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Zelda spirit tracks AP

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Matssaa, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. ctai009

    ctai009 Member

    HELP! I and using an Edge card and have downloaded pre-patched rom from Xenophobia - the game works great apart from being unable to save. Does anyone know how to get it save? I am a Mac user and I am not very good at this stuff so any help would be appreciated.
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You need to use a save-file. Search this thread.

    Try it, I'm sure there's been more confirmations with other devices that haven't been added yet.
  3. liam20021

    liam20021 Member

    I never remaned mine,after 4 weeks of trying to get it to save IT NOW WORKS, all i did was update my edge card to 1.7 and download the patch game from here and the save file put them both on card and bingo, game works and i can save,(YAHOO) been waiting that long now i only played it for 2 hours and got bord
  4. gamefreak_91

    gamefreak_91 Member

    don't play Zelda Spirit Track anymore cause my savefile was corrupted :(
  5. ctai009

    ctai009 Member

    I downloaded the following and put on to my Edge card but nothing changed? Do I need to convert the file because I am a mac user? I also tried downloading save files from another section but that didn't work either:

    Lastly to solve the saving problem, copy this .sav file into the place all your .nds and .sav files are:
    Note: This doesn't actually have any save games on it, it just enables saving.

  6. liam20021

    liam20021 Member

    Did you update your edge card to 1.7 from there web site
  7. kimba123

    kimba123 New Member

    ok so I'm just new to this and I keep seeing save to your battery file or nogba. I have an R4 card what do i do to just make this game work. I'm kind of confused. Sorry I know you have been asked this over and over but i just don't understand :(
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Read the first post.
  9. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    I think you should let the people decide that for themselves

    My savegame gets corrupted from time to time that means that I've got to turn my soft reset
    on or of and then I can continue my game I suggest you do that to and you'll be
    able to play the game further

    I do not know why the game corrupts the save game I suspect it is the AP because
    this is the first game that I encounter with that much AP
  10. gamefreak_91

    gamefreak_91 Member

    I don't play it anymore cause i erased it from my R4 Card
  11. spieros

    spieros New Member

    hey im an absolute dumbass and i dont know how to get the xenophobia crack to work for legend of zelda spirit tracks rom
  12. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Page 101 if this would help with patching

    Post Merge: [time]1264680209[/time]
    Need a new game save https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=30568.msg530840#msg530840

    Works fine on original R4 with ysmenu and the unpatched (U) rom

    But they are many R4 card types
  13. selenie

    selenie New Member

    I tried following instrctions on page 101, but when I open the "xpa-zstc.bat" file it tells me that "xdelta.exe is not recognized as a command" help?
  14. michaelk98

    michaelk98 New Member

  15. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    It a windows OS file, The files should all be in the one folder with the renamed game, then run xpa-zstc.bat

    Are you using anuther OS then windows xp,vista,win7

    Didi you extract the files from rar arcive into the one folder
  16. selenie

    selenie New Member

    working. THANKYOU!
  17. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Your welcome!
  18. ctai009

    ctai009 Member

    I have updated the Edge card to 1.7. I put the save files onto my card but I'm not sure how to make these work? If anyone could explain clearly how to set up save files, I would be most grateful as I am a bit of noob when it comes to anything on this website.
  19. jnguyenr

    jnguyenr Member

    if your zelda game still frezzes on your r4 then go to www.r4li.com and download the latest firmware
  20. liam20021

    liam20021 Member

    Thats all you need to do is drag and drop both files on your edge card, the game and the save file,i wounder if Jhon 591 could help you out becaues i cant rember which files i got from this thread.You need the patched game file and the save file which is 979 KB