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Yu-Gi-OH WC 2011 Deck and Gameplay Discussion thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by abilas26, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    k, its actually really funny, because the first deck i posted was just scrap, and i planned to make a LOT of tweaking. But the deck anaylisis gave me an S. Which is the higest rank! It took me like so many tweaks to my six sams deck to get it from a B to an S.
    Of course the analysis is not 100% correct, and thats why i dont build my decks, completeley from there. Even if i got a B, i probably wouldve stuck to my deck. But after making certain tweaks from online, i went from a B to an S.
  2. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Pretty much... deck analysis gives only a very rough sketch of your deck. It's true value can only be seen in a PVP.... and the final boss/rush (It's a turbo duel however) At any rate it gives decent advice anyways and since it's a good deck all you nee now is to test it and have luck...
  3. shadowhawk95

    shadowhawk95 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    My unicorn deck turned to a complete owning deck.
  4. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    LETS DUEL >.<
    My f/c is : 481359710844
    GIVE ME YOURS!!!!!!

    Tested it, but it doesn't seem to be holding as good as my Six Sams deck. Im doing decent on wifi, but other players, have to many counter traps. Im planning to just throw all my traps away and add that trap cancelling card. Forgot what it was, but it negates the effects of all traps as long as its face up.
  5. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    The only card I think of like that is Jinzo.
  6. that3d-trapezoid

    that3d-trapezoid Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Don't forget Royal Decree.
  7. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Royal decree was what i was talking about lol.

    Thats the one, i just forgot the name :p
  8. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Ah sorry my mind wandered off while thinking...

    That looks like a nice deck but... no matter how many players are familiar with SS decks.... YOU NEVER MUST REVEAL YOUR DECK TO ANYONE UNLESS A NON-PLAYER!!!!
  9. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    srs bznz
  10. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    oh well, im still tweaking it here and there, so it'll change a lot :p
  11. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    smooth recovery :p
  12. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    @Abilas - Ya better... who knows whose scanning these boards... if anyone became your wifi opponent.... you're screwed.

    @Ravte - Please add discussion not mindless banter... there's a thread for that....
  13. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Already contributed some, but excuse me for not living up to your expectations.

    On topic - The game is still sooooo sloooooooow, and I wonder why they haven't released a competitive version of this game, those puzzles and speed duels are so useless imo, waste of time if you're playing as srs bznz.

    Oh yeah, what's the idea of SS deck? I just read something up on some site which has tips for these decks, but it only talked bout swarming the field with pretty weak cards imo. Dunno if they add up to be a good force in the end or is there some chain effects they rely on? I still prefer Lightsworn over anything so far.

    PS. Anyone know what the most competitive decks are at the moment?
  14. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    SS does not swarm with weak cards. They're best swarm cards are Kizan and Grandmaster. Grandmaster with 2100 atk, and can be Special summoned without a tribute! Kizan can get to 2100atk easily with 2 other sams on the feild. The next one is kageki, with 200atk, and 1500atk bonus giving him 1700atk. Not bad, and his effect to special summon another 4star six sam is even better. But he's mostly used to get out our boss monster which is LSS Shi En. 2500atk, which is pretty good for a 5star, plus an awesome effect. We can stop your spell and trap cards dead in their tracks! Not only that but even with cards such as smashing ground, or rageki break, we can sub another sam on the field to protect our Shi En. We also have Great Shogun SHien, who can block out any of your spell and trap cards, after the use of 1! Easy to summon to, just need 2 sams on the field. Sure our strongest monster only has 2500atk, but with cards like Gateway to give our monster a huge boost, it doesn't really matter. We also have spirit, although rarely played, is still a decent card. Our draw engine is absolutley killer! 3 Six Sams united, and we usually run other draw cards to, lets us access our good cards in a minute. We also have 4 search cards NOT including gateway of the Six who can search the graveyard to btw.

