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Yu-Gi-OH WC 2011 Deck and Gameplay Discussion thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by abilas26, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Speaking of Direct damage decks.... 70% of my decks are that.... Apparently only a few players can beat those decks... mine however is not a pure direct damage deck... so....

    At any rate, I'm currently getting the greatest idea for a turbo deck... and having no spell cards on a turbo deck is actually good... unless your opponent has royal decree and jinzo... sheez...
  2. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    I just stick to my sams deck, and try my best to sub in the cards im missing. # smoke Signals, with 3 RoTA. And thats basically all i can sub, every essential spell to a normal deck is there, so yea. WHat sucks is the spped counter think, i think of a strategy and then i figure out i cant use my RoTA because of speed counters -,-
    I depened on my traps the most :p

    Im not doing to great on wifi anymore :/
    i went from a rating of 451 to less than 200 [somewhere in the 100z].
    Got like 4 straight losses, before i gave up.
  3. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Just finished playing SS in the first duel tournament thingy in Crash Town and I've got to say that SS is bullshit and need(s/ed) to be nerfed. No deck should be that fast. It's faster than the top speed Competitive Zombies ever got. Gateway is probably the most BS card created since the Envoys; on my second turn I was able to flood the field, clear the opponent's S/T, keep my hand refreshed, and punched my opponent's LP down to 200 (I could have finished it, but I had special summoned an SS from the graveyard in DEF, plus I had 2 Bush Counters left over I could have used to power something up by 500 but I didn't do the maths. At the end of the third turn my opponent had a clear field and I had 5 monsters with Gateway and 2 Bush Counters.

    BTW did I mention I was playing against BLACKWINGS?! Because I was.

    So next turn, my opponent plays BLACK HOLE and then sets one of each. I use Grandmasters effect to pick some bullshit SS I can't remember.

    My turn I lucksack into another GRANDMASTER. one fucked up combo later and my opponent has no cards on the field and I'm entering the BP with 5 monsters in ATK. SS blows my mind, and I've lived through ALL of the crazy assed FTK/OTK decks, ask Suis or v3.
  4. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Guess it's SS's time to shine then I guess. I'm not an big fan of YGO and I don't follow up with the scene that much, but around WC 2010 I checked up some decks and I don't remember there were any SS decks back then....
    Is SS deck from some new card packs after WC 2010 or is it just that the old mighty decks got nerfed below the level of SS?
  5. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    yep they are definitley FAST
    but dont think that they're at the top. When i was at the tournamentr thingy, i chose SS for all 3 duel. But remeber, that all the deck recipes were CRAP. Well they weren't bad, but not nearly as good as a player built dek. Which means that blackwing deck you went up against wasn't that good. Plus Blackwings aren't even that good anymore. They used to be really good, and they still are, its just that other decks have now come and managed to surpass it :p. And trust me they're ways to counter SS, and decks that can beat it. But they are fast, and good at swarming. And we did get nerfed on gateway. Which was a big problem because i RARELY ever drew it. And when i did and played it, it would become a target of MST/ Basically all it does for me now is protect my other Traps and spells, from Mst, and counter cards.

    They received a HUGE boost from the new pack Storm Of Ragnorok.
    First they had decent cards, and they were referred to as , The Six Samurai- _ _ _ _ _
    Now they got 6 new Samurai. They are called: Legendary Six Samurai- _ _ _ _ _
    they were al right before, not bad. They had no Synchros, and not much to depend on. They're plan was to swarm the field before to. But their only swarming card was Grandmaster and Shogun Shien. Shogun, was their boss monster with 2500atk. They were good, but not nearly as good to keep up with the top decks, which were like BlackWings, X-Sabers, Lightsworns and Etc.

    Then when the Legendary six samurai came out, it was a whole new game play. The got Kizan who could be Special summoned to. 3 kizans plus 3Grandmaster, means 6 monsters with great atk that can be special summoned. Not only that, some people also included around 1 great shogun shien in their deck. Another legendary six samurai was Kageki. When hes normal summoned he can special summon another six samurai monster from my hand. We used him with Kagemusha, to bring out our new BOSS monster, Legendary Six Samurai Shi EN.
    So we basically got from this new pack: A Synchro, Some counter Cards, Some search Cards, New monster cards, and a lvl 2 tuner.

    Yea so you could say we got a bit of support from this new pack :p
    oh yea, and btw, although Gateway Of the Six came out before WC 2010, it was never in the game! I don't know why, but i couldn't find it, and everyone else couldn't either.
  6. breakrom

    breakrom Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    gosh...i still haven't ran into anyone online that doesn't run six-sams >_<"

    * i've been online everyday since the game was released *

    duels last about 3-4 turns...really hating on the new tuner and synchro monsters !!

    * random wifi isn't fun for me anymore...plus no one wants to do riding duels online *

    so...guess i'll play some-other NDS game online ??
  7. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    well the first couple of days i played no one ran six sam decks. Now im seeing more of them. I've seen around 5 in total. lol so its hard. You're gonna have to put some counter cards in your deck against them. I wont tell you which :p
    You could figure out easily if you tried though, but DON'T.
    and no one wants to play riding duels, because they SUCKK!!!!!
    I hate em, because it basically kills my deck, and the stupid speed counter thing

    Okay guys i changed the title, and this is now a Discussion thread. Check the first page for new things to discuss. You can discuss Deck Recipes, Hard parts of the game, and Decks you really hate!
  8. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    I recall you actually revealing a flaw in your deck earlier in this thread...... hope nobody noticed it :p
  9. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    well i did reveal my deck, but i dont know what the flaw was?
    Pm me please :D
  10. Liem

    Liem Member

    Lack of Puppet Plant ingame makes Six Sams harder to beat.
  11. shadowhawk95

    shadowhawk95 Well-Known Member

    Sorry abilas26 I did have it on my R4 bbut deleted to make space for okamiden and Black.
  12. najibrifa

    najibrifa New Member

    kalo mau download game gimana ? (Translate it)
  13. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    uhh, too lazy to translate it. say it in english if you want it answered -,-

    lol ok, its alright :p
  14. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    A lot of people play Six sams... but they are not exactly hard to beat... :/ Break their chain and they are screwed. I play Fortune Ladies, I rarely have much trouble with Six Sams.
  15. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    My f/c is : 481359710844
    Give me your fried code plz :D
  16. RandomRedMage

    RandomRedMage Well-Known Member

    Ultimate showdown? lulz... Not quite... Fortune Ladies aren't even a tier deck. They aren't consistent enough. Sure Gold Sarc helps that along but unless you draw keycards first turn its going to take at least 3 turns for them to kick in.

    Anyway maybe some time I'll duel you. But I can't right now, My DS is on loan. [friend bought PKMN black, so I am loaning him my DSi, so he can at least play it. lol He broke his DS lite playing New Super Mario Brothers.] And I dont have my Friend Code memorized, since I don't play the thing on-line much... Bad community, Everyone Run's away... I spent about an hour trying to get a duel one day and everyone I met would run away... no one wanted to duel... I'll assume this is because they don't like the title of my deck? "Fortune" But meh... kinda annoying.
  17. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    aww ok, i got my ds taken away so yea >.<
    and you're right there are many keys to beating six sams. I cant tell you, well i can but i WONT, because i play em. There are many counters against them, but unless you take out cards from your deck to add new cards to your deck just to counter them, you probably wont be able to play these cards. Thats why you might wanna find a match, so you can atleast use your side deck against them
  18. sinnoh2

    sinnoh2 Well-Known Member

    Ik 30 days but if u have trouble with six sams use royall oppersion