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You know you suck at videogames when...

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by CloudBoii12, Sep 5, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    That's why I don't play mind sweeper anymore...
  2. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    yes, i dont have it on my pc... (damn pc...)
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Dude your mean to add to the game at hand...your mostly just throwing thoughts...here is an example...

    You die 15 times in devil may cry because your too busy on a forum saying how awsome you are...

    (hence why I shut off the net when playing :( )
  4. MasterKupo

    MasterKupo Well-Known Member

    You know you suck when you give in to this: https://www.romulation.org/NDS/4210_-_Happy_Party_With_Hello_Kitty_and_Friends_(E)(M6)(BAHAMUT).rar.html/
  5. nikume101

    nikume101 Well-Known Member

    You know you suck if your famicom is LAUGHING at you for not getting through Super Mario Bros Level 1 - 1..
  6. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    im not, because i am playing smbb (super-smash-bros-brawl) and there you do have 1 minute to play the game.
  7. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    when you insist you arth thou playing smbb
  8. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    ??? i cant read what you say...

    when you dream about being mario
  9. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    when thy thumb breaketh
  10. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    yes, but is that north-america? or south-afrika? sorry, but i cant read that at all ???
  11. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    when thy one does not knoweth that ones thumb is broken
  12. evannick

    evannick Well-Known Member

    when you cant win elite four in emerald with a lvl 70 blaziken =.=
  13. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    when you know you suck
  14. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    when you are trying to get the dsi to 1.03 and do it so;
    1. You slam him to a wall, thinking its in coma,
    2. you put in the r4i without sd
    3. you let the wii stand on it to let the wii backup data
    4. you put an sd with files into dsi hoping it will absorb 1.03 version
    5. you get the dsi memory into the PC and copy all files, but delete the 1.04 version
    6. you slam on it when memory is in it
    7. you turn the power on

    but it does it, but it has loosed all data, and you had so much on it!
    and the R4i card still doesn't work... :'(
  15. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    Into a wall eh?
    How about when you hit the psx so hard it actually breaks the rental copy of FFVIII that you had in it because you know you hit R1 in time even if the game doesn"t
  16. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    when your thumbstick says "no more"
  17. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    i cant.....
  18. marzz92

    marzz92 Well-Known Member

    When you cannot even beat Lucifer in SMT:DS when you have lv 99 cheat codes. (yea, this is true)
  19. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    when a planet falls on you...
  20. johncarl

    johncarl Well-Known Member

    when thy thumb breaketh
    ( repeated)