Tryed it works.. but no controlls while on track I hope the crackes will have this problem back on track lol!
Works on R4i until you get to the train, there no options for whistle and engine. (Unless im stupid? It only let you turn the camera.)
Yeah, the obvious. No controls on Train, I simply let it go, until I hit a pig or a cow or sort of, then the Train stopped. Waiting for the miracle guys.
The game was out yesterday in some USA SHOP but officially it must be selled the 7th ( the game is OUT but many shop must wait hihi) Original work well hihi but damn hope for everyone else that fix come fast
You can also put a copy of a .sav or your save into the BATTERY of no$gba It has to match the rom name though and no$gba 2.6a with no$zoomer will auto covert it to a no$gba .sav Has bottons for me Download the package, mabe a missing file like firmware or Bios
Just tested it with firmware.bin And that was the key with no$gba 2.6a, to make the controlls visable Download it hear Place it in the main folder of your no$gba emulator, If your emulator is runing turn it off and start again
ive got a r4ds 1.18 with ysmenu but when i dont use ysmenu it freeze when i start the game with ysmenu it have no controls on the train
works on my r4 but no train controls .... I can't wait!!!!!!! than you whoever is responsible for getting the rom out so early...I LOVE YOU!