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Wrestling Roundtable

Discussion in 'Sports' started by dedboy, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Final battle roh results that i remember

    Briscoes and papa briscoe beat kings of wrestling and shane hagadorn

    Roderick strong beat davey richards

    el generico beat kevin steen
  2. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Thanks Slim. So Roderick is still ROH champ right?
    And the Kings are still Tag champs?
  3. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    yea roderick still champ and i think he even gave davey richards a concussion. I really wish davey won the title though because i dont reall like roderick.

    Also kevin steen vs el generico ended up being the main event and with generico win kevin steen is gone from roh unfortunaly
  4. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Irregardless isn't even a proper word, let alone "retired".

    And yes, I will derail a thread until this point is clear.
  5. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Damn grammar Nazi.


  6. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    "Morrison walks up to Bryan who has both very good looking Bellas with him and shakes his head."

    I want a gif of this.
  7. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Anyone else think that new member of nexus looks like he could be batista little brother
  8. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member

    New Nexus member (Mason Ryan) is known to be a Batista look-a-like.

    On another note: AJ Lee has turned heel on FCW. WTF???????
  9. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Mason Ryan vs Lucky Cannon FCW title match

    Listen to his opening promo. He's from Wales. And yes, very very similar to Batista.

    AJ Lee's heel turn was bound to happen, as she can play the rich spoiled girl role quite well actually.

    Ok roundtable folks. I'd like us to do a little creative on our own.

    Starting from the 2011 Royal Rumble, tell me who's going over in the two title matches:

    The Miz(C)- V Randy Orton
    Edge(C)- V Dolph Ziggler

    And the 40 man Royal Rumble match itself.
    And then set up Wrestlemania 27 for me.

    I'll lead this shit up;

    Miz retains over Orton at the rumble- Cole interfears, Riley does too(duh), and Miz barely escapes.
    Edge keeps his WHC, barely defeating Ziggler- look for Vicky to possibly become a babyface, or even Edge turning heel, and quite possibly a heel-face switch, with Ziggler turning face.(Just my opinion)

    I do believe that most people say Triple H will be in the rumble and win the damn thing, but the way he says it, he knows he needs to step aside. That being said, Christian is a big fan favorite to win it.
    I will go out here, and say that John Morrison wins it... A longshot yes, but it is still quite possible.

    WM 27 predictions...
    John Morrison defeats the Miz to capture the WWE championship..
    Wade Barrett defeats Edge to capture the World Heavyweight title
    Sheamus defeats Triple H in a street fight.
    Undertaker defeats John Cena- Taker turns heel during the match- Kane helps taker go over Cena.
    The Core(Smackdowns Nexus-Ezekiel, Slater, Gaberiel) defeats The Nexus(Harris, Otunga, Mcgillicutty)
    Daniel Bryan defeats Kofi Kingston to unify the US and Intercontinental titles- Kofi turns heel afterwards
    CM Punk defeats Vince McMahon after Brock Lesnar interfears.. Steve Austin interfears on behalf of Vince, but to no avail..

    Let's see how creative you can be.
  10. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    ok i accept your challenge
    royal rumble prediction
    Edge defeats Ziggler
    Orton defeats miz
    jericho returns to win royal rumble or alberto del rio wins (either is fine)

    wrestlemania predictions
    Nexus defeats the core
    Edge defends title against rey mysterio
    Jericho beats orton and cena in a triple threat for wwe title
    Triple h defeats shemeus
    Undertaker defeats miz (then brock lesnar attacks undertaker afterwards)
    Either John morrison or Alberto del rio wins Money in the bank
    Daniel bryan submits kofi kingston to unify the midcard titles
  11. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Edge over Ziggler
    Miz over Orton

    Rey Mysterio to win the rumble

    Edge over Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio to defend WHC
    John Cena over CM Punk to win WWE Title
    Orton over Miz
    Undertaker over Wade Barrett
    King Fella over Triple H
    John Morrison over Daniel Bryan to win US Title

    And that's all I'm willing to predict, going down to the lower cards is messy.
  12. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member

    Royal Rumble:
    Edge defeats Ziggler.
    Miz defeats Orton.
    Triple H makes a surprise return and wins the rumble :D.

