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Discussion in 'Debates' started by vigteo, Apr 5, 2008.

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  1. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    loool you must be a 10 year old idiot,OPEN YOUR EYES DUDE!!! MGS4,GOW3,KILLZONE 2 OWNS ANY XBOX EXCLUSIVE,XBOX only has HALO,thats it dude

    L4D2 = total crap and boring
    killing zombies isnt more fun than killing ZEUS by punching him to death (GOW3)

  2. ultra

    ultra Guest

    halo is no longer the only game that is supporting the xbox 360. halo was the only game to support the first xbox and the reason to buy an xbox. but after that, there are more software that hardcore gamers are more inclined to play on the xbox 360. remember there were people who owned ps3 and eventually sold them because they often said that the 360 have more games. you now have gears of war, fable, left 4 dead and mass effect, which are giving reasons for purchasing a 360. the ps3 are no longer seeing exclusives because it's suicide for industry developers to only make a game for one specific console, which is the reason why you have multi-platform releases.

    dead space was originally an xbox game but it got published for the ps3/360/pc. but originally, the game was meant for the xbox. so it would have more likely been released for the 360 and that would have drove the hardcore more reasons to purchase a 360 as opposed to a ps3.

    ps3 has god of war 3, metal gear solid 4 but those games are dead. metal gear solid 4 is the end and a new series is coming, which will be multiplatform. god of war is gone and it seems there is more release of this game for the psp as opposed to the ps3. the ps3 keeps bragging about blu-ray. but who really cares when you can stream video on the web. no one seems to complain about netflix video quality or dvd quality.

    for hardcore, there is more on the 360 as opposed to the ps3, which is the reason why many have abandoned their ps3 for the 360.
  3. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    screaming "HOMO HOMO HOMO" isn't a good argument. That's just blind flaming
  4. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    The best thing about the ps3 is the blu-ray player this is down to more data and information being able to put on the disk, this is why FF13 had 3 disks on the xbox and 1 on ps3 other then that it pretty bad, o yeah and gran tourismo which has been delayed for like 3 years now it can't be that GOOD
  5. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    For me i pick the 360, it has more games that i want to play. The only game that came out recently that i want for the Wii is Arc Rise Fantasia. For the Ps3, there are a few games i want to try when i get one, like Uncharted, God of War 3, but it doesn't really have many games that i don't already have on my 360.

    Assassins Creed 2
    Final Fantasy XIII
    Prison Break
    Saint's Row 2
    Tales of Vesperia
    Eternal Sonata

    Basically the ps3 doesn't really have many exclusives that interest me.
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Let's welcome back ultra! Now he can start talking bullshit again like he always does!

    I can agree with Halo being only one of the reasons to own an Xbox 360, but not THE ONLY REASON to own the Original Xbox. You're forgetting that the Xbox had the best versions of multiplatform games (like Splinter Cell) and the online was still better and leagues ahead of what the GC and PS2 had. The Xbox in terms of exclusives had Crimson Skies, Conker's, Jet Set Radio Future, KOTOR, Shenmue 2, Morrowind, Jade Empire, Fable (good game in context of the game itself, not Molyneux's bullshit), Otogi, Phantom Dust, Breakdown, Ninja Gaiden, Mech Assault, Steel Battalion, Oddworld series, PGR, Forza, Max Payne, Chronicles Of Riddick, Full Spectrum Warrior, Unreal Championship, Rainbow Six 3, Ghost Recon, etc.

    As well as the best multiplatform versions of games, which included most robust multiplayer options and better graphics. This is extremely noticeable in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, where the Xbox counterpart was miles better than the PS2 version.

    Also There's less multiplatform games now, but there's more DLC exclusives for consoles. EA's games now have exclusive content on the PS3, so for a person with both consoles, yeah I'm getting it on the PS3.

    And why not? It's the only way you can own a physical copy of a movie and have it in high definition. There's tons and tons of people like me and my husband who are collection junkies, we have a huge collection of movies and games and we like to have physical copies of them.

    Are you kidding me? The PS3 is steadily catching up to the 360 in terms of sales. The 360's sales are terrible in Japan and the PS3's sales there are about double the sales of the 360. That and the PS3 is gaining ground in both Europe and the US.

