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Zelda spirit tracks AP

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Matssaa, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. robmortar

    robmortar Member

    any support for i-touch users? patched rom freezes at nintendo logo :-\
  2. Sora1234

    Sora1234 Well-Known Member

  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Cyclo cards don't use .dat files

    You can conver it to .evoCheats buy using R4cce

    Edit: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA013928/soft_en.html

    Adobe reader its false , you can open it with rar buy right click and the .dat file will be there to exstract
  4. StrikerCharge

    StrikerCharge Active Member

    it was a rar file but i extracted it to a dat file i haveent tried it yet..but it wont work?
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Cyclo cards don't use .dat files

    You can conver it to .evoCheats buy using R4cce

    Edit: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA013928/soft_en.html

    Open the .dat with R4cce.exe and save it as a

    .evoCheats file
  6. StrikerCharge

    StrikerCharge Active Member

    ya it didnt work ..ok so i convert it manually through the link ok got it
  7. Sora1234

    Sora1234 Well-Known Member

    How would I convert the cheatfiles?
  8. StrikerCharge

    StrikerCharge Active Member

    ok i opened the .dat file but what do i do now?

    it shows the cheats and everything but idk what to do
    Post Merge: [time]1260120624[/time]
    i renamed it but it still dosent work
  9. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    It not you, Somethink wrong with the game ID code, Give us a moment

    BKIE 94771A5D

    For the patched rom it should be

    BKIE 85AD4456

    It looks like the code was changed when the roms are patched

    Chage it to BKIE 85AD4456 , In Game ID

    Also tick of the one hot with misc codes folder , that will ownly alow to to tick one file when choseing an item
  10. StrikerCharge

    StrikerCharge Active Member

    ok ...but also non of the games i have on my cycle had cheats that usually did ..and its on the new one so idl what wrong but ill change the name
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Open your rom with the R4cce

    Select the game

    Next to the Game ID will be a ... line open your rom to check its ID , and save it a few times

    It will auto change the game ID for the rom
    Post Merge: [time]1260121813[/time]
    Ops, You may have deleted your .evoCheats , that ok get it back from your kernal file

    You don't have to use the same file name , just the ending .evoCheats
  12. StrikerCharge

    StrikerCharge Active Member

    ok i saved it and changed its id but still the cheats do not show up for this game idk why mabey im doing somthing wrong with the R4ccc
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    If your card uses USRCHEAT.evoCheats

    Then rename your second to MyCheat.evoCheats befor saveing

    Get your original USRCHEAT.evoCheats back from your kernal and replace it
    Post Merge: [time]1260122232[/time]
    With R4cce

    CycloEvo Cheats(*.evoCheats)

    Is the one to use , But don't use the same name as the one in your kernal
  14. StrikerCharge

    StrikerCharge Active Member

    ok i have two now ...im still in the R4ccc what do i do now
  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member


    Save as

    File name: Call it what you like but not the same

    Save as type: CycloEvo Cheats(*.evoCheats)

    The saved file should be somethink like

    Post Merge: [time]1260122825[/time]
    Disable link movment

    I wonder if its the DPad or not?
  16. StrikerCharge

    StrikerCharge Active Member

    ok ive done everything but it still does not show up when i press on the zelda game ....sigh i think im just going to have to start over and rt save only when i need to
  17. titen96

    titen96 Well-Known Member

    you can use the cyclods tools in cyclopsds.com

    theres a cheateditor where you can add or import cheats into an original file
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Mabe replace the cheat file from your rar firmware

    I could upload a file?, Are do you wish to give it up for now?
  19. titen96

    titen96 Well-Known Member

    Post Merge: [time]1260123117[/time]
    cycloedit tools you open your user cheat file then go to import and put the zelda cheat in it
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member
