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Discussion in 'Debates' started by vigteo, Apr 5, 2008.

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  1. tim1182

    tim1182 Well-Known Member

    cant we all just get along every console has its strengths and weaknesses aswell as there good games :p
  2. Bitterbub

    Bitterbub Member

    Wii easy. This isn't a contest of hardware, it's a contest of what's a better system. Better systems have better and more games. Not games they share. Nintendo shares maybe 25 percentage wise of their games, and that is the most possible amount. The Wii also seems to be using better games, games that are not unoriginal. Such as Halo, it was good, but very poor, because it was a relatively simple three-sided storyline. The only thing that interested me was the idea of religion. Must I really remind people on how much games PS3 and 360 share?
  3. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    since when was sharing a bad thing? It means people with different consoles can still have good discussions/arguments about the games they play.
    Also, the Wii has been shitting crap in our faces since it was released. The "original" concept of...well...waving a stick around, didn't turn out to be that fun in the end. The only decent wii game I have played is SSBB, and I proudly play it with my GC controller 8)
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I want to punch you in the face for resurrecting this topic.

    The amount of different games does not matter when you count in quality of the games, there maybe be a ton of games on the Wii that aren't on either the PS3 or Xbox (and there are). But a majority of them are minigame compilations, shovelware, or just bad games. There are good ones, but there's a lot of bad ones and shovelware too.

    This is the first time I've also seen someone saying multiplatform games are a bad thing, that and you're ignoring the stupid amount of exclusive DLC for each console.

    Let me reiterate the point, me, Hypr or whoever else I'm missing, brought up. There's no console that's better then the other, all it comes down to is preference, that doesn't make one console better than the other. They all have their pros and cons and they're all different, there's no sense in calling one better than the other.
  5. Bitterbub

    Bitterbub Member

    Ok I see your point there. My mistake, but still this topic was about whom would win... and right now I will admit the Wii is not as hardcore could it be, like the others. Only a few M-rated games on the Wii, pretty sad. Although I have seen a very legit M game for the Wii, that wasn't a Resident Evil. And to be honest, the game was Madworld, and I haven't played it.

    Referring to this though:

    "The amount of different games does not matter when you count in quality of the games, there maybe be a ton of games on the Wii that aren't on either the PS3 or Xbox (and there are). But a majority of them are minigame compilations, shovelware, or just bad games. There are good ones, but there's a lot of bad ones and shovelware too."

    Agreed there are many rediculous games on the Wii, but some of the rediculousness is what makes it fun. But some of them are just annoying, very agreed on that. So really basic sum: all 3 are fun systems, but are enjoyed by certain people for each one. So to be honest, I'm calling a truce on my side.
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Holy fucking shit, I have to commend you for the maturity in the last post.

    Also, ridiculous? I'm with ridiculous, Mad World and No More Heroes are good games, they're ridiculous but in no way or form are they bad games. But I'm guessing you understood my point there regardless.

    The only way that the Wii is beating the rest is sales. And sales =/= quality before anyone brings it up, again.
  7. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    You're an adult, stop being impressed.
    As for me, I'd pick the PS3 for a few personal reasons.
  8. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    PS3 is good for free internet gaming
    360 is good for a bunch of cool exclusives
    WII is good for SSBB, and random party games
  9. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    its all down to opinion
  10. Fruity_Noob

    Fruity_Noob Member

    Lets put it this way...

    X360 > Wii > Ps3.
    kay? dont say "omg u no nuGthInnG!1!@!21@!!!2!!1

    i have every system

    360 just feels better and has a better controller/connection more features. plus better games such as halo.
    wii is just for family games imo and thats okay. (plus SSBB and a few cod games)
    but ps3 is trying too hard w/ no result. the online is laggy (YES, IT IS. more laggy than 360 & Wii online K?) has no extra games that are worth anything (god of war sucks)
  11. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I disagree with the person above me because hes obviously a homo

    PS3 > 360 > shit > wii
  12. Fruity_Noob

    Fruity_Noob Member

    do you even have a 360/wii?
  13. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Why? Sell your PS3, buy more games for the system(s) you like.

    Awesome idea.
  14. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I have both.

    My 360 is E74 positive, so I don't want to spread that disease around...
    My Wii is completely modded and is way better than my 360.
  15. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    In my opinion...
    If you wanna exclusivities > PS3
    If you wanna bunch games cheaper > 360
    If you want casual games > Wii
    If you want better graphics > PC

    I bring on all great points of every system.
    When I say "casual games" I don't mean they're bad.
    I mean that they're unique, they have their way, which is so cool, I ahve some Wii's games to play in Dolphin and I don't feel like it is a waste of time or thing like that.
  16. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Actually, ps3 is the only system i do not own out of those three
  17. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    you play ps3 online for free and you play with lag,but not every game.,you play online on the 360 you have to pay and it still laggs.
    And you say ps3 hasnt got games that worth,or cant you afford the games?i think you play backups on the Wii and 360,cause you have no money to buy ps3 games and come here to say that ps3 doesnt have games that worth
    Like Littlekill said...YOU ARE A HOMO DEFINITLY
  18. Fruity_Noob

    Fruity_Noob Member

    im a homo?
    well your a retard.. i buy all my games. you need a flashed drive to play backed up games on a 360.
    and to play backed up games on a ps3 you need PSJailbreak. now please stfu kid.
    i buy my games.. so please go fuck yourself. ps3 has no good exclusive games...

    Halo 3
    Halo 3 : ODST
    Halo Wars
    Halo Reach
    Gears of War (though also available for PC)
    Gears of War 2
    Left 4 Dead (also available for PC)
    Left 4 dead 2 (again, available for PC)
    + more
    + some arcade games.

    L4D2 = More fun than every PS3 exclusive.
  19. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    I don't agree that the ps3 has exclusive games but I just feel the xbox is better, with the ps3 controller my hands just seem to big and I'm only 17. Plus its only 40 pounds and we have cross game chat and what I feel more features to back the price. Also let's not forget ps3 did copy achievements/trophies.
    This thread is just stupid it is just going to start a flame war why can't we just agree that people like different things all consoles have good and bad points...
  20. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

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