if you bought the add-on remote control. If you bothered to reading my post at all, you'd see that I wrote that DVDs were getting more popular and that the PS2 was the most affordable DVD player at that time. Backwards compatibility was also a big thing with it, as you mentioned.

    Hardware was a part of it too, in comparison to the Dreamcast, the PS2 was more powerful. Although after the Xbox and Gamecube came out, they both had better graphics and hardware. Wait a sec, no one's even talking about the PS2 having less powerful hardware than both of the systems in relation to success in sales, where the hell are you getting this from?

    Time again and again, the console with the worst specs came out in first, the only exception I can think of is the SNES.

    Also Sony's only competition was the Dreamcast, which they partly killed off.

    The order didn't have anything to do with it, it's just a nitpick. Where are you getting this 'sold their ps3 console'? From your friend? That's ONE person, there's no way to judge EVERYONE who bought a PS3 at launch just by your fucking friend. If I went by that logic, the Xbox was more successful than the PS2 and Gamecube, all babies are cute, all black people are hilarious, and natives are dangerous and batshit insane and lazy.

    The 360 did not have a great launch either, most of the games were below average and disappointing, like the ones I mentioned before.

    Answer me this, where are you getting your information that many people sold their PS3 for an Xbox 360?
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