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your greatest acomplishment in a video game

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by lugia543, Feb 6, 2010.

  1. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well you can just transfer the key pokemon, that will cut down your work (instead of trading the whole line, just transfer the basic pokemon), that is what i did from my Pearl to Platinum.
  2. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    really. it only takes me 13 hours to complete the game, catch all legendaries, lvl up my starter to 99 and beat the afterstory. i know because i already beat the pokemon silver game for the GBC (which i owned when i was.... well very young).
  3. nintendo05

    nintendo05 Member

    Getting past the giant polar bear chase level in Crash Bandicoot 2. This is because I was only 2-years-old when I played it and was too scared to even play that level. By 3, I realized that it was just a video-game and it couldn't hurt me, and I got past it.

    Well, either that or my 200+ hours on Pokemon Sapphire (it's not as much as the guy above, but I was only 5 and it was a big achievement for me).
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Soul Silver isnt Silver, its Silver + many more stuff, battle frontier, poketylon and pokewalker just to name some.
  5. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Hi Cal :)


    I would have never guessed you've spent that much time on Pokemon too.

    And yeah, how'd your friend get a hold of the special event Pokemon? Also, according to Pokemon Mariland's Pokedez guide several 4th gen Pokemon like Arceus & Shaymin can only be acquired by hacking so how'd your friend catch those?
  6. p4tman

    p4tman Guest

    I love the pokeathlon thingy it's awesome.
  7. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    there is a Shamin event for Platinum back then which you can download form Wifi, and he got Movie Arceus from japan.... just said he meet this japanese boy and rip him off =D

    oh, even though i said i never use pokesav for my pokedex, but i do use it for event pokemon otherwise i wont have the japanese pikachu colored pichu, but those woder card event are legit event XD

    ya, its a nice break from Super Contest.
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @Cal: So your friend went to Japan? That's uber cool :)
  9. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well he did when to japan on the way back to malaysia once, but not for that arceus, that arceus is rip from a japanese boy who when to malaysia to visit his relative, he is a regular customer to a card game shop that me and my friend offen visit. he also got tons of rare yu-gi-oh card and pokemon card as well XD
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Man, your friend is 100% Otaku corrupt then ;D
  11. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    yup, its possible XD
  12. ybom

    ybom Well-Known Member

    Well, I guess my greatest accomplishment was mastering Raon in Gunbound: Thor's Hammer. And with that I go to the games that should exist but don't thread (rakion and sherwood too)...
  13. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    Winning a LVL on taiko with my eyes closed
  14. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    like, you memorized all the notes then just blindfolded yourself?
  15. angelic_kratos

    angelic_kratos Active Member

    Only one I could be bothered doing that with was (on Oni difficulty) was..... *sings* "RINDA, RINDAAAAAAA... RINDA, RINDA, RINDAaaA" :p
  16. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    OMG that's like one of my fave jap songs!
  17. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    i made a policeman jump off the roof of an apartment next to my safehouse in GTAIV XD
    seriously, i had 6 stars and i jumped the roof to get to the other side and the first thing i saw was the policeman jumping over the edge xD
  18. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    XD he tried to catch you? did you survive the jump?
  19. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Cruel brawl I did 22 with pikachu, but I only did it because Electronic gaming monthly tricked me into thinking sonic and tails would join the brawl....... I kept doing it till damn sonic apppeared too...

    in pokemon blue I got all 151 pokemon and it felt awesome! having braging rights and mocking all my friends about my event mew lol

    Also did this with my pokemon cards and it felt great because my friend had 150 and beat me, but then I caught up and got a promo mew card.. oh wait thats not gaming? never mind that then..

    getting all 120stars in mario 64 and getting all 121 stars both in mario galaxy with luigi and mario

    Beating starfox 64 with medals.

    beating a frontier brain with a magikarp.

    F zero GX on hard mode or was it master?

    getting all 151 pokemon into the hall of fame in pokemon stadium to get my amnesia psyduck.

    I think I did the same for earthquaking gligar in pokemon stadium two? by the way gligar did not learn earthquake back then.

    getting surfer pikachu in pokemon stadium with the pokeball cup rules or was it prime cup?

    Scanning everything in metroid prime echoes 2

    scanning everything in metroid prime hunters and getting 5star ranking as well as a 90%win ratio and getting on Nintendos ranking by being 24th place on world rankings I know sounds odd eh?

    Mario kart ds 3stars lol

    getting all trophies in smashbros melee and thinking I was missing sonic,tails samus and mario on yoshi trophies. Even thoe yoshi mario, and samus we're japan only trophies.

    beating pokemon blue very quickly to get six mewtwos lol and I cant even remember the time, but my friends we're pissed off at how fast i did it.

    beating No more heroes 2 final boss in a total of under 6minutes around 5 something.

    beating goldeneye on 007 mode and unlocking everything.

    getting ho-oh in pokemon colosseum by battling on mount battle 100 times was it?

    I know I done more, but I cant remember them :(

    Ohh yeah and getting 40 to 50 or was it 60? anyway ribbons on my smeargle by first getting him to earn the mt battle ribbon then getting him off of pokemon colosseum then trading him to ruby to earn all ribbons followed by all ribbons in FR LG and then migrating him over to DP! I felt sooo proud! but then people started to hack and I found out there was a ribbon hack and made me feel like crap because no one would believe it now.

    Oh wow so much timre wasted xD
  20. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    man you really spend your whole life playing video games.