Pinned Mark Henry. Spoiler Although it was a Jericho reign Shucky Ducky Quack Quack
just read spoilers about smackdown i hope a daniel bryan is in the making I think if i played bookermania i would laugh the first few mins then kill myself
when was this taken? recently? outdated when it comes to wrestling nowadays EDIT: nvm, just did a search on him
Never necroed a thread before. But I actually have a fondness for this one. Go figure. So Seph or Loony, please don't be too enraged. So that being said- Anyone keep up with the misadventures of what is now, Impact wrestling, sans the TNA. Lashley is a beast and a half though. And poor James Storm should be champ though. AJ finally not only kicked NJPW, with a lengthy title reign a few years back, he gets signed by the WWE, and debuts back in 2016. And wins the WWE title. Wish he was still champ. But rumor is, Orton will drop it eventually, and the(the face) Styles will win it for his second reign. I wonder if anyone is left to even revitalize this thread. Edit: Just trying revitalize a dead thread!!
Nikki Bella married John Cena. Could not think of much else to say to revitalize this topic. Oh, well. I tried.