    Undertaker won't return in time to wrestle.
    Sheamus has somehow won the WWE Title at Elimination Chamber, so Triple H beats Sheamus to hell for the WWE Title.
    The Core defeats Nexus, Big Show then "runs" to the ring and beats the shit out of The Core, then Long decided a Big Show vs. Wade Barrett match for later.
    Rey Mysterio defeats Edge for WHC.
    Kofi Kingston wins the MITB match.
    Big Show defeats Wade Barrett.
    Undertaker comes out for a promo, and gets attacked by Kane and John Cena. He can't wrestle yet.
    Daniel Bryan retains US Title vs. Tyson Kidd.
    Melina defeats Natalya :)() for the Diva's Title.

    That's about it.

    BTW, can someone explain the Kelly Kelly/Drew McIntyre stuff to me (with face/heel explanations) please? I've lost track, and wikipedia doesn't know anything about it.
  13. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    ^ I can only dream that kofi wins MITB
  14. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member

    I've decided to do an opinion on all superstars on the main WWE roster :D.

    Alicia Fox - Good diva, great heel. No face turn for her.
    Brie/Nikka Bella - Not gonna argue about that, I love them. Their storyline with Daniel Bryan sucks though :/.
    CM Punk - They should've never moved him him to RAW. He's a B-superstar, keep him in the B-show.
    Daniel Bryan - What can I say? He can wrestle, he's charismatic, he's nice, he's gentle - he's the perfect son-in-law.
    Darren Young - Deserves a push from Superstars to RAW. Oh, and he needs a haircut.
    David Hart Smith - Get back to tag team action, dude. You're nice as single, you're better as tag team.
    David Otunga - I don't like him. End of story.
    Evan Bourne - I love high-flyers. I hope he forms a tag team with Daniel Bryan once he returns - they'd make the perfect tag team.
    Gail Kim - Go back to TNA, you're ugly.
    Goldust - C'mon WWE, give him a push once he's back. He deserves it.
    Heath Slater - Isn't he on SmackDown? Anyways, he doesn't look like a wrestler. I don't like him.
    Husky Harris - Ah, there's our big fat loser. He sucks, he's ugly. Fuck him.
    Jerry Lawler - Great commentator, great wrestler. He rocks.
    Jimmy & Jey Uso - Good tag team. 'Nuf said.
    John Cena - Why do people hate him? He's a good wrestler, good on the mic, good looks. He just needs less wristbands.
    John Morrison - Has been doing great as a face. Keep it that way, John.
    Justin Gabriel - Shave off your beard, then you'll be fine again.
    Justin Roberts - Great announcer. Puts a lot of good effects in his voice.
    Mark Henry - Great as face, great as heel. He's good.
    Maryse - Turn face, you bitch! It'd make you perfect!
    Melina - Never liked her heel turn, never will. But she's great in the ring.
    Michael Cole - What's wrong with him? Step down from your Miz-obsession, because you're a great commentator when neutral.
    Michael McGillicutty - Don't really have an opinion on him.
    Michael Tarvel - Haven't seen enough yet to form any opinion.
    Mr. McMahon - Great face, great heel, great wrestler, great CEO, great whatnot. Keep it going.
    Primo - ????
    R-Truth - Great on everything. Keep it going.
    Randy Orton - Great as face, great as tweener, but I don't like him as a heel.
    Ranjin Singh & Great Kahli - ????
    Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov - They definitely deserve the push.
    "King" Sheamus - Didn't deserve winning KOTR, since he was already elevated. He'd be a great face.
    Skip Sheffield - ????
    Tamina - She'd be the perfect Diva if she actually were beautiful. A great wrestler.
    Ted DiBiase - Don't like him, never will.
    The Miz - His character sucks, he does nice promos, decent wrestler, but I SERIOUSLY can't stand him.
    Triple H - Do I even need to say anything? He's gonna be in the HOF, that's clear.
    Tyson Kidd - He sucks in singles wrestling, and he sucks even more as a heel. Oh, and he sucks at promos.
    William Regal - What is he? He gets cheered on when he takes on Daniel Bryan at RAW, and teams with heels on Superstars??? Tweener??? Heel??? WTF???
    Yoshi Tatsu - He should SERIOUSLY get a better name, and go back to Japan. I don't like seeing him in the WWE.
    Zack Ryder - ????
  15. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    cool i guess i will do one for tna roster

