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Yu-Gi-OH WC 2011 Deck and Gameplay Discussion thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by abilas26, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Six Samurai gets you through the game really fast, if you play it right, you basiclly win eveery duel in one try! But it could be fun, when Trying out all the different Combos!
    ONly thing i was a bit sad about was, that i had to use the All Cards cheat to get the cards. This is because The New samurai come in the new pack, which can be unlocked [No One Knows How though -,-] after you're done story mode. Not sure how to though. Anyways i wanted to use a deck through out story mode, not after, so i used a cheat. I know i could've beat the game, got the pack, Built the deck bymyself, and then Start a new game with existing Data, but i thinkl its funnest the first time!

    Anyways, anyone else here done the game yet? And how much times have you lost on wifi? Me only once xD, and i did like 6duels. And so far i've only seen 1 Six Samurai user. 2blackwings, and 1 naturia. Others were mixed decks. The One six Samurai used the old Six Sam cards, so i didn't have any problems. One of the Blackwing decks gave me a problem, and beat me, but in the rematch i beat him :D

    Gl with the game guys! Im gonna start a new game with Existing Data :D

    I dont know much about these decks, but i do know cards Like 3x Nimble Monoga, and solemn warning. To find more cards that increase your life points, or other types of cards you're looking for, on the deck construction function, go to the icon on the end of the right side. There find the icon, that says "recovers Life points". Press and you'll find a whole list of cards that recover life points!
  2. that3d-trapezoid

    that3d-trapezoid Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Region difference. Happens to a couple of cards. One that I remember well is 'Skull Zoma', which is 'Zoma the Spirit' outside US (I think).

    This is why I've been having a bummed time with Yu-Gi-Oh DS games for a while now.
    I can't use my best recipes until later in the game where my combos can be completed.
    Making do with what you got, yeah you can still get by, but damn, is it ever annoying not having a good deck until AFTER the end of the game.

    On topic... I think I'll be using a dragon deck, or maybe pseudo-Mistvalley, burn, or one of my personal favorites: Amazoness Swordswoman-oriented deck. Too bad I can't make those decks until I've played the game for well over 40 hours! Jesus...
  3. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    lol thats where the all cards cheat comes in handy :D
    although i dont like cheating, i really dont got much of a choice. Its either play the game, with a crappy deck, which takes out fun for me, because i like building good decks, Or finish the game once, unlock all the pcks, then get a good deck. But by then ill be bored of the game, because story mode is done, so yea kinda pointless.
  4. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Unfortunately using an all card cheat is darn confusing in these newer yugioh due to the large number of cards and combinations. I've seen a lot of nuts losing because of overthinking... this is prolly why my deck still works, gain LP, negate opponent effects and indirect attack them to death. This is why I like Nimble Momonga and Giant Germ...
  5. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    lol I hate those decks >.<
    met one on wifi, hoping it would be a quick duel because i had to go soon. But i swear he gained like over 4500Life pointsm and i never got a chance to atk him even once. So much Traps, like mirror force, and Bottomless trap hole. And he had like Giants rat, Nimble Monoga, Giant Germ, and all those stalling cards. I think i could've won eventually, but in the end I turned off my system, because my mom was getting REALLY mad.
    but dont you think those decks are kinda slow when you're facing like in game characters? I use LSS and the y're all about getting lots of monsters on the field, and atking. Using Shi EN's Effect to negate magic and traps they might have. And Musakani Magatama, for back up. So it all goes pretty fast. But if you're usiong those decks, you'll probably still win, but doesn't it go a bit slow? I might wrong of course, but just a thought
  6. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    There's a lot of way to play those kinds of decks and you just said one of them. In my case to avoid being slow and getting manhandled but anyone who uses pierce cards you can trick people by playing those cards then set them up into thinking you have nothing like those then suddenly sic them with a powerful card like NEOS cards (good combos but you really need to have a fat deck), Ultimate Tyranno (works well when they not attack have only defense cards) or any other strong card/combination. I pretty much win with this considering they wait for me to burn them alive/other. In story mode this is one of the safest way to duel cheating CPU opponents (like dark signers and their cheap eathbound immortals) or any other. Or you can just bulldoze your way using pierce and direct attacks, but that can be suicidal at times. And beside have those cards are support cards meaning their just basic structure cards able to support any deck.
  7. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    oh i see o.o
    either way im just not good with those decks. Im not good with many decks to be honest xD
    anways you wanna duel some time? It'd be good to duel someone without the fear of em disconnecting every time i start to win :D
    My f/c is : 481359710844
    tell me yours if you wanna duel :D
    we could arrange a time!
  8. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    I'll try... but there's not may wifi spots in where I live... so if I'm able to connect I'll ell ya and we can duel. And if you ask I live in the Phillipines... in the province even.... trying to connect to wifi here is a pain.... and not to mention absurd... *sigh*
  9. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Even if you guys imported the exact same decks over to YVD and used that?
  10. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    alright if you can give me your f/c!
    and we'll arrange a time, if you can
  11. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Hahaha..... Even if I did tell you it would be uselss since I don't even have the game yet. I plan to get it but our comp is broken (If you're gonna ask I'm using a phony ipad) and I need to go to a net cafe for that... but I don't have the money... *sigh* So You're really gonna wait a while (honestly I have tried but I haven't gone on wifi yet so I have no f/c*sigh*)..... I feel like a loser now... *sigh*....
  12. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    lol its alright :p
    I'm just looking for good battles!
    People i know that wont turn off their system when im close to winning. So far only happened to me once xD
  13. that3d-trapezoid

