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Zelda spirit tracks AP

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Matssaa, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. funguy

    funguy Well-Known Member

  2. Layton

    Layton Member

    I'm using a supercard sd and the game dont' work, has it a fix for this cards ?
    Thanks to respond me.
  3. FapyN

    FapyN Member

    I have no problem with you helping me... I am actually thankfull for it ^^ it´s just that I was merely stating a fact... well I guess I am gonna have to steal my bros DS for a while... hope he doesn´t mind :p
  4. ryanmanrules

    ryanmanrules Member

    Tried both red and green, no dice.
  5. FapyN

    FapyN Member

    to get back to the RTS... what button combo do I have to use to do it?
  6. Amrocks

    Amrocks New Member

    Thanks for the help. It's much appreciated.
  7. p_wba

    p_wba Well-Known Member

    Cool i tried your method and i have one more question ^^ when i got on the train with Zelda to go to the tower there wasn't any train controls except for the whistle, is that just part of the game or does that mean the loader update didn't fix the AP?
  8. Kudan

    Kudan New Member

    It works on my N5 Revolution, just gotta run it with YSMenu,it pops the Xenophobia screen first,i press a button and takes me to the Nintendo screen,i just got to the first train part and the controls are there!! thanks for the patch =P.
  9. Akamatsu

    Akamatsu Active Member

    FapyN: If you use one of the newer CycloDS firmwares you can change the buttons that you push to access the Enhanced Menu. (Ex. [Select+Start+A] or something along those lines).

    Firmware 1.56 Beta 4 Link

    Once you have it updated, go into your CycloDS folder that should be in the root of your SD card. Open the 'config.xml' file with Notepad or any text editor. The last few lines of the file should read:
        Enhanced menu button trigger - use combinations of the following buttons, separated by ',':
        <enhancedMenuButtons>[Buttons here].</enhancedMenuButtons>
    Place the buttons you wish to change the Enhanced Menu in between the <enhancedMenuButtons> and </enhancedMenuButtons> tags. (Ex. "<enhancedMenuButtons>SELECT,START,A</enhancedMenuButtons>").

    If you don't feel like doing that, the default buttons are: A + B + X + Y + L + R.
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Also need to patched rom or pre-patched rom should work on a original R4
  11. koolman

    koolman New Member

    Anyone have a problem with the "savegame" on M3 please ?? I applied the patch and the game works fine but when I launch the dump again after playing (and saving) it create a new blank save file.

    Thanks for help !
  12. FapyN

    FapyN Member

    you are like a god to me... do you know that? I mean... showing me a way to change the buttons for soft reset^^ I love you dude.. (but I am not gay^^)
  13. leechar

    leechar Member

    Please help me im so stuck!!!!! ive got an R4 card ive downloaded zelda & the controls wont work for the train. Could some1 please go through a step by step guide for me please please please!!!!
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Download the pre-patched rom hear

    The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks (U) (Xenophobia Cracked)


    Disable soft reset buy pressing the R button on your ds, Top right corner should be red with kernal v1.18 firmware

    Press a button to bypass the XENOPHOBIA screen
  15. mvmj

    mvmj Member

    not working on itouch2 sadly =[ it freezes at nintendo logo some one help please?
  16. lokizz

    lokizz New Member

    I use an older model r4 and i was able to get zelda working on mine by using the new firmware i found here.


    the guy did all the work all you have to do is extract it all to a clean sd card and add the game. one you load it youll have a blue screen go down to theYSMenu.nds select that and then choose the game you want to play and it will load up.
  17. legendm1

    legendm1 New Member

    Didn't see that one coming. I guess I should download it now, I'm still looking for a new flashcard to buy.
  18. meneeo

    meneeo New Member

    Hi guys! First time posting! Gotta say you are all exceptionally helpful, so thank you for that.

    Just curious... does anyone else get a completely black screen when trying to load up the new Acekard 2i AKAIO loader? I can't get into AKAIO at all after replacing the __aio/loaders loader...
  19. poapap

    poapap Member


    Through lots of testing, I've figured out the problem. It's the size of your MicroSD cards.

    People using 2gb or smaller are able to run the patched game perfectly (without saving)
    which is also why older versions of the card like M3 Simply work.

    People using 4gb or larger are the ones who keep getting stuck at the white screens.

    Currently there are no fixes for this so we'll have to wait for a firmware update. Sorry. :(
  20. jpm83160

    jpm83160 Well-Known Member

    For those who have an R4 UPGRADE REVOLUTION(red box) w/2.00 firmware the xenophobia fix work flawlessly......train controls ,horn...and all the fun that comes with this game....lol god bless