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Zelda spirit tracks AP

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Matssaa, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm talking about flashcarts not emulators...

    I believe some patch might fix it if ever made.
  2. Aeladya

    Aeladya Member

    I know that, I'm talking about for flash carts as well, maybe test what works with the firmware for no$gba to make the game work, see if there are any consistencies and try to make a patch from that somehow. Never said it was a smart idea, it's just an idea :p. I'm an idea person, whether they be good or bad XD!

    jREEEEEAL New Member

    I have the R4i Gold with the 1.30 firmware. It plays without a hitch. The card is 17 bucks at most retailers. Any others with the same cart?
  4. XkensaiX

    XkensaiX New Member

    i just tried an acekard with AKAIO 1.5 ( i think 1.5 anyway).... no luck, :S no controls just blank
  5. XeNo - A.K.A Steelez

    XeNo - A.K.A Steelez Well-Known Member

    works on R4 v1.18 but im guessing just needs a patch
  6. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    So the no$gba has been confirmed to be playable huh ? ;D
    Thanks to the old trusty firmware.bin ;D
  7. garski

    garski Member

    R4i Gold v1.30 works. Even the Train Whistle and the SPeed Control of the Train works. Everything about the Train works. R4i wins again.
  8. kankerzooi

    kankerzooi Well-Known Member

    Just passed the Forest Woods, now back on R4 cause I know there will be a dungeon :)
  9. karaku32

    karaku32 Member

    Well a fix has been made, but thanks to the people on GBAtemp.net it wont be released. cause of a certain member who said this "If it doesn't have an AP fix by the time it's on the internet, then someone needs to be burned at the stake."

    Just thought id update, but this means it is fixable.
  10. kankerzooi

    kankerzooi Well-Known Member

    I would love to have the fix tough. Switching from DS to PC everytime I need to ride the train is tiring. It wouldn't stop me from playing but it would be damn handy
  11. karaku32

    karaku32 Member

    Well It will be put in the next Akaio firmware update and thats it because he is being a total ass.
  12. subtledemise

    subtledemise Member

    Does that just let the game run or does it also fix the anti-piracy?
  13. phanboi

    phanboi New Member

    ive been waiting here all nice and quiet.. patiently
    then some idiot has to go around whining like a WOMAN and this happens

    to the dickehead:
    i still wait patiently for the patch
    however whilst waiting.. i will find you.. your account details.. and spam.. with all my might
  14. karaku32

    karaku32 Member

    i agree phanboi and they ARE female so they were whining like what they are
  15. phanboi

    phanboi New Member


    thats the guy.. get him
  16. karaku32

    karaku32 Member

    Wow Phan, im suprised you found them so quickly.
  17. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    i will PM him until death even if my GBA temp account get banned :)
  18. kankerzooi

    kankerzooi Well-Known Member

    I hope there will be a fix soon for R4 aswell :)
  19. Leo99999

    Leo99999 Active Member

    So is there any chance of it ever being released as a standalone patch?

    Because YSMenu is a bitch to set up <_<
  20. XeNo - A.K.A Steelez

    XeNo - A.K.A Steelez Well-Known Member

    why is r4i gold so expensive?