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Wrestling Roundtable

Discussion in 'Sports' started by dedboy, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member


    Someone forgot the Power Ranger chants and JBL burying him on commentry.
  2. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Well JBL also buried the miz on commentry and look where he ended up. The thing that i think kinda messed up mvp wwe career was when he was on that year long losing streak. Im just saying when he first came and was smackdowns storyline highest payed star he seemed like he had so much potential
  3. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Nobody picked the miz to do anything worthwhile until a few months after the Cena fued.
  4. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    One year ago we lost Umaga, aka Edward Fatu.
    A true big man with the Samoan background who could move and had a good heart.
    Hope you made it to the other side Samoan Bulldozer.
    RIP Edward "Umaga" Fatu.
  5. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member

    I know. I also know what championships he's got. But we're now talking about the ADR gimmick. And, in my opinion (call me old-fashioned or not), starting a new gimmick should get you started at the bottom of the ladder. I know superstars who deserve a shot at a world championship shot more than he does, like Kofi Kingston, MVP (before he got released), Matt Hardy (before he got released), and especially Christian.
  6. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    That might be true but unfortuntly those guys will probably be stuck in mid-card limbo forever (like shelton benjamin). Its too bad cause im a real big kofi and christian fan.
  7. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member

    Me too. I just don't get why WWE won't give them that push. In my opinion, they deserve it more than The Miz. Fucking scripted shit.
  8. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    They deserve it more? Do tell.

    They won't give them a push because they either:

    a. Can't cut a decent promo to save their lives (Benjamin)
    b. Fuck up when they ARE getting pushed (Kofi)
    c. Can't see them as viable world champions (Matt, possibly Christian)

    They know they fucked up when they gave Tall the world title, that's why he was buried and was never taken seriously ever again. And the Punjabi Prison match as horrible, so yeah.
  9. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member

    And how exactly did Kofi fuck up?
  10. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Blow up match on Raw, Kofi VS Orton VS Cena. Kofi was supposed to reverse the RKO, and hitting T.I.P., pining Orton and getting a WWE Title shot at the Royal Rumble. He didn't, and now he's stuck in midcard hell...at least for now.
  11. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member

    Christian could be a very nice WC though. Charismatic, a very good wrestler...

    And, as I noted before, I hope this Lawler/Cole/Miz thing will turn out nice into a nice feud. I hate feuds which endure only 1 episode.
  12. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    I agree. I always thought Christian, like Edge, would do good at the top. He gets a decent pop and keeps his matches interesting. He can work any match under the sun and get at least 3 stars (TNA proved this - garbage match vs Abyss).

    On an unrelated note: I was playing UFC Undisputed 2010 last night trying Brock vs Velasquez as Brock. I tried it three times and got beat by reversal each time. Shit's SO cash. All three times I literally punched out all his blood from the full mount position. At the result announcement Brock's face is unscathed whilst Cain's face looks like a bruised tomato. I also beat up Kimbo Slice pretty damn bad but for some reason I didn't like doing it and felt sorry for him afterwards. I think it's because he's black.
  13. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Christian isn't in Vince's idea of champ material. But then again, I never thought they'd let Kane run with the WHC again.

    Shelton Benjamin should have been pushed, if nothing more than to thank him for always putting on good matches.
    With Orton possibly taking time off to heal an injury, even if the TLC title match happens with him and Miz, expect Miz to retain in someway.

    Speaking of which, is there a TNA PPV tonight?
    I forgot completely.
  14. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Lest you forget, AIN'T NO STOPPIN ME NAHHHHH was tried to be pushed when he was first drafted to Raw. 2 wins over Haitch in a row and all that.

    Also, yeah, there's a TNA PPV, and no one cares. Heh
  15. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    What the fuck is a TNA? And Shelton Benjamin? Really?
  16. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    Out of all the people we mentioned i really think shelton benjamin is the wrestler i think deserved the world title the most. Yea his promos were kinda weak but his in ring skills did more than make up for it. And honestly shelton pretty much made money in the bank what it is today. The part where ran up the ladder and clotheslined jericho is a move in the games now. Shelton deserved sooo much more.

    Also aj styles dropped the tv title to dougie williams. I hope that means aj might get world title shot soon oh wait he is not in immortal (fuck hogan).
  17. version3

    version3 Is actually KappaMikey in the internet

    Test & Albert, you know, that tag team managed by the less talented and less hot Trish Stratus.
  18. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    I think Shelton's ceiling should have been the ECW/US/IC title, as a transitional champion. Shelton's moveset was over, the man himself wasn't.
  19. slimdj

    slimdj Well-Known Member

    So a new match was just added to ROH ippv Final Battle
    Christopher Daniels vs Homicide
    Fuck yea
  20. supertanno

    supertanno Well-Known Member


    On another note: FUCK NXT! Seriously, that show should've stopped after season 2, or, if you really want it, season 3. But season 4 is just plain garbage. Did you see those rookies??? Seriously, that's just stupid.

    Also, I don't like the set-up either. Winner gets a kayfabe contract, and they all end up on a show anyway. The winner of season 2 is put on the B-show, the losers are put on the A-show. The entire NXT season 1 roster was put on the A-show. I don't see any point in all those things! Seriously!