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Zelda spirit tracks AP

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Matssaa, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. Fireo

    Fireo New Member

    Yeah I just downloaded that. so hopefully the train controls should be there with this version?
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Did work on my R4 original with Kernal v1.18

    But i now use Ysmenu with the unpatched (U) rom
  3. honingbee

    honingbee Member

    i have (in the past just forget the word) the not pachted (U) version but i get te same black sreen
    i did not even get that long story from that old man.
    so the (U) doesn't work for me
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    It a very strang thing about the Blank screen, Have you done a full format of your microSd card befor adding the new TTDS firmware ?, It possible it might help

    Make sure you have your old firmware backed-up though

    The new DSTT firmware should run the unpatched (U) with train controls, But they is nothink to say about a blank screen...
  5. honingbee

    honingbee Member

    jep already done and the firmware just work fine.
    acsept for this game the only thing what i do not understand is that it is ony with the (U) game.
    the (EU) works fine in the beginning ecsept the train tool stuf.
    i can try it again

    but i have to be patience :D
    i see you have al lot to do with al the other people
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    They nether did get around to make a (EU) patch, they was sutch a panic when the first (U) rom came out , they where overcome with request for a patch

    Post Merge: [time]1267887982[/time]
    If you mean the patchers no i don't, lol!

    As for people asking me things Yes...
  7. honingbee

    honingbee Member

    thanks that save me time, now i know that i am not ganne do my best to find one
    yes i mean as for people asking you things XD
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Your welcome!...
  9. sumSOTY

    sumSOTY New Member

    this is probably a stupid question but im brand new to the DSTT card and how to work it. In the explanation picture, is it for the Z: ST game download or is it for the link above the picture? Thanks for any help.
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Do you mean this ?, http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=28754.msg547059#msg547059

    The link you download , and unpack the files into a folder , Rename game , the picture show's you how to patch the game using the patch files
  11. rody62

    rody62 New Member

    I have just tried it and it works perfectly (i use an R4 and i am French) ;)
  12. honingbee

    honingbee Member

    i am to tired right now, but tomorrow i will try i promised :)

    ps: i live in an other country so it is later here
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Dose the screen go black on any over game you have tryed ?, are just this game ...

    O man can anyone help this girl out...

    It must be the ownly TTDS card , that gose almost black while playing the legend of zelda ST rom lol!
  14. dombo1979

    dombo1979 New Member

    The game works fine until I have played for several hours, so when I am in Ocean Land and I have to speak through the microphone. That´s the only moment the game doesn´t work.

    I have the crack from the link below in English and I'm using my Super Card DS one.

  15. honingbee

    honingbee Member

    soooo like always a black sreen.
    like you said the game with the europeans language is cracked by the (U) game, soo i get a black screen.
    only the real europeans versoin works, but i need a crackend europeans version for the train tools.
    is there realy no europeans cracked version or a patch?
  16. jogon234

    jogon234 New Member

    help i also have downloaded the xenophobia rom and the voice thing at ocean land doesn't work then when i leave the screen goes black and crashes please help
  17. Ailou

    Ailou Member

    I´ve got the exact same problem.
  18. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    What flashcart are you using?
  19. mcgovern1980

    mcgovern1980 New Member

    i've got the same problem i cant drive the train , do you know how to fix this or where i can down load a copy with controls
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    The Legend of Zelda - Spirit Tracks (U) Pre-Patched


    But depence on the card you are using

    If R4 disable your softreset and press A button to bypass splashscreen