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Wow Capcom...dick move.

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by buchichu, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know. But when I said pirating DS games was easy, I didn't mean the whole act of hacking it yourself...I pirate games, I don't have to do all that. Anyone can do it, you just come to a site like this and click download. So if someone who buys games got screwed over enough by the game companies, it wouldn't take much for them to throw in the towel and just start stealing them instead.

    Uh huh. I was going to say "what's wrong with you, are you twelve?" but then I remembered the site I'm on and figured you probably ARE actually 12 so I'll go ahead and let it be. You win, champ. Here's your special "I win at flaming on the internets!" badge:

  2. OnyxKnight_RupenX

    OnyxKnight_RupenX Well-Known Member

    I know you didn't mean that. I was telling you he meant the whole act of getting a DS game onto the computer from a cart is not easy. (I think.
  3. hirokaski

    hirokaski Well-Known Member

    AMEN sister !!!!!
  4. sinnoh2

    sinnoh2 Well-Known Member

    Ask for a refund? lolololol
  5. OnyxKnight_RupenX

    OnyxKnight_RupenX Well-Known Member

    So if BK made a shit sandwhich would you say "Just be glad they made the sandwhich?" Last I checked, shit was free.
    'Less it was a manure sammich...
  6. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    AMEN brotha!
  7. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Nobody is flaming, champ. Although I suggest you use image tags next time for more impact.
  8. Lephantome92

    Lephantome92 Well-Known Member

    I agree, WTF is up w/ limiting saves? The .sav for TWEWY I have is 512 KB. Is it really THAT hard to add just a little bit more memory? Maybe even take a leaf from the pirates' book and make a sort of memory card? I've never heard of someone having a problem w/ memory cards for consoles, what big difference would there be between that and handheld?
    I know, Region Locking is annoying!! I'm going to start taking Japanese, and what better way for me to learn than to use it regularly? There's no way in he11 that Imma buy a second handheld just to play games from a different region. then thinking about costs, it'd be annoying buying a handheld from a different region, because who knows how much shipping would be, plus most likely insurance!! that adds up rly quick!!
  9. VongolaTempesta

    VongolaTempesta Well-Known Member

    Nintendo 3DS games. 4 words. NOT. WORTH. THE. MONEY.
  10. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    can i do that? i can't believe i actually bought this resident evil mercenaries. i want my money back! and i want a flashcart too :(
  11. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    I con't believe there's someone here who doesn't have a flashcart! And I don't know how that would work. Retailers won't take back games like DC Universe because once it's registered to your device it's useless anywhere else. One would think a game where the save cannot be erased would be unsellable second hand, no?
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The thing with DC Universe is that you can't play it at all when you buy it second hand, while this game is still playable when it is. You're just playing someone else's save.
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    UK retailers wont take back opened games period. you're forced to trade them in for significantly less than you paid for them, so even if you take it back the next day because its utter shite you still lose out.
  14. buchichu

    buchichu Well-Known Member

    Seriously? Man, that sucks. I guess that's a place where you seriously do your homework before investing in a game purchase.

    Although to be fair, I never return games for money because you're pretty much guaranteed to be ripped off. It's more worth it to just keep the games you buy, maybe give/trade them to friends. During my most broke and desperate for games period I offered up my entire .hack series - I mean all the originals (that include a whole anime series on DVD) and my G.U. games and they offered my like, $15 for the lot, just because they were for the PS2. We're talking 7 games plus 4 DVDs. I told him to take his $15 and shove it.

    Love my hack games :(

    Never again.
  15. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    EU tried to change the law so that if the game contained significant game breaking bugs you could return it for a full refund (i.e not fit for purpose) but they backed down in the face of outrage from games publishers (who would be forced to make sure their games actually worked).
  16. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Heaven forbid somebody actually releases a game that WORKS. Personally I think people are overreacting a bit too much to this, but I do agree its a stupid choice, at least they said they won't do it again. I'll probably still get the game though.\

    EDIT: Also, INB4 RE Revelations has RE Mercenaries in it.