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World Peace is not possible.....

Discussion in 'Debates' started by calvin_0, Nov 28, 2009.

  1. justlois

    justlois Well-Known Member

    yes it is!
    if we all stopped seeing everything as a political debate or pinky and the brain
  2. SlicedandDiced

    SlicedandDiced Well-Known Member

    its alright were cool and yea that happened cause of the depression and it pretty much happened to every country in Europe too
  3. ybom

    ybom Well-Known Member

    One word, instrumentation. But seriously, without conflict there is no relation to conflict. It makes us potentially much stronger to actually know it; I don't think anyone wants the world to turn into Pleasantville.
  4. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    Man,as long as there are multiple religions,politic styles,nations there will be no ultimate peace.
  5. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    as einstein said "so long as there are men there will be war"
  6. 709zzy

    709zzy Well-Known Member

    Is world peace possible?

    To answer this question from my interpretation, I would have to contradict myself because my mind only works in a limited way.

    Nothing is impossible, so its possible for what I just said to be wrong, so its possible for something to be impossible, so its possible for a world to exist where world peace is impossible. But nothing is impossible, so its impossible for a world to exist where world peace is impossible, so it would always be possible for a world to exist where world peace is possible. That was a contradiction, and that's because "nothing is impossible" only applies outside of any one world. So its always possible for something to happen in one of the worlds, but it is not always possible for something to happen in one specific world. This means we would have both possibilities to be possible where: its possible for a world to exist where world peace is impossible, and it is possible for a world to exist where world peace is possible. Since we don't know which world we live in, its only a mayby that world peace is possible or impossible in our world. We don't know for sure, so we shouldn't be making any kind of absolute statement about whether world peace is possible or not in our world.