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Yo Girls and Guys

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joshaz, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    This thread just keeps getting better and better :D
  2. Joshaz

    Joshaz Well-Known Member

    I'm glad my topic is 'entertaining' you guys haha
    Post Merge: [time]1255601953[/time]
    I fit this EXACTLY haha
    Where are you from?? :p
  3. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Ohho... I smell love in the air~
  4. Joshaz

    Joshaz Well-Known Member

  5. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Joshaz if anything happens, practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  6. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Compatable personality.
    Good spelling and English.
    Attractive to me.
    Likes hugs and kissing.
    Loves me! Top 1.
    Trusts me!
    And I can trust her!

    B to D breasts
    Nice ass
    Likes sex
    Has humour
    Feels the same dislike as I do for certain types of people
    Would like to punch MDS ;p
    Nice hips!
    Pretty face!
    Good fashion sense!
    Smells nice!
    Plays games!
  7. dlord1193

    dlord1193 Active Member

    Emo or Punk or Scenic I like them all
  8. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    LOL ;D
    Great advice ;D
  9. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    ppppshhhhhh.... Stereotypes. That's all this thread needs...
  10. Yenifer

    Yenifer Well-Known Member

    YEAAAAH .... that hurts!

    http://www.s1cness.com/wp-content/emo.jpg [DAMN! But the two guys shown HOTLINKED are cool anyway]

    I once was part of the gothic - scene ... give me some emos and I will rip some heads of!!! DAMN PUSSIES! just an imitational mix of goth, rockabilly ... ::)
    Emo should just stand for a musicscene cause the youth movement is crap.

    ;D Sorry.
  11. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    What a HOTLINKER!!

  12. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    My dream girl should come with a preinstalled sense of humour.

    She shouldn't be "pretty" in the common sense of word, but she should definately look interesting. Also she shouldn't slim :/
  13. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i like soldiers lol
    this is what i dislike on guys: bisexual, homosexual, gay or whatever sexuality it is, i want a straight guy!
  14. rikana

    rikana Member

    -good sense of humor
    -laid back
    -timid to a certain degree (could be shy around people but can open up when alone)
    -loves gaming
    -loves watching movies
    -loves to eat (don't want her skinny nor do I want her big.. I just love a girl with an appetite since I can eat a lot and never get fat from it)
    -listen to similar songs
    -appearance; average at least (I prefer cute over pretty/hot to be honest)
    -knows how to be a lady on the streets but be her inner child/wild when alone
    -knows how to handle money (honestly.. a lot of gals I dated had this problem lol..)
    -asian (not being racist or anything; I'm very multicultural in terms of friends but I never seem to "click" with a gal that's not asian for some reason [the same for the gal.. we just have these awkward conversations and it kind of ends there].. I hope that can change though 'cause I'd love to date someone other than my own ethnicity)

    as tough as this list is, i have to be realistic and say that these are wants and not needs (it doesnt matter even if that person only gets one check off the list). from my experience, all that matters is how much affection the partners get from one another. thats what keeps everything steady.
  15. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    wow what a tough checklist lol
  16. mkdavid42

    mkdavid42 New Member

    Hmm... Well, just to get the fickleness out of the way, I'd rather someone whose face isn't "ugly without silliness" (to borrow a phrase from Lord of the Flies). Not that I'm entirely obsessed with looks, but- Actually, no, I'll stop 'appearance' here instead of running the risk seeming a total arsehole.

    -understands my bizarre sense of humor
    -can realize that a good deal of what I say I don't mean
    -not clingy
    -isn't a huge money-spender
    -no drug addictions (including cigarettes, due to allergies)
    -likes or is neutral to gaming
    -not a political or religious fanatic
    -likes, or at least doesn't hate: video games; comedy/horror/action movies; the internet; and manga/anime
    -not an officer of the law (on account of a Romulation account) or a blood relation close enough to cause deformities
    -always has been female (no hermaphrodites/sex changes/traps)
    -is fine with my reading and gaming addiction
    -is fine with my paranoia (I call it preparedness)
    -not morbidly obese
    -not prone to cheating/STDs

    Actually, these can be summed up as
    -will not arrest me/get me arrested
    -likes me for personality (not intelligence/appearance/wealth)
    -a few appearance-related qualifications

    ... Anyone else feel VERY alone after typing their list?
  17. rikana

    rikana Member

    haha yeah. as tough as it is though, i gotta be realistic. i don't expect to checkmark everything when i meet someone. in the end, all that matters is if you two really care about each other. thats the time when you know your criterias wouldn't matter or even come to mind.
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ouch :(

    Oh well..I just whinge and bitch mostly...not the steroeo typical type ethier-no make up...just a few black shirt and a rather unhappy way of life..

    Normal-looks it's sunny


    ...I like rain, video games, people who can withstand my bitchy-ness (so I'd prefer a non-emo to change me XD) and just hanging out...simple minded I am.

    All I want is someone smart, patient, and willing to help me if I fall (over) :)

    Oh...nationality is less important...but being half asian...prehaps.. ;D
  19. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i actually liked some of your criterias lol

    -timid to a certain degree (could be shy around people but can open up when alone)
    -knows how to be a lady on the streets but be her inner child/wild when alone
    -knows how to handle money (could be a stockholder lol)
    -asian (err..?)

    all users who posted here sounded like singles lol
  20. rikana

    rikana Member

    may i know why the "err?"? haha its cause of the environment i live in.. im surrounded by asians everywhere thats why i always wanna try something different. and yea.. im single. gotta admit haha.