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Wrestling Roundtable

Discussion in 'Sports' started by dedboy, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. dedboy

    dedboy Guest


    Also, any thoughts on tonight's Raw? Will Cena be 'fired' XD
  2. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Oh thats it. Man people made it sound like something was about to go down.

    Also cena will not get fired because he technically help barrett win the match just not the title
  3. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Well see what it was, is when taker asked Lesnar if he wanted to "go". He meant a match at WM27(XXVII)
    Thus why all the heat. Dana White(UFC president) said no way in hell it would happen. But I sense it's a possibility.

    Anyways, I'm off to watch Raw, sleep well guys, and enjoy the show.
  4. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Oh shit, I'm watching replays online. That Danielson/Ziggler II match was fucking beautiful, a PPV quality match, and I'm loving Ziggler's reverse powerslam move.
  5. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    wow anyone see that tag title match on tna impact. It was fucking awesome if tna had more of that and less promos then maybe tna would start being important
  6. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    MCMG/Generation ME/ and Ink inc.

    Badass match, ashame TNA's knockout division and tag teams have better karma and matches that the lame ass singles division.

    Abyss putting Eli-- I mean da pope in a coffin and hitting it with his spiked 2x4?
    Shit that was the Triple H puts taker into a coffin, and hits with his sledgie.
    They REALLY need to stop the re-hashing bullshit of old WWE storylines.
  7. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    I just watched the ziggler vs daniel bryan match from raw and it was awesome. And since cm punk was scouting daniel bryan could this lead to a new SES but with way more talent
  8. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet


    LOL at R-Truth being a backstabber, the Pee Wee Herman segment was pretty fun and the segment with Vince and FPJ really brought it home for me.

    Vince: "Then, the next thing you're going to tell me that Daniel Bryan is the United States Champion."
    Dr. FPJ: *Akward Look*
  9. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    ok just watch the MCMG vs GenMe match from bound for glory. Two of the best tag teams ever and i swear either member of MCMG could make an awesome heavyweight champ

    Dang tna ppv turning point was weak
  10. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member


    If you can't figure out what you're looking at check out the filename of the image.
  11. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Yea i heard about tna new championship. Funny how jeff wants to be badass and calls himself the anti christ of wrestling but now he carrying around the divas title lol
  12. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Jeff is playing the heel role well though. He's got the kayfabe down well and stays in character even out of shows.
    Like the old days.

    I actually am not looking forward to Survivior Series.
    I only hope Kane retains. Edge and Kane is the only match I can think of that can draw well enough.
    The rest of the show feels way too rushed and not pushed enough to warrant any reaction...

    I wouldn't even pop if Miz won the title. No HBK, no trips, no Rock, no one that stands out anymore.
    These guys that are out there now, seem like next door neighbors to me.
    And Regal possibly retiring, I hope he stays on as a trainer and agent.

    For now TNA is actually WCW from 2000-2001
    And WWE, PG era or not, needs a better creative staff as bad as TNA does. :/

    AJ should still be TNA champion- Heel or Face, he should still be champ.
    X-Divison title is shit now.
    MCMG are the only real draw TNA has.

    WWE champ should still be Sheamus, no BS. He can go face or heel and still get the job done.
    Triple H should return and turn heel ASAP.
    Undertaker should turn heel and end his carrer as he started, a badass monster heel.
    Same for Kane.
    The bad guys should outnumber the good guys, and have the good guys make a heroic comeback, only to still lose to the good guys, forcing final matches at next year's Mania.
    WM 27, should end with clean finishes, NO BS run-ins, no BS Dusty finishes.
    HBK should come back, but only to either help Taker, or my personal favorite, turn heel and attack Taker, but it's Taker, so he'll still win and go 19-0.
    Face taker should take on a full heel Cena- as that would actually be a decent draw.
    -Two faces in a match doesn't seem to work anymore-
    This Nexass storyline is NWO again.
    How many NWO rehash storylines do they need?

    Probably should have put this in rants, but at least you get a read of it.
    I'm not booking or in creative. But I'm pretty sure a drunken toddler can write better matches, storylines, and finishes.
  13. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    I completely agree wit dedboy. Especially the part about aj styles and MCMG
  14. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member


    Needs me some CHIKARA
  15. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    .Oh my god, he's agile..
    That one got me.

    If he can beat Grassman, then he deserves all the belts merged into one, melted down into a grail and filled with ambrosia.

  16. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member


    Also wwe dvd top 50 superstars of all time
    1. Shawn Michaels
    2. The Undertaker
    3. Steve Austin
    4. Bret Hart
    5. The Rock
    6. Harley Race
    7. Ricky Steamboat
    8. Andre the Giant
    9. Rey Mysterio.
    10. Roddy Piper
    11. Eddie Guerrero
    12. Triple H
    13. Gorgeous George
    14. Randy Savage
    15. Curt Hennig
    16. John Cena
    17. Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes (tied)
    18. ?
    19. Edge
    20. Jerry Lawler
    21. Lou Thesz
    22. Terry Funk
    23. Hulk Hogan
    24. Bruno Sammartino
    25. Chris Jericho
    26. Ted DiBiase
    27. Fabulous Moolah
    28. Freddie Blassie
    29. Randy Orton
    30. Pat Patterson
    31. The Iron Sheik
    32. Jimmy Snuka
    33. Mick Foley
    34. Kurt Angle
    35. Buddy Rogers
    36. Gorilla Monsoon
    37. Junkyard Dog
    38. Billy Graham
    39. Jake Roberts
    40. Big Show
    41. Jack Brisco
    42. Sgt. Slaughter
    43. Kane
    44. Nick Bockwinkel
    45. Jeff Hardy
    46. Dory Funk Jr.
    47. Bob Backlund
    48. Rick Rude
    49. Batista
    50. Killer Kowalski
  17. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    5 Years.


  18. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Feels bad, man.
  19. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

  20. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Eddie was a loss from so many standpoints.
    But if his life taught anyone anything to defy odds and overcome demons, then I am positive he'd say it was all worth it.
    That was the way the man was..

    Edit*- Anyone have a close to full version of Eddies "Gangsta Lean"?
    It was his next to final theme, when he was tagging with Batista, he used it.

    Toss those tacos in your direction, I don't play.--
    Now it's about time I step into the Gansta Lean.
    (It's about that time homeboy)
    Now it's time to get this party cracking,
    It's time to let 'em know what's happenin'
    * I can tell you're a yes man*