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Wrestling Roundtable

Discussion in 'Sports' started by dedboy, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    AJ has been punked lately. They keep making him look weaker and weaker.
    He beat Tommy Dreamer in the I-Quit match and looked damn good doing so, then he starts losing and his character looks less like flair is managing AJ and more like AJ is managing Flair.

    He's still a beast though, if he's used right.
  2. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    It is, good call.

    Although i think Ink vs. Orlando/Super Eric should have opened.
  3. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Same here. Anything after MCMG is too damn difficult to top.
    That match should be after abyss/RVD and before the triple threat main event.
  4. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    resluts so far:

    Nash, Sting and Pope (Jarrett Turn)

    not doing too bad with the preds

    God, I thought Jarrett turning was way too fucking obvious but hey...
  5. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Why don't I care that TNA has a Pay Per View?

    Wait, this is why.


    5 ex-WWE guys, an ex-WCW guy. With the exception of Jarrett, none of these people weren't even in the weekly PPVs that TNA used to dish out. And with the exception of Angle, I don't care about anyone of the people in this poster. So much for building new stars. I could have been happy if they at the very least, put Styles in there.

    Fuck Asshole and Hardy, really.
  6. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Looks like I was right with EV2.0 and the Team 3D announcement, my strike rate is fapworthy.
  7. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    So They is NWO TNA.

    Hardy, new TNA champ
    Hogan turns heel
    and Jarrett.

    Damn that was shitty.
  8. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    The livecap I read said:

    "Nobody saw THIS coming."

    Because it was too stupid to see coming. I wish they left "they" out of the main event.
    I think if I watched the stream I would have broken my monitor.
  9. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    This is a nice anagram you know, rearrange a few letters and you have shit.
    Which is what I though of the ending.
    Turning Hardy heel? All they tried to do is re-copy bash at the beach 96.
    With a new NWO, so what now, Nwo vs Ev2 vs Fortune?
    Too many stables. It's like WCW 2000-2001 all over again.
  10. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    I'm done with TNA for another month.

    Bragging Rights coming up, let's pick teams! SD vs Raw. No world champs, no Cena.

    brb gathering information
  11. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    wow i just read the results for Bound for Mediocre and well im glad i was at work instead of paying for that piece of crap. I think i might youtube a few matches later but i am more than disappointed and im a tna fan (not so much lately). Half the matches i didnt even know was on card from lack of hype like jay lethal vs doug williams and ink inc vs jordan and young. And why would they have senior citizens... i mean ev2.0 go over the guys that could be future main events (if they ever stop just thrusting ex-wwe wrestlers in the main event).

    Anyways im picking Team raw over team smackdown because the Miz is awesome and Smackdown won last year
  12. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Here we fucking go, BraggiNg Rights. I say Team Raw will win this, since Team Smackdown looks pretty weak (hell, Team Smackdown was pretty weak last year, but they won, so you'll never know). Then Team Nexus vs Team Nexus+McGuillibuddies, I say a splintering of the original Nexus, brought on by Otunga, and further widened by the trollfacing John Cena.
  13. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    well i played lucha libre AAA heros game and here is what i think so far. I dont know much about AAA besides a few wrestlers like jack evans, konnan, psychosis, and a few others. Its better than the tna game in terms of character creation and move sets but the gameplay is kinda clunky like tna. Havent gotten to far but its an ok game and until i get farther in the story mode and play wit some friends and try the online i will give this a 6/10

    well watching tna and looking at hardy and just realized tna cant go a month without someone making a face/heel turn lol
  14. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Matt Hardy just got released.
  15. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Yeah, he's gone.

    He'll sign with TNA, I can almost guarantee this.

    The decision to release him had been made a year ago. He was jobbed out to dickentyre. And then he shot himself in the foot with his soma intoxication.
    check out his 'shoot' interview on You-Tube about Lita.
    He's drugged in the video as well. His health and 'demons' are more important now.
    As Jim Ross said, this is probably the best for both sides.

    Anyone game for a website for longtime fans of pro wrestling? I don't mean lordsofpain, I mean a new one. I know of four people who could make it happen. Any thoughts on it?
  16. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Anyone think team smackdown is looking way stronger than team raw this year. I pretty much approve of all the stars on team smackdown besides kaval losing his spot to tyler whacks. Also how lame is it that santino made team raw but not daniel bryan

    Also i think the wrestling site is a good idea
  17. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Matt Hardy got released for uploading a video of Rey Mysterio unmasked.

    Now, it might sound like nothing because of sup-2000-WCW, but Mysterio really is somewhat of a special case. He was allowed by the lucha-libre-powers-that-be to wear his mask in WWE after Vince McMahon went in to bat for him. This just doesn't happen in lucha, once you've lost that mask that's it. However Rey got it back, and you better bet that mask was very important to him, wanna bet Rey didn't give Matt permission to post it? Wanna bet Rey is not impressed with Hardy?

    Bottom line is, this is just another selfish move from Matt Hardy. The dude is a mark for himself. I can't wait for him to go to TNA and learn a very harsh lesson there. That lake is far too small and it's filled with fish that are far too big.
  18. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    The site is becoming a very fast reality, speak up if you want onboard.

    We'll have spoiler sections, DVD reviews, matches, and all things of the like.

    Thanks to anyone that is interested.

    @Devon- We've all seen Mysterio unmasked, he and Konnan lost to the Outsiders, and had to unmask.

    But Hardy is his own mark, I know TNA will sign him, seeing as his biggest insurance policy(Jeff) is still around.
  19. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

  20. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet


    Like all of us didn't see this coming for the past 2 months now.