    AJ styles- He is Phenominal and PWI was right to rank him #1 wrestler in the world.Tna need to just give him the heavyweight title and let him carry the company on his back.
    Abyss- only good for any type of hardcore matchs
    MCMG- Best tag team in the world and either one of them could be heavyweight champ
    Bully ray- please just retire already
    Brother devon- see bully ray
    D'angelo Dinero- Pope is pimpin and he has awesome promos wit decent ring work. He is cool as face or heel but tna needs to pick one and stick wit it
    Desmond wolfe-wtf he went from future heavyweight champ to jobber to missing off the face of the earth. One of tna best technical wrestlers and kurt angles replacement
    Doug williams- Also great technical wrestlers and if u let him fued wit desmond wolfe over the tv title then probably have potential match of the year
    Eric Bishoff- complete douche and is a cancer to tna
    Hulk hogan- see eric bishoff
    jeff jarett- kinda passed his prime but not done yet. The thing wit karen is kinda dirty though
    kurt angle- KURT ANGLE!!! Nuff said
    Jeff hardy- Good heel but dont really like immortal and he should probably distance himself from drugs
    matt hardy- so does anyone who use to be in wwe get an automatic free ride in tna
    rvd- He is awesome but became tna champ way to quick and didnt abyss kill him or something
    samoa joe- needs to be back in main event ASAP
    mr anderson- fucking hilarious and does some of the best promos but his matches are meh
    kaz- he has so much potential but probably always be just and x-division star
    Beer money- One of the best tag teams in the world robert roode could be future heavyweight champ
    Gen me- Fucking exciting to watch
    matt morgan- meh
    Amazing red- The amazing part is him being humble because it does not do him justice
    robbie e- waste of time just typing his name
    jay lethal- he got a bright future.... maybe
    sarita- she needs to be knockouts champ
    daffney- one hardcore bitch
    rest of knockouts- bitches and whores at least from listing to their promos
    sting- almost time to retire man
    scott steiner- you got less time than sting
    kevin nash- u should have retired a few years ago
    jeremy borash- i love spin cycle
    eric young- bring back super eric
  16. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Me too.


    CM Punk - Upper tier superstar and heat machine. Works as a face but his true calling is a heel.
    Daniel Bryan - Personally I think he should knock off the goofy persona, grow his beard back and turn up the intensity.
    Darren Young - Jabroni.
    David Hart Smith - The Hart Dynasty should never have been split up.
    David Otunga - Starscream should have left with Megatron.
    Evan Bourne - Needs to go to smackdown where Rey Mysterio will protect him
    Goldust - Superstars 4 Life
    Husky Harris - If they thought his last name had no value, they should have left it as Rotunda and just never mentioned he was IRS' son.
    Jerry Lawler - Retire, he has no fire left.
    Jimmy & Jey Uso - Superstars 4 Life
    John Cena - Needs to edit his promos. CM Sucks? Poop? C'mon man, even SCSA let off a string of obscenities in the 90's early Attitude PG era.
    John Morrison - The feud with Sheamus could be the turning point of his career, of course, that's what they said when Shelton went 3-0 with the Hs.
    Mark Henry - I dunno, needs a smaller black person to team with.
    Michael Cole - Sub-standard commentator even without the Miz fanboyism. Although CM Punk made his crap somewhat bearable.
    Michael McGillicutty - See Harris, Husky but replace IRS with Mr. Perfect.
    Michael Tarver - Is he even in New Nexus? Can't remember
    Primo - I bet he's waiting for Orlando to get out of FCW so they can team.
    R-Truth - Needs to shut the fuck up.
    Randy Orton - Needs to swing back into being a tweener.
    Ranjin Singh & Great Kahli - I actually wouldn't mind him back on TV.
    Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov - The 2nd biggest face on RAW and Kozlov. They should keep the belts on them until their act gets stale with the crowd, which should be in a few years.
    King Fella - ALL HAIL KING FELLA!
    Skip Sheffield - Can skip his ass to Superstars.
    Ted DiBiase - I can't believe he has no charisma.
    The Miz - Looks like a frog, but is a top tier superstar and a heat machine.
    Triple H - The Hs still have a few years left in him. I think he should get one last big run with the title. Maybe even a heel run, perish the thought.
    Tyson Kidd - See Hart Smith, David
    William Regal - I would love for him to get a face push and a US title run, but his style and moveset are heelish by nature so yeah.
    Yoshi Tatsu - He's not Tajiri, and he'd be better off on Smackdown.
    Zack Ryder - WWWYKI. Give this man a world title.