    According to vgchartz.com, Sony has sold approx 37.3 million PS3 consoles in total and Microsoft has sold 43.5 approx million 360 consoles in total. MS has sold only approx 6.2 more systems then the PS3, this is a huge win for Sony, especially considering the 360 had a one year early release date compared to the PS3 and the abysmal launch of the PS3.
  7. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I will trade anyone my 360 for their ps3
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I will buy you a PS3, just pay shipping k.
  9. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    I would go with the Wii, the metroid series is my favorite series ever, and I can play every last one of them on my wii
  10. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    too much
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    metroid other m is shit as hell. don't bother with that one!
  12. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Actually, Other M is a rather fun game that I will be buying when I get enough money.
  13. ultra

    ultra Guest

    when people bought the xbox 1, they didn't buy it in hopes of playing any other game except halo. you bought an xbox 1 for the sole purpose of playing halo. with the 360, people bought it in hopes to not only play halo 3, but also to play gears of war and whatever else that's there on the 360 that the hardcore are crazy about.

    yeah the xbox 1 had better technicality then the ps2 and gamecube, but people didn't buy the xbox 1 for that especially to play those super multiplatform release games which were better on the xbox 1. so this should tell you that graphics isn't important. if graphics were important, people would buy the console with the best graphics and buy the game. but since people didn't rush out to buy an xbox 1 for the super graphics, it means people didn't care for it. this only means the hardcore has been tricked, gimmicked into thinking that graphics is cool. when the hardcore play their high def games, what they are doing isn't playing a game. what they are doing is demonstrating the tech.

    people say the 360 has the best online function and it's the main reason for buying the console. but why didn't anyone bought the xbox 1 for it's super online function? because people were playing for free. you guys again are tricked, gimmicked into being their puppet.

    people are streaming video on youtube, netflix, etc.... and they don't necessarily have 720/1080p resolution, though some have that ability. but many people don't seem to care for those super high definition. so when it comes down to it, is it worth paying for that super definition as opposed to a dvd definition? the answer is no, because it is all a gimmick and all the people who are in love with this high definition stuff has been fooled.

    there were so many ps3 games that were suppose to be the killer app. but they failed over and over again. first it was suppose to be heavenly sword, but that didn't do it. then it was suppose to be devil may cry 4 but then that went multiplatformed. then you had lair, which failed. then you had haze, which also failed. then you had the big one, which was launched recently and it got stolen just like devil may cry 4, final fantasy 13. and final fantasy didn't do anything for the ps3. the next game is gran turismo 5, which many people have said that this game will be the one. it will be the one to do nothing for the ps3. the ps3 isn't going to be successful as the ps2.
  14. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Me, my friend, we didn't get xbox's and 360's for halo, we don't even have the games. Gears got boring
  15. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    Why does everyone forgets about the 2009 game of the year PS3 exclusive UNCHARTED 2???never an xbox exclusive was game of the year ...ps3 is still a baby,while the xbox360 is on its limits
  16. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah?
    Explain me Why Xbox 360's XEON is more effective than CELL?
    That "baby" is too hard by the developers to build a game based in it.
    While in 360 is easier and you see, games were suposed to look better in ps3, but some as MAFIA II is better in 360.
    Adult > Baby

    And I didn't mean the "Grandpa" (PC) cuz it's not in this topic. hehehehehehe
  17. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    dude the games are created on the 360 cause they are easier to make on the 360,then they port the game for the ps3 after,the xbox has only 3 cores while the ps3 has 7 cores.

    1) SYSTEM FAIL RATE: the ps3 has a fail rate of around 10% whereas the 360 is at like 50%. although the new 360 slim just came out so maybe Microsoft fixed this problem. I hope so, we'll see.

    2) EXCLUSIVE GAMES: graphically, PS3 game exclusives look MUCH better than 360 exclusives. however, multiplat. games tend to look better on the 360 since most developers make the games on the 360 first and port 'em to the ps3.

    3) MORE SPACE ON DISC this ones easy. PS3 uses Blu-ray discs (like 25/50GB) and the Xbox 360 uses DVDs (8.5 GB)
  18. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I see what you mean, I agree with some of the stuff.
    But CELL even with 6 cores (plus 1 reserved) can only be used 25~30% of it's capacity.
    And the developers coulda give more GPU and RAM to both PS3 and 360.
    PS3 have a GPU that in some terms are like a GeForce 9800GT and Xbox is like a ATI Radeon HD 4870, but have only 256MB, well PS3 have video dedicated memory, while 360 share 256MB with both Video and Ram, which isn't so good

    In that terms PS3 is better too.

    The what fail is the capacity of quality in ported games.
    For example, I hate when they make a game first based on 360, then PS3 and when they come in PC doesn't use 50% of my hardware.
    However Lost Planet 2 will be diferent XD

    The both's fail is the fact of having great processor, but weak GPU and RAM.
  19. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    well ps3 has updatable Ram,so the lack of ram wont be a problem for future ps3 games
  20. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    Hmm that I didn't see when I checked a model here.
    So, how many GBs does it stand?
    GPU is still a problem...
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