    that3d-trapezoid Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    It's kinda strange...
    I've always kept in mind that CHEATING saps most of the fun out of the game.
    On this case, though... Cheating pulls out all the fun that the game's keeping from us.

    Maybe I'll start playing YGO again sometime in the future, but I'll keep a completely legit game.
  14. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    yea but theres 2 sides here. See if you have a deck in mind, like i did, and you cant unlock it till the games done, it sucks. Because i wanna use the deck for story mode and everything! But its also sucking the fun out of the game, because since you have all the cards, it takes out one of the major points of the game which is to Collect the cards yourself.

    On the other hand, if you decide to just build a deck as you go, then you dont have to cheat at all. But yea just hate that the good cards dont come till end game!
  15. Digmon

    Digmon New Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Anyone have codes for getting ride of phase name animation and monster battle animations?
  16. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Go to GBATemp their cheat database should have it.

    At any rate I finally got the game. It's looks better than the first two games and not to mention faster duels (no more annoying card animations)... though ai opponents think waaayyyyyy too long. I'm also surprise that they give you a good (not adequate) starter deck that you can actually play half if not a quarte of the game with it... just don't use it on wirless/wifi battles. BTW I found it hard to collect my old cards for my "proper deck". The newer cards are ok... but ot's easier when you're used to the deck. Currectly I'm using defensive deck, high atk cards, anti traps but weak against spells.... for some reason the game refuses to give me good anti spell cards! Heck I still only have one spell shield 8 and one magic jammer... WTH?!
  17. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    My deck looks about perfect now :D
    Still looking for Friend Codes from people!
    My f/c is : 481359710844
    If you wanna battle anyone, tell me yours!

    Btw im thinking about making some other decks, not sure what though. I dont wanna make it to Specific, something like warrior deck, or dragon deck would do. Someone help!!!!
  18. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Go for a dragon deck. They have great support cards, most have high atk and "Blue Eyes Shining Dragon" and "FGD". Fact once you get dragon's Mirror you can spam FGD on your field (make sure you have anti traps though) make duels cake walk.... oh did I mention that they also have two very powerful lv monsters? Horus And Armed dragon can be versatile monsters.......
  19. abilas26

    abilas26 Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Ok, i started to make one!
    I got the base of the deck from the recipe, Dragons Den. Comes automatically in the game. I'm making this somewhat of a red eyes deck. As it contains, 3 red eyes B.Drgons, 3 Red eyes darkness metal dragons, and 3 red eyes wyvern. But it also contains 3 dragons mirror, which is my plan to get out five headed dragon.Got 3 totem dragons, and 2 decoy dragons. Though it might help get red eyes on the field faster. Also an exploder dragon for tight situations. A debris dragon, just for synchros and 2 masked dragons. Strong wind dragon has a lot of power, so i included that, and 2 vice dragons.
    As you said i need protection from traps, so i got 3 dark bribes, 1 solemn warning, and a trap stun. Also got Starlight road, for cards such as Delta crow anti reverse, dark hole, mirror force, and such. Even one or two of the monarchs wont be expecting that one! Other cards are, Dark Hole, BTH, Monster reborn, Book of moon, torrential tribute, Return from the different dimension, and call of the haunted. Not sure how good the deck is but i thinks it decent. Although this is my first time making a deck other than Six Samurai, so I don't have much experience
  20. kaineru

    kaineru Well-Known Member

    Re: What deck are You gonna use for YuGiOh WC 2011?

    Looks good. You can replace one of those normal Red Eyes for Red Eyes Darkness dragon (since it powers up on it's own). Also have something like Magic Jammer/Spell sheild Type 8. We don't want to be caught with fissures and hammer shots, Dragon's Bead (if I remember correctly) can also help. Other useful cards would be Infeno Fire Blast and stomping destruction, and Red Eyes B. Chick if you need a faster Red Eyes summon...