    Alberto Del Rio - The sky is the limit. Just needs to tone down the smiling thing, it gets a little creepy
    The Big Show - The most versatile wrestler on the roster. Heel/Face. Midcard/Upper Midcard/Main Event. Can slot in anywhere
    Chavo Guerrero - Superstars
    Chris Masters - Should be on the main roster IMHO. A way better wrestler than given credit for, should try and get an impact finisher
    Christian - Upper Midcard for the rest of his career. Not a bad place to be
    Cody Rhodes - Who would of thought he'd end up as the Shawn Michaels of Legacy? His personality eclipses his boring ass working class moveset
    Curt Hawkins - WWWYK... wait...
    Dolph Ziggler - Future Hall of Famer, can have a good match with anybody... but Low Ki
    Drew McIntyre - I don't care for Drew and his weird ass head
    Edge - His insane face thing is weird, even for me
    Ezekiel Jackson - I fucking love Big Zeke
    Heath Slater - The third cog in the Core, but you always need that quiet guy who never messes up and never gets in the way
    Hornswoggle - Fuck yeah!
    Jack Swagger - Wasted his world title, I'd be surprised if he gets another. Should have come out with the Soaring Eagle at the start of his reign and kept it goofy
    Joey Mercury - Superstars is... thattaway!
    JTG - A good midcard talent
    Justin Gabriel - I like Justin Gabriel. I hope he becomes more than fodder
    Kane - Had an excellent 2010
    Kofi Kingston - I can't help but think STUPID STUPID STUPID is why we're seeing him at this level and not rgw World Title scene
    Michael Tarver - I have him listed here to because I have no clue where he is
    Rey Mysterio - See Show, Big - except take off the heel tag
    Ricardo Rodriguez - is awesome, nuff said
    Trent Barreta - Actually getting face time on Smackdown while my boy Chris Masters isn't? The fuck?
    Tyler Reks - Cool finisher, cool look, that's about it
    The Undertaker - I hope he has one massive run left in him. WM28 could be the swan song
    Wade Barrett - Nowhere to go but up, actually came out of Nexus with a stronger group


    Abyss - The Immortal storyline is bringing him back as an unstoppable monster. But Immortal's sheer size is getting him lost in the shuffle
    A.J. Styles - Has improved his speaking ability under Flair, but seriously needs to stop this lapdog shit
    Alex Shelley - One half of MCMG, if TNA splits these guys up I'm giving up on them
    Amazing Red - Lost a step since the early 2000s but is still a popular cornerstone for the X-Division. You know, if they wanted to build that up
    Brian Kendrick - Solid in the X Division, but needs to cut this shit out with Bully Ray
    Brother Devon - Good brawler, but shouldn't be wrestling singles
    Bully Ray - Still good on the mic and a good brawler and heel, shouldn't be wrestling singles and the Team 3D split should never have happened
    Chris Sabin - See Shelley, Alex
    Crimson - TNA must see something in him. Had an awesome debut and looks to be a big name in "they"
    D'Angelo Dinero - His character is awesome. He wrestles good matches. He should either be in immortal or in "they", he should be a centerpiece
    Desmond Wolfe - YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS
    Douglas Williams - They built the X-Division around this guy and he's delivered
    Eric Young - The World Elite was a step in the right direction. Everything afterwards was turning around and going home
    James Storm - Never split Beer Money up, even if Chris Harris returns to the promotion. Beer Money is better than America's Most Wanted
    Jay Lethal - I remember when Jay Lethal was a big deal a few years ago. The Clay Guida of the X Division
    Jeff Hardy - The way he's been used it's like he's not pleady guilty to felony drug charges
    Jeff Jarrett - I thought his MMA gimmick was funny as hell, shame he didn't keep it up
    Jeremy Buck - Generation Me is pretty cool
    Jesse Neal - Ink Inc is... yeah
    Kurt Angle - They said Ric Flair could carry a broomstick to a 3 star match, well, Kurt Angle can carry it to a 5 star match and then make the broomstick tap
    Magnus - Sucks
    Matt Hardy - Enjoy the TNA midcard, Matt Hardy. Hope it's cool under your brother's shadow
    Matt Morgan - If The Blueprint left TNA tomorrow he'd be the one with the best shot (other than Angle et al) at making it in the WWE. The total package when it comes to big men
    Max Buck - See Buck, Jeremy
    Mick Foley - Not much room in the Non-Wrestler roles for Mick, should either retire after his contract expires or go back to WWE in an on-screen non-wrestling role
    Mr. Anderson - Personally not a fan of this shrill cunt. But he's got charisma to share and works as both a face and a heel
    Orlando Jordan - Whatever
    Reid Flair - Reid was a better wrestler than his brother David even in 2000 when he was like, 12.
    Ric Flair - I think Ric would suck a dick for 100 bucks. I really do.
    Robbie E - Superstars. Wait, what?
    Robert Roode - Should never split up with James Storm. Geez, who would have thought Robert Roode would have been the success story of Team Canada?
    Rob Terry - Bah
    Rob Van Dam - Phoning it in
    Samoa Joe - I could go on about Samoa Joe for days.
    Scott Steiner - Bah
    Shannon Moore - Bah
    Shark Boy - Bah
    Tommy Dreamer - BAH, FOR FUCKS SAKE.
  17. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Alllllright. I'm digging the insight on personal perspectives on the characters.

