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Xbox 360 Slim Failure Rate?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chaunceez, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I got a friend that own this one, he says that nothing is wrong with it, also the heat is less, seen?
    It's design is more acurate to not get the GPU overheat as the Falcon mobo in the first 360.
    I neither see this issue happening in the Jasper mobo model, I know a lot of people that own it (jasper and slim) and that know other people, I asked 'em, they say it's ok.
    Of course that it will also depend in your acts, y'know, put it in a well ventilated area, away from heat and wet.
  2. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Xenon was the first 360 mobo, then it was Zephyr,Falcon,Opus,Jasper and finally Valhalla (slim)
  3. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

  4. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    wow ok then maybe i can share some light on this lost topic.

    now i have to say i am not a fan of a ps3 but i will be fair. when it come to the 360 to the ps3 for me 360 all ways wins. now the only thing that i know that happens to a 360 is the your hdd drive messes up. this is easy to fix. now for the 360 if you get rrod or e73 it more harder to fix.(i have a 360 for about 5 year annd it doing e73(note 5 years is about the max time a 360 will run good and not mess up if you are lucky)). now because the slim is a very new system that is redone there is no good way of telling. from what o herd the slime is better to get. bigger space more open vents for the heat to get out(i think there is a smaller plug now.)
    chances are that microsoft has mix most of the proplems with the older 360 in the new one.

    if you need a reasons to buy one. xbox live has a lot of players who talk.(some talk to much) and has a lot of good game

    ps3 has good games to but no people talk on line and if they do they are most likely the inmature people.

    getting a system base on mature of the people who play is not good. both systems have there mature and inmature people
    (i went off topic i know) but like i said the failure rate of a the slime 360 can not be told right now. but chances are they are much lower then the older 360.

    hope this helps
  5. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    you being fair is like a kkk member debating the dominant race.

    why do they choose those names? do they come with a background of why, or is it for shits and giggles?
  6. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    how am i acting like that. i said i dont like ps3 i kind of dont. but i was being fair. i may dislike a console. but that does not mean i am going to say it sucks all the way. ps3 has some good things about. there is all so some bad things. i said i was being fair and i was.
  7. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    I agree, I've benchmarked some games in all currently systems (PC, PS3 and 360)
    PS3 may have better hardware, however it follow Moore's law, only 20~30% of it's capacity is used, which means that in games that have in both systems, 360 is better, little better details in textures/graphic, but win.
  8. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    It's the fact that you're deciding a winner based on your own thoughts. That, and you're deciding a winner from one side of the competition. Honestly, if you're going to be "fair" put everything on the table, don't just speak for one half of the competition. You've slandered the ps3 with "no one speaks online, and when they do, they're most likely immature"(yes, i corrected your opinion)
    Yes, you didn't say it sucked, but you only listed good/bad for the 360 and only the bad for ps3. a half-assed comparison is half-assed.
    360 is indefinitely a great console, but it is not a winner nor is the ps3.

    That doesn't determine the winning system, more like the better developer. There are games that are equally, if not better(rarely ever seen), on the ps3. This result has been shown when developers actually use the ps3 as the lead console + the exclusives. The game using the least out of the console doesn't mean the console is failing, but the developer. As people have said, the cell is harder to learn, but the benefits of utilizing it have yielded results. In most cases, it's more safe to say the developer is the problem. Platinum Game's Bayonetta for example, it was a horrid port that was rushed because it shifted from a 360 exclusive to multiplatform.

    it's not that i have a problem with the 360/PS3 debates, but it's rather annoying without the facts.
    that, and the point of the thread was to see if the 360 S warrants a repurchase for him, he doesn't need to read a debate on which console is better if he already had both. he should probably know the cons and pros by now.
  9. phscarface

    phscarface Well-Known Member

    So let's help the guy there, which you didn't make at your post even after "correcting" me....

    You'll see there a rate of failure of course, but there's NO ONE hardware that is failure proof, you'll see...
    There's people that get a TV and in the first weeks get a failure, but that doesn't mean that every TV will do the same, just cause the firsts models was getting famous cuz the 3RL, that doesn't mean that all consoles now will do.

    A quote from Portalxbox.com.br:
  10. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    well, you were relating the game that looks better on this than that as if it were the consoles fault -which it's not in most cases- so i corrected you.
    if you're talking about the parenthesized correction, you should really read the quote above it.

    the only thing i know about the new 360 S is the new ventilation which i pointed out in my first post, and the failsafe method it has to prevent overheating.
    of course, neither were thoroughly explained :\
  11. nemesis11

    nemesis11 Well-Known Member

    One advice : ALWAYS INSTALL your games on XBOX360 HDD ,Installing games will help to stop her from overheating,this prevents RRoD
  12. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    You have documented proof of this? There are numerous reasons of RRoD but playing games off HDD or the disc itself makes no difference in the console overheating or lack thereof.
  13. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    guessing he thinks the lens reading overheats it more...
  14. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Well if that's the case then I can just claim by turning the system on will overheat it and cause RRoD.