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your greatest acomplishment in a video game

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by lugia543, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Its not like I was playing these games all at once xD I was mainly playing these games at different times of my life.
    Noticed that there are n64 games mixed in with more recent ones.
  2. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    My brother is always telling me I waste way too much time on video games, but I think that as long as you're having fun it's never a waste of time, regardless of how pointless what you are doing is ;).

    On topic: I've beaten the Red Arremer on SNK vs Capcom: SVC Chaos once, back in the day. Can't remember the difficulty level though. Here's what you gotta do to face him (from GameFaqs):

  3. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    hmmm i have never heard of that game before. i should go check it out
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    IMO Goddess Athena is harder then Red Arremer.
  5. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    True that, but I've never beaten her at the arcade ;) ! She always made me run out of credits. I did beat her using an emulator once though, but that's kinda lame, infinite credits anda ll. Have you beaten her though?
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i have beaten both of them in arcade. My commonly use character is Shiki, Akuma, Mai and Earthquake.
  7. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    um, he was in front of me. i just got to the other side after jumping and he was on the building i jumped to.
    i was prepared to shoot him until i noticed he jumped. heard him scream as he fell XD
  8. razgrizglenn

    razgrizglenn Well-Known Member

    One word: respect. Lots of it, dude. I used to main Zero and Ryo, but damn, I'm so gonna get into that game again! I'm gonna try beating them on the hardest difficulty level (is it "level 8" or "hardest" in that game? Can't remember now...) for old time's sake.
  9. Supie

    Supie Well-Known Member

    Beating GOW 1and2 God Mode and Titan Mode also Getting a Platinum Trophie :).
  10. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Bowgunning a Tigrex with low-level gear in Monster Hunter.
  11. Supie

    Supie Well-Known Member

    Know what you mean that game is hard!!!
  12. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    playing the whole game of starcraft in 1 sitting... no cheats, no guides... no potty breaks (no water either) 18 hours of pure hell and then another 8 for broodwar.
  13. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    seriuosly? 26 hours in non-stop gaming? you literally spent a whole day playing starcraft. how did you eat? did you have a supersize twinkie box beside you?
  14. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    omg how exactly did you do that >_< i always have a hard time dealing with that awful tigrex. with a low-level bowgun 0_o
  15. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    me too.
  16. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    I had full Lobster Armor (which I farmed off of Daimyo Hermitaur and Plesioth) which is a Level 3 armor that gives Evade +2 skill. That skill was VERY HELPFUL as it saved my ass a couple times in which I would have suffered fatal damage from the Tigrex.

    As for the Bowgun I had, it was a fully-upgraded (Mod Level 5, Zoom Scope, and Silencer to reduce recoil) Assault Conga (from Congalala parts) which was also Level 3. It has decent Pierce Shot support (Levels 1 and 2) as well as Sleep shot support (for bombing the ever-living shit out of him!)

    Before starting that quest, I get a meal from the Felyne Kitchen that gives me more Health and Defense. With three Felyne Chefs that I had at that time, I had to choose Veggie and Dairy(Milk) (ex. Spicy Carrots and Cheese). Attack bonuses are not worth getting as a gunner since the bonus is so small, it hardly makes a difference. You're better off using Power Seeds for that as you get +12 Atk (which is much better than what you would get from the Felyne Kitchen.)

    * 60 Pierce Lvl 1
    * 60 Pierce Lvl 2
    * 12 Sleep Lvl 1
    * 8 Sleep Lvl 2 (combine Sleepyfish with Sm. Bone Husk to get these)
    * 99 Normal Lvl 2
    * 99 Normal Lvl 3 (Just in case I run out of Normal 2)

    Alternative: Instead of bringing 8 Sleep Lvl 2 shots, you can bring 12 Para Lvl 1 shots, which will paralyze Tigrex in place. It's a better alternative since Sleep Lvl 2 has very high recoil. Also, 12 Poison Lvl 1 shots wouldn't hurt either since Assault Conga supports them as well.

    Forget Crags and Cluster shots! They hardly make a difference, and the recoils associated with these ammo types are NOT WORTH IT!