    We've discussed the Rumble- Now let's do the dream card setup.

    Simple really, make a card, 8 to 10 matches should do. You can pick any professional wrestler from any decade. Imagine David Arquette vs Jay Leno!!! Ok, that one sucked donkey dick.
    But you get the drift. Make up a dream card, and if you choose so, tell us who would go over who in these dream matches..

    Ded's dream card...

    PPV name : The Day The Earth Stood Still* Classic movie, so I just ripped the title off :)*

    1st match-

    1.Dr Death" Steve Williams v Big Van Vader- This match actually happened in Japan- You tube it
    Steve Williams def Big Van Vader via Oklahoma Stampede onto five stacked chairs..

    2.The LOD(Hawk&Animal) vs The Steiner Brothers vs The Kings of Wresting vs The Freebirds v The Eliminators(Saturn&Kronus)- Single elimination Texas tornado style match- to determine the greatest tag team ever..

    In a upset of monumental porportions... The Eliminators pin Scott Steiner after total elimination to claim the title of world's best tag team ever.. The Kings of Wrestling were eliminated first, LOD second, then the Freebirds..

    3.Masa Chono(before Austin broke his neck in 92-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fGroJC4Z7s) vs Hayabusa
    This one is tough even for me to call....
    Masa Chono defeats Hayabusa via modified STF, Hayabusa passes out at the 23:21 mark...

    4. Owen Hart&Bret Hart vs Davey Boy Smith&William Regal- England Vs Canada's finest
    Owen Hart pins William Regal after a quick crucifix pin.

    5. Sting vs The Ultimate Warrior(The Blade Runners finally face off...)
    The Ultimate Warrior wins via count out after Sting leaves, due to Warrior cutting a promo incoherently and then making a speech about how his first name is 'The'.

    6.Lou Theze vs Harley Race(NWA Final World Championship)

    Lou Thesz defeats Harley race after a top rope Thesz press to win the final NWA title in existence.

    7. 'Superstar' Billy Graham vs Hulk Hogan-
    Hulk Hogan actually pulls out his Japan moveset he used against Stan Hansen in Japan...

    Hulk Hogan defeats Billy Graham via Boston Crab submission, Graham's back cannot take it, thus he submits...

    8.Steve Austin vs Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson- Admit it, they had some damn good matches..

    The Rock and Austin wrestle a broadway, the time limit expires at 63 minutes flat..
    It's a draw, and yet everyone has shit themselves at this performance...

    9. Shawn Michaels vs CM Punk(Vince Mcmahon/ guest referee)(Final WWF/E Championship match ever)- Imagine the young CM Punk from his indy days, vs the young HBK from 1995-1996...

