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worst thing you have ever done

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lugia543, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. Lolikoi

    Lolikoi New Member

    i got caught for stealing pocky cause im a hardcore asian >:3
  2. asdfth12

    asdfth12 Well-Known Member

    Epic lol.

    I've done quite a few things actully.

    First one. Changed the schools homepage to a gay porno site. Yah... that one was real fun.

    Next. This one person owed me some money. He refused to pay. He left his car window down. I took a crap in his car. And i pissed in the gas tank just to make his day even worse.

    Next. Same person above still owed me money. I put denture powder, gargum (not spelled right but its that powder that rubberizes when in contact with liquid) and super glue in the gas tank. Thankfully he never figured out that it was me because im sure he would have broken most of my bones for that.

    Next. My school used to serve iced tea with lunch. I managed to add some liquid laxative to it. And the main bathroom flooded earlier that day. So yah... it was a chance i couldn't pass up.

    Favorite one. Decided to do something for april fools. My prank? The stinkbomb delux. It was so bad that they had to close the school for the day to air out. Another poor fool tried a stinkbomb as well but the teachers found it before he used it. Guess who got the blame when mine suceeded?
  3. wafflox

    wafflox Member

    Uh... I knocked over a vase once and it almost fell. Does that count?

    Nah, I just remembered. It'd have to be a fight for me as well. HS, some kid messed with my friend. It made me want to kill him. I'm fine when it's focused on me, but if a friend or someone else is being targeted... Eh...

    Other than that, I pretty much avoid doing "bad" things.
  4. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Yeah, if he looks he looks at his report he'll be able to see that. That's incredibly retarded.

    Fuck all of you people who've listed laughing at animal violence and all that. I'm no petafag by any means and there's nothing I love more like eating like a carnivore but I couldn't imagine having such a dull and desensitized respect for living things. Again, I'm just a little closer to the center of the evolutionary bell-curve, I guess.

    Anyway, I don't do things I think are bad. But as far as what people with different opinions might think, it would probably be drug use, the extremely racist remarks I make on a daily basis, or that I kick way too much ass.

    @Suis and LK: I love you.
  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    sold a stolen car to a guy in a bar for 50 pound
    hes actually a friend of mine now :)
  6. MikeHoncho16

    MikeHoncho16 Well-Known Member

    Had a teacher that i absolutely hated in 7th grade,
    last day of school, i drew a picture of her making out with a teddy bear, and she was 700 pounds. I put it on her desk.

    Oh, and i taped deviled eggs to the bottom of one of her cabinets, and they sat there, baking all summer,
    bottom line, she came back when school started again, and they were still there.
  7. sokka101

    sokka101 Well-Known Member

    For me it was probably well................."romming" games and other things