    * 10 Potions and Mega Potions
    * 10 Energy Drinks (for stamina)
    * 5 Hot Drinks (it was a quest in Snow Mountains)
    * 5 Flash Bombs (bad idea to use for melee players since Tigrex thrashes around, but very good for ranged players as Tigrex attacks are less accurate which allows gunners to attack Tigrex with impunity.)
    * 10 Power Seeds (very helpful with Pierce shots :) )
    * 10 Armor Seeds (more defense as insurance)
    * 2 Large Barrel Bomb +s (combine Lg Barrel Bomb with Scatterfish)
    * 2 Large Barrel Bombs
    * 2 Small Barrel Bomb + (Just to set off the charge of my bombs placed)
    * 1 Shock Trap (to capture!)
    * 4 Tranq Bombs (use when Tigrex is in the trap)

    To start things off with Tigrex, I use an Armor Seed, and I load up on Sleep Shot Lv 1. Then upon seeing Tigrex, I use a Flash Bomb to stun him, and then start blasting away on Tigrex until he falls asleep (Be careful not to be so trigger happy that you shoot him again when he is asleep as he will wake up and go into rage mode!) When he falls asleep, I then place my 2 Lg Bomb +s and one Small Bomb + next to his head. Immediately after I placed the Small Bomb, I ran like hell away from him as the bombs were going to detonate, then loaded up on Sleep Lv2 shots.

    After the bombs wake Tigrex up, I throw another Flash Bomb to stun him, and then start blasting away at Tigrex with Sleep Lv2. Tigrex falls asleep again, and then I bomb him again at his head. After this phase, it's go time!

    Immediately when Tigrex wakes up from explosions, he goes into Rage Mode (indicated by his claws turning red followed by his loud roar.) I holster the weapon and just kept dodging Tigrex's attacks. Whenever Tigrex runs at you, ALWAYS DODGE TO THE LEFT SIDE OF HIM! Here's the diagram of the Tigrex from your viewpoint:


    Reason for this is because his right foreleg (which would be on the left from your viewpoint as Tigrex is facing you) is quite smaller compared to his left foreleg, so your chances of avoiding his attack successfully are much better if you dodge to the left (which would be his right side where his smaller foreleg is!) Also, DIVING HELPS! You get more protection time if you dive compared to simply rolling away (which is a good reason to retract your weapon while Tigrex is in rage mode!) While you are diving to the side or away from Tigrex, Tigrex will simply pass through you as if you were air.

    After Tigrex has calmed down a bit, I simply stay out of his way, use a Power Seed, load up and blast him with Pierce Shots whenever he misses me with his charge attacks. Also, I took advantage of the ledge in Area 6 of Snow Mountains so that Tigrex can't hit me with his charge attacks (but made sure to look out for his projectile attacks!) as I can simply shoot Tigrex with impunity. Another plus about the ledge was that it was close to the area exit which I can retreat to if I needed to heal as long as Tigrex wasn't in the way.

    The rest of the battle was dodge, then pull my weapon out to shoot once or twice, then holster my weapon and dodge again, with a Flash Bomb used here and there to get more free hits. When Tigrex gets in rage mode, I simply keep my weapon holstered until Tigrex calms down. 50 minutes is plenty of time to kill Tigrex, so there is no need to rush! Eventually after inflicting much damage to the Tigrex, he will start limping in desperation. That is the cue to GO TO AREA 3 of the Snow Mountains!

    Tigrex will retreat to Area 3 to take a nap. Be sure all the creatures are destroyed before Tigrex arrives, and then hide next to the entrance. When Tigrex appears, let him fall asleep, and then place a shock trap right next to him. Tigrex will become awake, but he can't do shit as he is now trapped. Throw Tranq Bombs to capture the Tigrex.

    Capturing the Tigrex is much faster than simply killing him. If you try to kill him, you will find the last minutes of the battle to be quite tough as you are now fighting him in a smaller area.
  17. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    no, just a bag of candy... sugar and caffeine candy (coffee flavor gets me in the mood)
  18. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    so lucky. i always am told to do something by my mom whenever i play guitar hero.
  19. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    I just need to do all my homework and do well in school, on the weekends I just sit back and play games...
  20. Ohji

    Ohji Well-Known Member

    1 credit clearing Mars Matrix. I only died once, but could never bring myself to try for a no death run. It took me half a year just to learn the game enough to 1cc it. the bullet patterns are burned into my brain.