    CM Punk pins HBK after 42 minutes, due to Vince Mcmahons interference...

    match is restarted, with a normal ref.. Triple H tries to run in, so does Samoa Joe...
    Hulk Hogan runs down to go after Vince...

    Shawn Michaels defeats CM Punk after a Sweet Chin Music to Punk outside against the ringpost, then inside with a final SCM to the back of Punk's head on the inside...

    I would have done 10, but my dinner just got done. So choke on this for now.. :)
    You don't have to go into tl;dr detail like I did. But sum it up for me, your dream card that is...
  18. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Ok im digging the dream card

    1. Motorcity Machinegunz vs Kenny omega and Kota Ibushi
    MCMG win via omg they killed kinny

    2. Bryan danielson vs Kurt Angle in a submission match
    Danielson win via Cattle mutialation

    3. Ladder match- shelton benjamin vs kofi kingston vs sonjay dutt vs suicide (daniels version) vs el generico vs max buck vs jeremy buck vs evan bourne
    winner shelton benjamin

    4. Legends internation match- shawn micheals vs Kenta Kobashi
    winner Kobashi via Burning hammer

    5. Davey richards vs chris benoit
    winner davey richards via cloverleaf

    6. CM Punk vs KENTA
    winner KENTA via GTS

    7. Somoa joe vs christopher daniels vs aj styles (this can never get old)
    winner aj styles via spiral tap on daniels

    8. The universe has split match christopher daniels vs curry man vs suicide (still played by daniels)
    winner curryman via rollup on christopher daniels

    9. Petey williams vs chris sabin vs kenny omega vs shelton benjamin vs aj styles ultimate X match
    winner aj styles via awesomeness

    10. My top fav wrestler match
    aj styles vs davey richards vs KENTA vs austin aries vs Randy Orton
    winner Davey richards via submitted Orton
  19. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member

    Alright, here's one:

    I've put in some non-existing wrestlers and championships to make it easier to do something :p .

    PPV name: Lucha De Apuestas

    1. Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero for the vacated Lucha Libre Championship.
    Mask vs. ALL hair
    Mysterio wins after a 619

    2. Tanno (c) vs. Kurt Angle for the World Heavyweight Championship
    Loser leaves town
    Tanno wins

    3. CM Punk vs. CP Munk (yes, he exists)
    Loser leaves town
    CM Punk wins

    4. Drew McIntyre vs. Wade Barrett
    McIntyre wins

    5. Kaval vs. Dolph Ziggler (c) for Intercontinental Championship
    Career vs. Hair
    Kaval wins

    6. The Rock vs. Steve Austin
    Hmm... Difficult one.
    The Rock wins

    7. Hulk Hogan vs. Mr. McMahon vs. Bret Hart for the WWE Chairmanship
    Bret Hart wins

    8. Randy Orton vs. Legends
    Gauntlet match
    Orton wins

    9. MCMG vs. Beer Money vs. The Hart Foundation (yes, foundation) vs. Santino & Kozlov
    Hart Foundation wins

    And now, the Main Event...

    10. The Undertaker (c) vs. Sting (c) for the WWE + TNA World Championships
    Wrestlemania streak vs. Face Paint No Holds Barred Submissions count anywhere Match
    Undertaker wins by Tombstone Piledriver & Gates of Hell
  20. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    I've finally found an angle to base my PPV Around. All Wrestlers are in their prime unless otherwise noted.

    '98 Taz vs '97 Chris Kanyon vs Samoa Joe

    Light Heavyweight Trios
    '96 Rey Mysterio Jr, Mistico, '98 Juventud Guerrera vs. Tiger Mask IV, Jushin Liger, Naomichi Marufuji

    '03 Big Show vs. Andre the Giant

    Tag Team Four-Way Dance Elimination Match
    '91 Steiner Brothers vs '96 Harlem Heat vs Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo) vs Beer Money Inc.

    WMXXV Undertaker vs. '97 Sting

    Triple Threat Match
    '03 Kurt Angle vs '89 Ricky Steamboat vs '92 Great Muta

    The Rock vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage

    War Games Match
    '88 Four Horsemen - Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Barry Windham vs '96 Hart Foundation - Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart, Brian Pillman, The British Bulldog

    WWE Eras Triple Threat Match
    '87 Hulk Hogan vs Steve Austin vs John Cena