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Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by kenny6457, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    if its of toi then nah i already got a prepatched ver of toi but if its of ysmenu then im listening
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    How far do you get into installing ysmenu when it gives you the error
  3. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    as in when i first started?
  4. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    As in, what causes you to get the error.

    does it happen when you are creating a folder, etc?

    What exactly caused it
  5. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    How bout the 2 of you post instructions like this below, it may help to make it simpler for both of you to understand ;D

    2)you do this..
    3)then this....
    4)got it?...
  6. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    wrong ysmenu file
    but know i have the right one
  7. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Is the wrong ysmenu file the error now? i thought it was the processing one
  8. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    I would try and do the ysmenu tutorial for you. Hopes this problem solve before then ;D
  9. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    i thought u mean the one while making the ysmenu file the one where u select the infolab.dat thing and the ysmenu thing
  10. unqiueninja

    unqiueninja Well-Known Member

    Adiós, hasta la próxima

    Goodbye, see you tomorrow ;D
  11. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    i think i might just send my micro sd card to nathan drake so he can get this over with
  12. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Did you make sure to make a Ysgenerator folder and extract Ysgenerator in it

    You made sure to put the ysmenu file in the Ysgenerator folder? and sure sure the ys folder was still a zip/rar file or whatever, not extracted?

    Did you make sure that the COMPONENTS folder was there, all caps.
  13. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    stillprobally gonna send it to nathan drake so he can fix it
  14. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Are you using Windows 7?
  15. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    windows vista
  16. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Ah, i think someone changed the compatibility in windows 7 and it ended up working, i think someone was able to put the info or whatever file, the one you can't copy over into the unzipped folder and it worked.

    Good luck with your problem, gotta sleep now
  17. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    looks like im gonna have to wait for a couple hours
  18. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Since I'm tired of explaining, against my better judgment, I'll piece together a YSMenu for you later. Explaining is just getting absolutely nowhere it seems.

    First: Yes, I know, Yasu didn't like people passing around pre-made YSMenu's. Well, Yasu doesn't update YSMenu anymore, so really, no more harm can be done.


    Place those on the root of your MicroSD card.
  19. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    this should work
    Post Merge: [time]1278361735[/time]
    nope doesnt work either
  20. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    On your MicroSD card, have:

    The R4 SDHC firmware.
    The YSMenu set-up I gave you.
    All the DS ROM's and such.

    The YSMenu should have a .nds file with it. You want to run that from your regular firmware, and it should boot up YSMenu.