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You're prefered browser

Discussion in 'Computers & Modding' started by monter, Oct 11, 2008.

  1. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

  2. kingofgamemasters777

    kingofgamemasters777 Well-Known Member

    firefox more safe, haven't got a virus from a webpage since switching from ie
  3. dark.faerie

    dark.faerie Well-Known Member

    then you obviously know nothing about business/markets...
    we actually DO need more "competitors" to help stabilize the economy and keep the prices of things down (in competing for more consumers to buy their product/service, putting the price down is inevitable)
    Hence why monopoly is discouraged or illegal (otherwise one company could charge whatever price they want and get away with ripping consumers off, because they have no competitors and therefore have all the customers for that industry)

    on topic: firefox pwns all - screw the other browsers.
  4. Shuvo01

    Shuvo01 Well-Known Member

    Firefox for the win. The other browsers are f*****g screwed.
  5. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    No; IE is screwed.
    Chrome is actually pretty cool =]
  6. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    I use FireFox...My best friend uses IE and he's all like it's not safer than IE, I'm like fool it's not even on your brand new vista using laptop. I got so frustrated with using IE on it, I downloaded FireFox on it and then told his ass to do some research on why FireFox is better. Needless to say, he is a FireFox user now...ROFL...

    I hate IE, I get scared using it because it gets attacked so much more than FireFox, and my AVG works soooooooo much better with Firefox than IE. Oh, and the add-ons don't hurt one bit either. :D
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I actually know quite a bit about it, I live it everyday with RomUlation, with the amount of money RomUlation spends on servers we need to make some back, and the only way we can do that is by having visitors, since there are other sites competing for them we have to strive to become the better place for visitors to get their downloads. I get demand and supply and how it relates to business, but you're talking a generic case that doesn't apply to the browser market.

    Currently there are 4 main browsers.

    Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari and Opera. They're all free meaning that the only difference between them are how they work as in features and security and rendering.

    Now, competition would promote innovation in the browsers - but honestly, that's not what the web needs right now. The internet has been evolved so rapidly from a small network between researchers to a global net for hundreds of millions of people, this rapid development has involved a lot of bandaid solutions rather than thoroughly thought out solutions; one prime area for that would be browsers and web languages such as HTML and CSS, they don't need innovation right now, they need a thorough work through where bugs and annoyances are removed, and then they need browsers to support it. Currently browsers don't support even 80% of the web language that is theoretically available, even FireFox isn't perfect here, though, IE is still the main evil.

    What I'm trying to say in a very convoluted way is that browsers should compete on features - not how they render a webpage, working together on that would archive so much more than working against each others, and the end result is that developers like myself have to spend hours upon hours making sure their website works in 3 different versions of the 4 major browsers. Assuming a developer is paid - that's spent money that doesn't grow, so ultimately competition in the browser market right now is not good for the economy as a whole, and even worse it's not good for users because many security faults can also be attributed to working against each other instead of working together.
  8. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Bias-Scan: Searching...
    No Bias found...
    Good Post-Scan: Searching...
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    Good unbiased post! :)

    Finally, a completely unbiased post! :)
  9. Shuvo01

    Shuvo01 Well-Known Member

    Seph rules on history of programs. ;D ;D ;D
  10. Noop

    Noop Member

    Google (like always) just wants to f'in get in on anything and everything that competes against Microsoft, this includes their shitty browser chrome. Shitty because it only works on windows, and that's enough of a problem right there.

    Every browser has their bullshit associated it. Even FireFox is full of legal bullshit (take a look at the 'new' firefox EULA in ubuntu) and ultimately just want to gain market share and make money. I agree with seph, browser developers need to f'in seriously standardize a f'in web rendering engine already. I've had some horrible experience coding pages that worked fine in FF but were completely f'ed up in Safari or IE. It's a pain in the f'in ass.

    Unfortunately I doubt web browser developers will ever settle on which web rendering engine is "the best" and thus there's always going to be some level of compatibility issue.
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Web developers already have. The best rendering engine is the one that most closely follows the W3C standards, which at this time is the Opera engine, the Geko engine, and engine used by Mosaic.
  12. dark.faerie

    dark.faerie Well-Known Member

    @Seph: ok i see your point and i agree. i was looking at it from a purely consumer oriented point of view, looking at what would benefit consumers only. but it seems i do not know as much about computers as i think. thank you for correcting me.

    however, while there shouldnt be any more browsers made ... i dont think it will stop here ><
    there are bound to be more made... and i doubt they'll be any better either, lol. they should have stopped at firefox :p
  13. blacksun23

    blacksun23 Guest

  14. marcy

    marcy Guest

  15. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Google Chrome is a good browser, however extensionless/ crippled it may be. There's enough great features that are available right off the bat, it renders pages pretty quickly from my experience, and the look is fresh. And that's a flawed argument. Tell me when a current version of IE will run natively on Linux.

    I use Firefox as the "installed"/main browser and Google Chrome as a portable browser.
  16. razielleonhart

    razielleonhart Well-Known Member

    Good old Firefox for razzy
  17. ZeroError

    ZeroError New Member

    But we're not buying the browsers?

    Firefox for me ^^
    I tried Google Crome, but it was just bad. (IMO)
  18. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Advertisements and add-ons bring business y'know?
  19. ClydeOne

    ClydeOne Well-Known Member

    Firefox. Their add-ons are awesome, and it helps keep me away from dangerous websites.
    I was trying to cope with Google's(a.k.a Skynet)web browser chrome. But it just kept on crashing every time I used it. When they fix that issue, I might be inclined to try chrome again.
  20. HellBoyX1000

    HellBoyX1000 Well-Known Member

    Google Chrome...I cant use Chrome for uploading stuff to MegaUpload...so I have to use Firefox for that and some flash apps cant be used and i have to use IE....

    Internet Explorer: Even the name scares me
    Mozilla FireFox : Good
    Apple Safari: Pretty Good
    Google Chrome: Breathless