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Yo Girls and Guys

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joshaz, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. amapora

    amapora Member

    @ mds64: Of course food and sleep is VERY important. I actually forgot about this... I think insomniac, sleep-a-holic, night owl is a must! Road trip is good as long as the guy does the driving for safety's sake LOL

    Wow you are almost perfect if only for the chilli... Oh I love chilli's... When I die I want my ashes to grow with the chilli seeds or err to be burried with chilli... Oh <3

    How small you must be to match? I like the guy to be taller... I think that would not be hard in comparison to me lol
  2. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Oh, I thought he meant "small" as... well, you know.
  3. Joshaz

    Joshaz Well-Known Member

    That's what I thought too :)
    I must say that I want a girl who is beautiful, but she doesn't know that she is.
  4. amapora

    amapora Member

    A small what? I don't get it.... >_>"
  5. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    I think they are talking about this quote vvv

    they are either talking about penis or...
  6. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    This thread is becoming a matchmaking thread, lol XD. But the posters should really tell their location first...
  7. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Alice. . . *drool*
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    When us men hear the words "small, man" used together then it's usually about part of the male body parts...it's...part of making kids ::)

    I'm too westernized lol!

    Hard to believe that I grew up with chilli...but now...I can't eat them directly-moderate spicy-ness is the max I can take :(

    ...as for my sleep-I normally go to sleep at 2am weekdays-weekends or non-work days...4-5am XD

    (As for height-I'm 6.2FT-so I'd dwarf the averge gal :) )

    But I doubt it'd work out...My guess is your not in australia-and even if you were...I'd have little time...Despite having short work shifts I'm always on call-work aholic you see (need money for games ;) )

    But friends I always have time for-check out spam and see me at my best XD (you'd be surprised how often my behaviour changes...short attention span or split personalities-you tell me :) )

    If it's on thier profiles then I say it's done-but not always the best idea...

    Hence why I'm listed mine as...

    "Australia, apparently"

    I'm the odd one out here XD
  9. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Owww.... Girls.... ;D
  10. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Why are you here-you already got one XD

    (PS-read my game rules-you just reset "VS mDS64" XD)
  11. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Wow strict requirements O.O

    I'll try but even finding one that is a gamer is hard here >.<
  12. Yenifer

    Yenifer Well-Known Member

    That is a good question. And I guess those Perfect-Non-Perfect-List one makes is not able to endure reality. Come what may ... I got a imaginary list myself, ...

    - he should be taller than I am, cause a woman tends to feel safe if there is a difference in height and physical strength ::)

    - all my ex-es have been tall and thin, but had wide shoulders (and long hair or at least no hair ;D :D ;D )

    What is much more important

    - a potential partner has to be trustworthy, honest
    - he will never ever cheat and he knows that fidelity is the most important thing ever
    one could talk about everything
    - on can discuss with him
    - he gives me creative- boosts
    - he is fun to go out with
    - he should love games as much as I do ... best would be he is a gamer and also loves pen & paper roleplaygames to join our weekly DSA group
    - he has to accept that I invest a lot of freetime into arts, programming, visiting friends
    - he has to be fine with me being very ambitious
    - he loves nature as I go and best would be he loves ireland and wants to join me on my journeys
    - he never ever tells me that I am totally crazy ;D


    But that all is just teoretical blabla ...
  13. hoba

    hoba Member

    What do I look for in a woman?

    Low self-esteem.

  14. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    uh... good luck.

    i'd like a girl that i dont actually hate.
  15. Yenifer

    Yenifer Well-Known Member

    Yeah ... I know ... but as I said perfection is not reality ... *hrhr*
    Else I would have stayed with my ex, er?

    After all I guess it is important to dream ...
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    [me=mds64]slaps hoba out[/me]

    ...no love for you.

    Don't mind nex-he loves crushing people's dreams XD

    But don't aim for perfection-aim for just a friendly person who's "ok" to the eye-more fish in that barrel XD

    (Why go for the ferrari's when there is a cheaper car just around the corner I say)
  17. Yenifer

    Yenifer Well-Known Member

    No one can crash a mad - insanes dreams I guess! Don't ever worry ...

    Haha - Yeah, don't mind, as long as it drives [you crazy], hr? *prrr*
  18. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    why do you talk about me like i'm some sort of evil villain or bad guy from scooby doo...

    i'd like a girl to be at my side when i take over the world... MUAH HAH HAH!!
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    What ever floats ya boat ;)

    ...you know what's funny everyone-there was a thread simerlar to this-but unlike that one this hasn't become a debate yet.

    More like a DC villian like Lex Luthor XD
  20. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    physical appearances
    - prominent cheekbones
    - thick eyebrows (but not a unibrow!)
    - square-ish jaw
    - tall 'cause i'm short haha.

    other attributes
    - creativity
    - must be well-rounded. i don't want a guy whose life revolves around just one thing like sports/gaming/partying/whatever
    - social awareness and a big... heart. haha : )
    - intelligence is a plus
    - a rad sense of humor