Something like this XD I'm playing Reverse of arcadia for NDS and now I'm using a funny random sinchro deck and this card and Brionac are 2 of the most useful card
this is a card that I like to use: Mobius the Frost Monarch Terrorking Salmon GoGiGa GaGaGiGo I like many water attribute monster
I recently gave my cards to my cousin, but I can never forget the plant type monsters that involved one turn kill with the Cactus Fighter. This made me laugh at my opponents as they ran into a cactus all day. I also like the Fire blossom combo with Gigaplant. Sweet stuff!
People in college play it every day morning, noon and afternoon. Makes me sad. I stopped lolplaying in high school.
Well that's why I gave my cards to my cousin, because it was too expensive and small to look at the fine print.
I quit very early, as in I never started at all See I went to a card shop for some Upper Deck Football cards, while I was there a young kid around 8 to 10, had a crap load of yu-gi boosters in his hand. This much older gentlemen(think minimum of 55 years old) made the purchase, in toll he had 43 booster packs and some of those deck thingies. Well long story summarized, the kid was talking to the cashier, that man was his next door neighbor, who collected all the pokemon, yu-gi, and most of those kid themed games. After the initial chill up my spine, I looked around the store, yep, you guessed it. Old men and young boys abound. I ran my sorry butt out that store, and wondered if the makers of these card games ever thought they'd be used this way...
My favorite is definitly Dark Magician, I have every version in English and Japanese just because he is awesome.
My favourite card is CyberStein, I directly Summon Blue eyes ultimate dragon, finishes duels quickly . But still there's another card that I really love it's the Dragon Master Knight. it's a roxxor with a dragon deck
There are more better one-sacrifice cards which make Summoned Skull pale in comparison. Unless you have a deck which focuses on Summoned Skull as the main card (which I highly doubt it.) Reveal Magic Cylinder (limited to 1 card per deck at time of this post.) You're dead. GG. Dragon Master Knight is REALLY SLOW to get out. You will usually have to wait until late in the game to pull him out successfully. Chances are by that time the game gets to that point, either you can finish the game without Dragon Master Knight anyways (since you might have either Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and/or Black Luster Soldier out on the field), or your opponent pretty much is going to finish you off and Dragon Master Knight won't have the requirements fulfilled to be successfully summoned in time.
if people are using CyberStein OTK, they are going to use it when they havnt clear the field... not even a n00b will use CyberStein when your opponent have some set card >.>