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Zelda spirit tracks AP

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Matssaa, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. liamrules96

    liamrules96 Member

    are u talking to me om confused?
  2. exellion

    exellion New Member

    I use a m3dsreal with Sakura v.1.44
    So I can get into the game and move around, but after when Link jumps onto the train, the screen turns white then black and it freezes. =( Anyone know what the problem is?
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

  4. lbob97

    lbob97 New Member

    can someone help me i got ys menu working but when i got to load the game it gets 9 tenths of the way but then it wont go any further
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    The one thats pre-patched (cracked)

    It will save you from dowing it your self

    I know it works on R4 with soft reset turned off, But it depences on the card you are using, if it will work or not

    Check first page for a list of cards that work and what firmware you need for your card if it don't
  6. liamrules96

    liamrules96 Member

    the on from media fire thingie gets to end of loading bar then says error on ttds this is with both the new firmware and my normal one...
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    the prpatched dosnt work
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    should i try unpatched one?
  7. Harlequin_Boy

    Harlequin_Boy New Member


    Just posting to inform whomever it may concern that the patch included in the Romulation file does not recognize the xdelta file that comes in it, but the one in the OP works fine.
    I have a screenshot of both side by side, one working one not, for reference.

    tl;dr: use the one in the OP, not the one that's bundled.

    Unless my computer's just full of fail xD
  8. liamrules96

    liamrules96 Member

    un patchen one works on ttds well the start does still playing it...
    ahh a praying very rarely fales lol
  9. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    This link is working fine from my server

  10. liamrules96

    liamrules96 Member

    no like it downloads but the game dont work and the unpatched one does lol
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    What is the card you are using?
  12. liamrules96

    liamrules96 Member

    ok unpatched one the train dont work... ):
    Post Merge: [time]1260133964[/time]
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    DSTT (1.17a07)

    First page the 1.17a07 is in red to click one for use of that firmware for your card
  14. liamrules96

    liamrules96 Member

    ive put the firm ware on chip still dont work...
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    ive downloaded the zelda from romulation but it dont work proply so im gunna use the crack file dat comes with i how do i use it?
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    i still like the frim ware cause my cheat are now in ENGLISH
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Its the same, has bean used to make the pre-pathced file

    Did you try a format of your microSD card and then placed the TTmenu folder and TTMenu.dat onto the root of your card

    Not the first folder and the second, The theard ones inside ttmenu and ttmenu.dat

    Backup games first though
  16. exellion

    exellion New Member

    =/ Can anyone tell me why when Link jumps onto train, the screen turns white then black and it freezes?
  17. liamrules96

    liamrules96 Member

    umm what pt the waht where with the what in the what...?
    Post Merge: [time]1260134641[/time]
    Iw ill say excaclty what happens ok ive got new frim ware so with unpachet game it works till u get to train then no controlls appear... with pached version its says error whille its loading
    Post Merge: [time]1260134757[/time]
    be cause its nintendo being stupid
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Open your winrar kernal now go into the first and second folder

    And you will see TTmenu folder and TTMENU.dat

    They are the only two files need on the ROOT of your microSD card
  19. exellion

    exellion New Member

    Nintendo being stupid? Uhhhh I don't think so. =/ I want to play but it always freezes there...>.>
  20. liamrules96

    liamrules96 Member

    my folder has like 5 folders and 3 trhings not in folders the folders are _system_, games, media, moonshl, ttmenu and the ones not in folders are ds menu.dat mshl.nds and ttmenu.dat