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Yoshi's Pokémon Giveaway

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by yoshi2889, Apr 7, 2010.

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  1. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I just got it, and I didn't look at the moves yet.
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Re: Yoshi\'s Pokémon Giveaway

    A Caterpie with CUT. Is that enough proof for you? Or do you not understand? It takes another cheat for Caterpie to learn it, like I said in the other post. Maybe you should read my posts again. 1 cheat + 1 cheat = 2 cheats. Do you get it now? I'm still going off of the fact that YOU taught it cut (because you admitted it), not "your friend" that you just so happened to remembered that supposedly taught it. Do I need to quote that too?

    I just find it hilarious that anytime someone asks YOU for proof, you hide behind excuses, but when you ask me for proof, I give it to you in a clear, concise manner and you still don't get it.

    Your repeated requests to lock this topic tells me that you've lost, and you are resorting to the mods to lock this for you so you can avoid the whole situation.

    Read the bolded responses part again. I'm not sure if you got the condescending tone...I don't care if you do or not. The point was to be condescending, which you missed altogether.
    Only a noob puts their responses in someone else's quote...and double posts as well.

    One more thing, what are the dates acquired for those Jirachi? And what are their Secret IDs? Google Secret IDs if you don't know what I'm talking about.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Yoshi is just a kid...looks like I'm gonna have to help.

    [me=hYpNoS]request immediete assistance[/me]
  4. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    No. I was looking at a other caterpie, so I've mistaken myself (I have 2 caterpies. One from my friend (with Cut), and one from myself (with the moves I got it with)).
    Because you say I lie and I did one time and now I don't.
    I just want this to stop, and when someone can't reply, this automatically stops.
    And an other noob doesn't trust each other.
    IDK, and I do not install anything on my R4 to just find that.
    He got the Jirachi's on both the same day (we were with three and my friend and his friend got it on that day)
    He got one from his friend (or that's what he said) and now I got both.
    Date: 6 Apr. 2010
    It seems weird, but it totally isn't. They told each other on how-to.
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Sigh...seems like you just make stuff up as you go. Do you see what I mean about hiding behind excuses? Well, here's the proof that you do that, and it is this exact reason why I called you, and still call you a liar.
    Failure to provide proof that it is legit, makes it not proven legit.
    Funny, because the distribution started February 27, 2010 and ended March 13, 2010. These are April 6th, 2010. Looks like someone cheated after all. To answer Suiseiseki's question, yes, those are hacked.

    I find it hilarious that I'm getting PMed about this topic and about how bad I'm owning you on this subject. You've lost. Just quit now. I told you to quit while you're ahead at least 3 times now and you still failed to do that. It would have been smarter on your part to follow that instruction (this is a prime example why we have the 5th amendment here in the States). It would have saved what dignity you had left.
  6. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    There we go again...
    I am NOT gonna install anything just to see that. You have did the same if you do not trust the site.
    My friend already said that he wanted to trade them with me so I already putted them in the list.
    If YOU quited this all didn't happen.
  7. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    You do not need to install ANYTHING to see it. LOL
    You're still trading them under the premise that they are legit when they are clearly not. Back to square 1.
    You're blaming me for this dragging on? Have you not gotten the point? Everyone is held accountable for their actions. This is YOUR thread, YOUR problem, and it is YOUR OWN ACTIONS that led to your undoing. You've lost respect because of YOUR actions, not mine. I've simply pointed out that what you have for trade is hacked, and then you go and make excuses about why they're hacked, or they're not yours, or "that's not what I meant," etc. etc. The fact is, they're still hacked, and you're trading them under the premise that they're not hacked, when they really are.

    I've gotten multiple confessions out of you already.
    We've reached a verdict.
    Case closed.
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    I'm gonna tell you wha I tell my brother when he's lost...

    Just shut up before you dig a deeper grave...unless you just want your name last in this thread before it's eventually locked.

    (How does a 20yr enjoy picking on a little dutch kid of 11yrs...I don't know what's more PATHETIC here!)
  9. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Urgh... I so wanna have this locked...

    Gonna PM a mod if needed...

    [me=YoshiFlip]goes to train for his exam next week[/me]
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Only one mod can lock this, he isn't online...also peopleare right about the facebook thing...no need to tell us your going on a train ::)

    You have facebook-post all this stuff as notes, it might be more useful than posting it here since alot of people are getting sick of some of your post/topics lately.

    Sorry mate, but the truth needs to be said.
  11. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Also, don't forget the global mods, like Reider, Anandjones.
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