Well if anyone is have trouble thinking about cards. Use the encyclopedia of ... (Wikia) of Duel Monsters. Your welcome Sliced&diced http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
My deck is built around the cyber stein card. kinda dangerous to use but if your deck can compensate for the 5k lp loss, you can beat the crap out of your opponent in under 8 turns.
Back to basics. Go Giga Gagagigo & its family, Giga Gagagigo, Gagagigo, Gigobyte & Levia Dragon - awesome effect.
i'm not a player, but i've seen a few of the tv eps and i converted a picture of him into vector format in multimedia....which was so tedious! he has so much hair!!!
I remember a few I liked Red Eyes Darkness Dragon Dark Magician Dark Magician Girl and the Mystic Swordsman group
i don't specifically likes one or two cards, but i do love my crystal beast deck, and i really love all cards there...>.<
The ones which you Polymerize? meh... I can easily beat those kinds of cards.. No matter what, cards like Dark necromancer are always the best
i only watch the show, (btw if anyone wants to sell me th first season on r4 dvd, feel free) but i like exodia(kills everything!!!)