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Zelda. Which game is the best?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by les1312, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Bu-u-u-ut it was so horrible! :'(

    That's like me saying I thought Big Rigs was the best racer, because I'm a Winner every time!
  2. PhatomKids

    PhatomKids Well-Known Member

    Well that you i chose the easy way out
  3. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Whatever floats your boat I guess.
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I was referring to this. I thought you just meant things happen at certain times of the day not on different days :p
  5. Warren_303

    Warren_303 Well-Known Member

    Awesome, me too. I'm putting my vote in for OoT (Ocarina of Time) also.

    Have any of you guys used that bottle trick on that game? You know where you can make any item into a bottle.
    I always replaced the stone slab you get with the long sword for a bottle, its useless anyway.
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yeah I have used that trick. Not really good though. Also, when you fight Ganon, you can use the bottle to deflect his shots :p Anyways I forgot to add Minish Cap to the list and also Link's Awakening/DX. That's not bad.
  7. les1312

    les1312 Member

    I totaly forgot about minish cap. I thought that was a gd game, especially the last few bosses, i thought they were cool.
  8. rorybob

    rorybob Well-Known Member

    but Vaati is a douche , hes not a REAL villain
  9. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    OoT was probably my favorite Zelda game of all time so far.
  10. duderedux

    duderedux Well-Known Member

    For me,a tie between "A link to the past" and "Ocarina of time." Both definitive games for their consoles.
    Wind waker a close second.
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    the best stages in all the zelda series were often the water and fire stages, especially in ocarina of time and majora's mask. they were often elaborate, though that can be said with all of the zelda series, that all the dungeons were created with such thoughts and plans.
  12. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    I like the story of Oracle of Ages but for the recent ones I like the minish cap
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yes but Zelda games are really tricky too and they get you thinking as well. Like in OoT in the Deku Tree, I couldn't get past the door but then I realized you have to shoot the eye. Should have known from playing the Oracles..
  14. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    My best Zelda game was The Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons for the reason that they were Hard/Fun/Made Me Think Alot/Planing Strategies/Quick Actions/Storyline/They Both Linked Together Acting as 1game and because if you only owned 1 of the games you could play the other half of the game. Oracle of Ages and Seasons are really 1.5 of a game each. so if you own them both then you have 3 Games all together.

    Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons are the best i believe
  15. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    I don't agree....
    Zelda games are great but not really that challenging....apart from Majora's Mask....that's a masterpiece
  16. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    I Found Majora's Mask Easy. I Love the Scream of the Skeleton kid when you first Fight him as a Doku tree. I found Ocarina of Time Master Quest the hardest
  17. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Well should have said just "tricky". Majora's Mask isn't good, don't really like it.
  18. clyffe28

    clyffe28 Well-Known Member

    for me it's just a matter of luck when you were able to solve the riddles in ZeldA
  19. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    You're telling me you found completing the bomber's notebook, or whatever it was called, easy ?
  20. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    Well its common sense. if you talk to everyone and at least have an idea of what there talking about later on the game gets easy because he get a mental image of the were abouts you have to go. obviously i did find it hard and frustrating at first. i even left the game for like 5/6months without even looking at the game but then, its easy. just play Ocarina of Time Master quest. if you found Ocarina of time Hard or better yet, if you found Majoras mask Hard then il be Amazed if you Finnish Master quest under a couple of hours.