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Zelda spirit tracks AP

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Matssaa, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    First try to press A at that screen...

    You used the U rom?
    And which card do you have?

    Meaby try to repatch....
  2. gamefreak_91

    gamefreak_91 Member

    Or just turn of the freakin' soft-reset
  3. can any one help me

    im using EDGE v 1.6 (just updated my edge from 1.4 to play Spirit tracks)

    i downloaded the game and played the 130mb file

    the game is working as it should be but when i got to the train part the controls are not there


    i used the patch. . . but i dont know how to use it~

    although one of the things i clicked released afile with CRACKED on the file name

    i used it and the train controls are there but when i saved>closed DS> then reopened Spirit tracks using the CRACKED file with 92mb

    when the game opened i "CREATED A NEW SAVE" and ALL my progress are gone!!

    What happened?

    can come one tell me in detail the process in using the patch?

    or at least give me a link to some one who gave a step by step process~ i really want to play Spirit tracks >.< because im already finished playing my Phantom Hourglass
    Post Merge: [time]1263439744[/time]
    Update your EDGE OS to 1.6~
  4. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member


    Make sure you are up to date with the latest firmware which is 1.6. Here is a link:

    Then download a prepatched rom if you don't know how to patch it yourself:

    Lastly to solve the saving problem, copy this .sav file into the place all your .nds and .sav files are:
    Note: This doesn't actually have any save games on it, it just enables saving.

    Then play your game and enjoy.
  5. Thanks this really helped ^___^v why dont they include this info on the 1st page since alot of players uses EDGE . . . and there isnt even a single edge information on the 1st page
  6. fredconv

    fredconv New Member



    the link is no more available . any new already patched rom for edge ? please ?

  7. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member


    The link above is for Ysmenu, for those who have R4 and N5 and its clones.

    now hear me well DO NOT MODIFY ANYTHING and im dead serious about this, the folder is alreaday tested for work, all you need to do is drag and drop, in case you move around the Ysmenu components its not my fault, so only and onyl downlaod, decompress, drag and drop, this is again only for R4 and its clones.
  8. Eckoe

    Eckoe New Member


    As the above poster said, those links for the prepatched Spirit Tracks for EDGE cards have already gone down, any chance of reposting somewhere else?

    Thanks :)
  9. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I don't believe it's specifically for EDGE, just patch it yourself or look for another pre-patched ROM. You just need to have the save-file posted in the previous page.
  10. cocoapeito

    cocoapeito New Member

    regardless, it needs to be reuploaded PLEASE
  11. gettajob0007

    gettajob0007 Well-Known Member

    I asked the thread starter but no one responded. Glad i helped though.

    That was just a pre-patched version, It wasn't specifically for EDGE.
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    No it doesn't. Look for another.
  13. jrkyleX

    jrkyleX Member

    Been playing this game for a while. I'm using DSTT with the DSTT_1.17a12 firmware and the patched rom. When I try to go to the fire realm, the game hangs. Can someone help me because I really want to finish this game.
  14. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

  15. urk the 2 links doesnt work anymore~ can anyone re upload it to media fire? i m alreadt at the phantom boss of LOZ:phantom Hourglass~ i need a replacement game~ ^__^v
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

  17. hi

    i just patch the game n get the cracked rom,
    but when i run it, the emu said that it need GBA bios or something.
    can someone help?
  18. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

  19. ok thanks. got the copy. try to run the game,
    but the train control still not visible. why?
  20. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You can run a clean (un-patched/modified) ROM and the train controls will display.