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Worst NDS Game Of all Time

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by lars131, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    iPod Touch isn't even a dedicated gaming device for starters
  2. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    iPod games are a good bang for their buck. They are pretty cheap and halfway decent. To me, it is all Imagine games, Cop the Recruit, and the new(ish) Astro Boy the Video Game. Astro Boy looked cool, Omega Factor was one of the beet GBA games, so the NDS version looked good enough to download. Controls sucked like shit, had to charge up your powerful attacks, movement was slower than my dad when he is asleep, and the story is choppy, no movie cut-scenes from the movie like most other games are like.
    Post Merge: [time]1264904250[/time]
    Kiss my skinny white a... just kidding. Yeah, explain the "many other games" part at the end yourself. Many other games of the DS were great. Most kid's have DSes cause Nintendo fans do not care about graphics or whatever, they just like screwing around. Pokemon Pearl/Diamond is still extremely popular.
  3. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Have you ever seen a company that advertise their products as crappy?
    Of course they're gonna say their products are good!
    Plus no one ever buys a DS for graphics.

    My vote for bad game goes to Lunar:Dragon Song
    Its an RPG where you can lose health by running.Yes,RUNNING.
    Not running from battles,running ON THE MAP.
  4. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    gotta agree with groh with that

    one of the worst games ever is the Taos andventure
  5. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Think of it this way, the Nintendo DS is like the Nintendo 64 in your pocket, with a microphone and a Touch Screen,2 Screens and slightly improved graphics. Sure its not as Crisp as a PSP but Sony is known for having Power House Consoles. Nintendo usually delves into gimmicky but Fun games. Sure its gimmicky with the touching but meh, it all boils down to select games that make efficient use of the gimmickiness. Take Etrian Odyssey for example, it used the Touch Screen for a Map Making tool. I can ramble on more about other games but I'm too lazy to explain much further. So to put, The DS is an OK Game, If you ask me about the PSP i'd also call it an OK Gaming Console. So it all depends on your taste of style... :p
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Elf Bowling is amazing.
  7. azlanshah

    azlanshah Well-Known Member

    Well Worst Game??There's Alot..Family,baby,some of the company tried to make ds games with good grapihcs but cant...well asleast they tried.so dont complain about it.meh worst game is movie games..avatar the movie suckz..umm some racing games..and others

    Pokemon,Twewy,Kingdom hearts,GTA chinatown and someother FTW!!!
  8. evannick

    evannick Well-Known Member

    i stopped playing when i saw my health dropped when running but i don't know how my friend was patient enough to walk the whole game
  9. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    you spend 80% of your money into cheap healing items and then run like crazy heal.............. RUN!!!............................heal and run again
  10. lars131

    lars131 Guest

    No its not, the main fact why it sucks, you can play it on computer for free so what's the diffrence, sure the gameplay is good, but the main point is that it sucks in a way that its a terrible buy, and buying it would be insane.
  11. tzerthamin

    tzerthamin Member

    worst game? for DS?

    nfs nitro
    kingdom hearts (just didnt like it)
  12. rock91

    rock91 Well-Known Member

    The Pokemon games all suck ass :p ...who's with me?
  13. GoldenTalesGeek

    GoldenTalesGeek Well-Known Member

    Not me, that's for damn sure, rock91. However, I'm glad someone mutually agrees with me on Lunar: Dragon Song. In addition to losing your HP from simply running, I felt that the localization was really lackluster as well. It was riddled with typos like they had hired a little kid to do the translation, and no one bothered to proofread it.
  14. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    Yeah..sorry..no. I liked them. Sorry.
    Oh, and yeah. Imagine games can go, I wonder how they earn money on that stuff.
  15. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Same here.
    Imagine games are boring.
    But little kids will probably buy them.