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Zelda spirit tracks AP

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Matssaa, Dec 3, 2009.


    DSROMULATION2009 New Member

    Any experiences with the M3i Zero ? ???
  2. Tophalion

    Tophalion Active Member

    i cant even get passed the nintendo screen on my m3i zero lol
  3. jpm83160

    jpm83160 Well-Known Member

    Confirmed! train controls working on my R4i Gold firmware 1.30.........awsome..... :) 8)
  4. Agerion

    Agerion Member

    I'm not sure if it was on this forum or not, but someone had it running fine on a PC DS Emulator. If I did that, would the .sav file still work on my DS if a patch ever comes out?

    And I apologize for my other useless post that had to be deleted. =P
    I'll try to be a bit more useful with the posts instead of simple "thanks" more often. =)
  5. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    Why isnt XPA doing anything for other flashcards though?
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    What do you mean? This supposed R4i Gold working has nothing to do with XPA, it's just the cards firmware.
  7. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    I know.But there isnt anything else for other flashcards.I know xpa didnt do the r4i gold thing but why wont xpa or anyone will do anything for other flashcards?
  8. denkou

    denkou Member

    They are busy? I mean Xpa just did a 400+ piracy check patch. Let them rest for a while. When the patch comes out it comes out.
  9. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    Yeah thats what i was trying to tell all the spammers on gbatemp.net ;\

    And any new firmware for regular R4?
  10. denkou

    denkou Member

    I knows what you mean they just closed the thread to it again. I use dstt so i don't know about R4.
  11. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    They are working on it, having tons of people spam "Is there a patch yet!" doesn't make it go any faster. Same here. Just because there isn't a patch yet doesn't mean they aren't working on it.

    Wait, and stop asking if it works yet!
  12. Leo99999

    Leo99999 Active Member

    Just wondering guys. Are the controls visible on flashcarts AFTER the first mission? If so I'll just get past that on No$ then play the rest on my DS
  13. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    lol i hear that. well people said that it will be out soon so when it does come out will get and play sweet sweet zelda till then just replay the first one or get another game and play it till then world wont end if we dont have a patch.

    OR WILL IT!!!!!!!!???????!!!!!
    Post Merge: [time]1259900796[/time]
    yha but then when the game is out and it is not on the site for like a week or 2 then people will start asking "why dont you have the game" or "romulation does not love us anymore" (dont know who will say that but anywho) i see what you mean tho
  14. Shadow_Soldier

    Shadow_Soldier New Member

    Mario and Luigi RPG3 (U) took a couple of weeks if memory serves correctly.
  15. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    doesn't work at supercard DS one yet... it don't show train control....
    the protection is harder than days....
  16. Leo99999

    Leo99999 Active Member


    If your flashcart can run thid (except for train controls) download the save file and keep playing. Unfortunately you'll only be able to beat the 1st dungeon (I think) as you can only play the non-train sections

    This shouldn't take as long though, as there is only one AP rather the 30 or so seen in BIS
  17. Agerion

    Agerion Member

    Go back and follow the instructions for YSMenu if you have an R4. A little bit of a hassle, but worked wonders. =)

    I'm hoping they'll do something similar with this game. So excited!
  18. Zachery_24

    Zachery_24 Member

    finally when a good game comes out, i cant even play it. now i gotta wait again, like i did for BIS
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Could you really call this anti piracy protection if it's just the train controls not being displayed?

    I'd say it's just something like a general error in most/all flash carts.

    Regardles...any acekard fixes yet :)
  20. Aeladya

    Aeladya Member

    Hmmm if no$gba needs the firmware to actually make this game work, maybe that's all we need to combine with the rom somehow...