They remade the original Metal Gear Solid for the Gamecube as Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, it was made using the game engine from Metal Gear Solid 2. Other than that the only connection between Snake and Nintendo is that Metal Gear was ported to the NES which also saw an unofficial sequel called Snake's Revenge. Supposedly Hideo Kojima wanted Snake to be in the new Smash Bros. really badly.
I thought so because I'm pretty sure a shop offered me it in a package deal but I wanted the sonic game that had the Chao's that could link to my GBA
Imagine Babysitter, My friend bought it and it drove her nuts, so annoying with those spoilt little babies! >:[
The worst game ever is the european Super Mario Bros. 2, because its not the original but a bad fake! You dont beleave? Watch that!!!
Agree, the only theing worse thaen a bad game, is a clone of a bad game. As much as i would love to deem this game the worse, it isnt. And niether is ET, as BOTH games are playable, and complete versions of the game. The worse GAME EVER IS "Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing" This game is epic failure for all eternity. search it and see.
The Simpsons Game for PSP. Terrible. The camera was annoying, the controls were clunky and it lacked perhaps the best feature in the home-console versions: free-roaming.
The simpsons hit & run for the ps2. I hated it because it was a GTA clone with clunky vehicle controlls and bad story.
Im going to agree here. Runescape was a complete Epicly phailed game. its all out, Full on, fake ass, suck out game. i hate it. still do. Mario Time machine on the Snes was CRAP !!!!!!! Seriously.
That's why you usually don't get the "offcut" games that specialize in a band you've never heard of or don't listen to
OMFG !!!! How do you not know about the GC version of MGS? Even though its a remake of the Orgianl MGS 1 there is a cube Version. Metal gear Solid - Twin Snakes Go check that up on Wiki or something