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Worst game of all time !!?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by monter, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. thespoonybard

    thespoonybard Member

    Kengo: legends of the 9

    horrid graphics.
    less than fully unusable controls.
    bad, bad, BAD story. for all nine "legends"

    this game was worse than some of the original PS2 releases.

    man..... miamoto musashi must be rolling in his grave.
  2. Darkslabe

    Darkslabe Active Member

    Spyro Enter The Dragonfly

    -bad grafics
    -very short gameplay
    -very easy
    -tons of glitches
    -not bad story though
  3. Army of Two. AI can be stupid as hell, online play lags, if one player disconnects the whole match ends (and you lose EVERYTHING you've just gained). That and many other things made this game a piece of excrement.

    I never played Hour of Victory though, but it could easily take that place, from what I've heard...
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    Runscape, hand down.....and i disagree for those who nominate retro game as sucky because they are simply old game they might be good game during their golden age.
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Some of the older games are much better than the new ones, regardless of their graphics. I'd say Bomberman, some people like it, I don't. It's crap and boring. And no achievements whatsoever.
  6. mysticaloctopus

    mysticaloctopus Well-Known Member

    That game induces such Nerd Rage in me it's dangerous for my health. Please refrain from saying its name, or you may find that I explode violently and leave a horrible mess on the walls.
  7. jakenero10

    jakenero10 Well-Known Member

    Try Anubis II For The Wii it's really a game made for kids that spent they're money for Useless games, With The shitty contrlos of the Nintendo wii Plus Shitty graphics plus horrable camera angles plus horrable storyline equals A trophy for the worst game ever 2007. Hurray Congratulations!!!
  8. ultra

    ultra Guest

    dark castle for the sega genesis 16bit.
  9. flashx_454

    flashx_454 Well-Known Member

    SuperMan 64 ::) ::)
  10. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with you, there. SUPERMAN 64 SUCKS BALLS. I remember renting it when I was 8 and thinking it was going to be good. Worst $1.99 I've ever spent.
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    any game with off road vehicles, i love off road vehicles especially monster trucks and i always want the games to be good but they suck. they never move, drive, bounce or steer like the real thing and it does my nut.
    hopfully baja coming out on the 360 should change that.
  12. ultra

    ultra Guest

    actually superman 64 isn't that bad, the flying part is pretty good. i managed to get a good grip on the analog stick from playing other games and when i went to replay superman i actually managed to do quite well on the flying part of the game [when you have to go into the circled rings]. the only bad thing about the game is the fighting and the mechanics of the game [abilities, enemies, etc] as it was difficult to manuever and use his ability [it was cluncky as if he was a tank].
  13. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    RAmen to that, that game sucks. How does it have so many people playing it? They're all chumps.
  14. monter

    monter Guest

    Yes runescape sucks.

    Streatch panic was horrible oh look at me with my demon scarf I like streatch womens *cough areas *cough* and worst of all the ex levels where just for point collecting when the boss levels where the main levels which is weird for a game.

    I payed £15.99 for that which in dollars is $20.99
  15. rhyno86

    rhyno86 Active Member

    As cataloged by Gamerankings.com, the top 30 worst games of all time:

    # - Game name - Platform - Company - # of reviews - Avg vote (out of 10) - Avg score (out of 100%)

    1. Charlie's Angels PS2 Ubisoft 1 2.6 --
    2. Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing PC GameMill Publishing 6 2.5 3.833%
    3. Crazy Frog Racer PC Digital Jesters 1 3.9 5.000%
    4. Ultra Vortek JAG Atari Games (Midway) 1 5.6 5.000%
    5. The Crow: City of Angels SAT Acclaim 1 -- 5.000%
    6. Bass Avenger PC Simon & Schuster 1 1.0 5.000%
    7. Ed Hunter PC EMI Records 1 5.8 6.000%
    8. Paintball Heroes PC Greenstreet Games 1 6.3 8.000%
    9. Bikini Karate Babes PC Creative Edge Software 2 3.1 8.500%
    10. Bible Adventures GEN Wisdom Tree 1 2.3 10.000%
    11. Hugo 2 PS ITE Media 1 -- 10.000%
    12. Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire? DC Berkeley 1 2.4 10.000%
    13. Star Wars: Behind the Magic PC LucasArts 1 8.7 10.000%
    14. Revolution X PS Acclaim 1 2.4 10.000%
    15. Kasumi Ninja JAG Atari Games (Midway) 1 5.6 10.000%
    16. Largo Winch .//Commando Sar PS Ubisoft 1 3.3 10.000%
    17. NFL's Greatest: San Francisco Vs. Dallas 1978-1993 SCD Sega 1 -- 10.000%
    18. Ishido - The Way of the Stones GEN Accolade 1 6.0 10.000%
    19. Shadow of the Beast II GEN Electronic Arts 1 4.0 10.000%
    20. Mecarobot Golf SNES Toho 1 1.0 10.000%
    21. Rap Jam: Volume One SNES Mandingo 1 1.0 10.000%
    22. Starsky & Hutch GBA Bam Entertainment 1 3.0 10.000%
    23. Street Racquetball PS Agetec Inc. 1 3.2 10.000%
    24. Assault Rigs PS Psygnosis 1 2.0 10.000%
    25. Motocross Mania 2 PS Gotham Games 1 1.0 10.000%
    26. Smarties: Meltdown PS2 Europress 1 1.0 10.000%
    27. Crazy Frog Racer GBA Digital Jesters 1 5.5 10.000%
    28. Daemon Vector PC Frogster Interactive 1 3.8 10.000%
    29. Operation Air Assault PS2 Midas Interactive Entertainment 1 3.3 10.000%
    30. Xena Warrior Princess PS2 Blast! Entertainment Ltd 1 -- 10.000%
  16. paperfan

    paperfan Member

    Interesting list, I've avoided playing 99% of the games on it.
    But where is ET for Atari 2600 on that list? That game was the worst.
  17. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I actually haven't played any of the games on that list, wonder why.
  18. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    D&D Tactics for the PSP, I actually play D&D (I know, I'm a Nerd) And this game, claiming to be D&D infuriated me. It got down all the annoying little rules that DMs don't usually enforce too rigidly and took out half the character rules. I made a rogue and couldn't sneak attack, then i made a fighter and found I couldn't get cleave. Terriffic. Lot's of other things annoyed me like the unengaging storyline and the tediousness of waiting for the enemies to all take thier turn and the monouvering of your characters into a position. Why is it that when D&D's name is put to something it usually sucks and ends up bearing no resemblance to the table top? Like the D&D movie, D&D online and D&D Tactics? It only seems to be the games which hide thier affiliation with D&D somewhat which succeed/are any fun. NWN, WOW and Baldurs Gate to name a few.
  19. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    I actually enjoyed that. wasnt too bad for a game put out by Iron Maiden.
  20. mick1234

    mick1234 Well-Known Member

    mine would be cy girls