    This allows use to draw all our needed cards, and search for the monsters we need. Then we swarm the field, and use Kageki's effect to sp summon Kagemusha, to summon Shi En. Use Double edged sword technique, to bring back Kageki and Kagemusha, and make another synchro Summon. Atfre we swarm the field its time for an OTK. WE also have many combos, like an Infinite loop for counters, and using Hands of the Six Samurai, to make a Mass destruction combo. So many combos, and so many monsters on the field. ANd its also really easy to get our boss monsters on the field. Lightsworns are not bad, but not nearly anything they used to be. Blackwings, Frog Monarchs, Gladiator beasts, X-Sabers, and Six Sams, have taken over. Of course if you know how to play really well you can win against these decks, but lightsworns, are aolmost gone. I saw them so much On wifi, when i played WC 2010, but later on when i restarted 2010, i rarely saw any of them. I didn't even see ONE lightsworns deck in 2011.

    also about your slow comment, its true. I hted the puzzles, since the first yugioh 5d's wc. But it gives us something to do, other than duel :/ . Plus i love racing, and customizing my duel runner. What i hate though is TURBO DUELS.
    Not only are half the spells, in my deck that i need are gone, but the Speed Counter thing is REALLY annoying. I had a Reinforcement of the army once, and a Kagemusha. I saw a chance to summon out my Shi En, till i remembered i needed 3 Speed counters.
    I cant use my key cards such as Gateway, and Shiens Smokesignal. And since all 3 boss duels were turbo duels, it kinda sucked. But they were really easy, considering, your teamates usually had the field set for you! Well not completely but they already had like some facedowns, and sometimes some of their lifepoints taken away. Sure when i entered the duel against Primo, and saw a 6000atk monster on the field that was NOT mine, i got a bit mad, but using that facedown that allowed me to Use one of my opponents monster for synchros really helped! Everything was pretty easy after i beat primo, because after that i had my field set up. With 2 Shi Ens And 1 Trishula, i did't give him a chance to counter :D
  15. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Using Scraps, they're easier to duel with in WC11 than TF5 thanks to a few more additions.
  16. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Scraps are good, met 1 on wifi. He put up a good fight, before finally going down. Then 2nd round, he beat me D:, but both rounds were good.
    What im really having trouble with are Frog Monarch Decks. Im able to inflict a lot of damage to them, bringing them down to around 2000 LP, but after that, they do some kickbutt combos and make a huge comeback. Usually enough to beat me. Met 3 on wifi, and i only beat one of em. What decks are you guys running into on wifi? Any that you haven't even beat one of yet?
  17. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Guess I'll have to duel a SS deck on the game tonight to check it out.
    And about speed racing/dueling, yeah the racing part was rather fun, refreshing change to the game in a sense.
    But why make a - somehow cramped up play mod from the original card play which works rather well in the end as they did with Speed Duels? Well, guess it just ain't my thing.

    And bout Lightsworn, I guess the reason why the deck died out is because after 2009 the banlist has been giving the deck a rather hard time, limiting some couple crucial cards and removing some. But I guess they cycle things like that in the place where ever they make up these rules, maybe next season/year the strongest/most viable decks of 2011 will be strickened down to the ground by banlist modifications.
  18. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    We can duel!!!!!!
    My f/c is : 481359710844

    and Six Samurai did get hit hard by the March 2011 banlist. They were limited to only one gateway. Which was their best Search card, and one of their combo makers. Plus very low consistency without it. But they still do good. In the coming years they may get hit some more, or not. Hoepfully not :D

    I was dueling this guy, and i ended up in a very embarrasing defeat :(.
    He was using a deck, where he used Spell/Trap/Monster Effects to deal dmg. He had like Spirit reaper, and the Marshmallow monster to. So he could stall, while he used his effect to deal dmg to me. But the duel ended very Quick, he used like Just desserts, and this other card which dealt like 200dmg per card on your field and hand. And He even managed to summon lava golem on my field, plus had swords of revealing light. I didn't even get a chance to atk -,-. On the rematch i won though :D
  19. Ravte

    Ravte Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Soz, don't have Wifi or anything fancy like that =/

    And yeah I hate that deck, I recall WC 2010 had a deck like that, I think that was the only comp I lost with my Lightsworn deck back in the day. It was so random, so lame and so infuriating to play against a deck like that :D
  20. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    awww ok D:
    and abut the deck, if the poerson doesn't quite get the hand they want, then you can easily win :D