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Wrestling Roundtable

Discussion in 'Sports' started by dedboy, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Im curious what cole said in his tweet
  2. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

  3. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Oh i guess i could see how people could be offended and i hate cole so much but i dont thing he should be fired for it. Yea if he said that during a live show then yea but i dont think the man should lose his career for a mistake like that. At the most the man should get a suspension and give josh mattews a public apology.
  4. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Slimmy, WWE signed a deal with GLADD not one week earlier. This was the worst possible moment for Cole to call someone a faggot.

    EDIT: Got a duckload link for All-Stars (PSP) if anyone wants it.
  5. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Just came from wrestlemania party
    Woo woo woo!!!!! U know it
  6. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Wrestlemania? More like Wrestle"meh"nia. It feels so so lacking. Goddamn it, why can't Miz WIN CLEAN for once?
  7. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    That video package of the miz was probably the most awesome (no pun intended) thing on the show. True though non of the matches were really amazing.
  8. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Wrestlemania was okay. I had a terrible stream.

    EDIT: ...

    - You could have taken all the backstage stuff out and put Sheamus/DBD in. Bummer.
    - Cody Rhode's entrance was awesome, I like how he's turned his Dashing gimmick on it's head.
    - Cole/Lawler way too fucking long. I would have had SCSA come in, destroy Swagger, and count to 3 after a piledriver instead of this GM shit.
    - HHH/Undertaker was alright, could have done without all the "Just Die" stuff, though.
    - Cena's entrances are getting more retarded by the year, just let the dude walk out, pose and throw his fucking shirt out, jesus.
    - Rock's role in the main event was a nice little swerve, I was totally expecting the help Cena win/raise hand deal at the end.
  9. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Link to awesome video package of miz from wrestlemania
    So fucking awesome if u missed it

  10. dedboy

    dedboy Guest


    This is one of those things where you know a person's will has been broken.
    I hope Scott makes it through, but after pnuemonia and a pacemaker, bleak looking is a staunch understatement.

    WM27 was really convoluted to say the least- Taker and Trips had the best match by far. That's pretty bad considering the young guys got no ring time(Bryan and Sheamus specifically)

    Another Del Rio/ Edge match at Extreme Rules? How much more will Christian get buried in the writing teams scripts?

    Turn him heel and have him go over Edge. Or strap up Del Rio, and let Christian take it from him. Damn, even Jeff Hardy was finally given the strap... Well if I thought about it like that, maybe it would just be best to not strap up Christian.
  11. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Anybody know when the draft is
  12. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    4/18. That seems to be the general consensus for what has been leaked by WWE creative.
    Hell, the draft might not even happen now. It wouldn't surprise me if it was passed over for now, and held in May or later this year altogether.
  13. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    A bit of shitty news; Larry Sweeney topped himself. 29 years old.

    Oh, and Edge retired on RAW. Smells fishy, what with the trembling arms thing and all, but I'll roll with it at the moment - seeing as this will lead to a new world champ (either Del Rio or Christian) at the next PPV.
  14. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Man, fuck Hulk Hogan


  15. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Yea that lows even after edge mention hogan was an inspiration to him in his speech. Well good thing no really gives a fuck what hogan thinks (well maybe except dixie carter).
  16. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member

    In a follow-up to his recent controversial remarks about Edge's retirement, Hulk Hogan posted the following comments on his official Twitter page: "I'm not saying anything bad about Edge, but he's a real wrestler. Stone Cold and Cena had neck surgery and u couldn't stop em, or Edge. It's in Edges blood,he lives for this business. He's a real wrestler, he's a lifer, he's one of the real boys, he's hard to hold down, that's all. HH"

    It's interesting to note that Hogan's mention of Steve Austin's neck surgery (the same surgery that Edge had) seemed to indicate that Austin worked after the surgery and Edge has not. Both men worked for a while after their surgeries, but Austin stopped wrestling for the exact same reason Edge has been forced to retire: they risk very serious, permanent damage to their bodies if they continue.

    Source: wrestlezone.com

    This just goes to show (just like what v3 posted) that Hogan NEEDS to retire and shut up. No-one likes him anymore, no-one will.

    There also were plans to turn Christian heel, but it became too dangerous after it turned out just before WrestleMania that Edge would be forced to retire. They want Christian to be a big face on SmackDown. Good. That sounds like a nice push for him.

    BTW, the retirement has been confirmed by WWE as legit. I really have trouble believing this. Edge is my favorite wrestler, heel or face.

    As for Scott Steiner, why the hell would you even still wrestle when you have a pacemaker??? Anyway, the following was just posted on wrestlezone.com:

    Scott Hall has posted the following on Twitter, which is his first comment since Hall's incident at the Top Rope Promotions event this past Friday that resulted in him being hospitalized: "At the hospital in New England! Doing good. Thanx for all your well wishes & support! The Bad Guy!"

    ...Long live Twitter :S.

    So The Corre has been dissolved (kinda). Who cares? No-one cared about The Corre. EVER. Just like Nexus at this moment. Nexus was at its top with the line-up they had at SummerSlam. If they had only have John Cena turn heel after Elimination Chamber, it would also have stayed interesting... And just WHAT is this (Barrett voice) "much, much bigger picture, which is too big for you to comprehend"???? That's one I AM interested in. There were some talks about Cena or HHH being the man behind the Nexus, but those were never brought into action. Bummer.
  17. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Wait.... the corre broke up. Oh well the only one i even kinda liked was Justin Gabriel and that pretty 450 splash
  18. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Christian could have easily been turned heel. In was seriously discussed. The way it was told, was that a WWE agent informed VKM about Edge's increasing pain issues, and that Vince himself made the call for Edge to get another MRI done, in a different position that Edge had had previously done. That showed that he had a fissure in the fusion he had done back in 2002. It is indeed legit, and with the lack of star power now, the big E needs to do some serious reorganization.
    Orton being drafted to Smackdown would be damn good. Having Christian win the WHC would be seen much like Mysterio won the WHC after Eddie died. But even so, I would say it would be a start.
    RIP Larry Sweeney. Saw him at a few of the ROH older PPV's. I wish I could have been there before he decided to go through with it, but then again, I wished that for the others too.

    Alright ring generals(Devon, Slim, V3, Tanno, and myself) now that HBK and Edge are gone, Taker's shoulder and knees are shot, so he will be gone soon. Triple H will end up behind the scenes- What would you do with the current roster?

    So let's do this-
    Yep, our own WWE fantasy draft!
    You don't have to of course, and if you do, you damn sure don't have to draft the entire roster. Just the main eventers(unless you're that much of a completion freak)

    Smackdown to Raw:
    Big Show
    Kofi Kingston
    Wade Barrett
    Ezekiel Jackson
    Chris Jericho(I know he's inactive, just a long shot)
    Christian* - see note

    Raw to Smackdown:
    Randy Orton
    John Morrison
    Great Khali
    Daniel Bryan
    Miz*-See note

    I only did six of the major ones.
    Note- I am assuming the WWE might do another switch up with the belts and put the WWE champion on Smackdown, and the World Heavyweight Champion on Raw. If so I have also assumed Christian would win the WHC, and Miz would still be the WWE champ.
  19. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

  20. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    ok mine not so much a fantasy draft but what will be more beneficial to help balance out rosters and such

    From raw to smackdown
    Daniel bryan
    Evan bourne
    john morrison
    randy orton
    Ted Dibiase
    Sin Cara (maybe)

    From smackdown to raw
    Alberto Del rio (only if he doesnt get the world title)
    Big show
    Rey Mysterio
    Drew Mcintyre
    Wade Barrett
    Ezekieal Jackson