I agree with you except for points 1 and 7. And: I know that at least John Lennon was an atheist, so i don't think the Beetles ever said we should listen to god, or that it was his duty to decide what was wrong or right.
World peace is as fragile as glass, thus makes it hard to keep it in a long time. Why do you want to destroy human's differences? Differences make the world beautiful, like rainbow, the colors are very different yet it's very attractive. The real difference between humans is their heart. Any domination will lead to destruction, because of people hatred, revenge, and rebellion toward dominator. Religions are very important to mankind, they make us know what is right and what is wrong. Thus, i think all of your ideas are quiet wrong.
Not true at all. Morals tell us what is right and wrong, and morals are quite separate from religion.
why have world peace? we will never advance because of world peace. no new technology will be as good made in war than in peace. Its not possible because competition and wars makes us better. Virtues are not shown in peace. They are shown in conflicts.
It doesn't matter if you are atheist or theist, as long it's a crime whoever commit it, they will pay for what they have done.
well arcoding to Penn and Teller's Bullshit, the Priest of Vatican can molest children and get away with it.... and if any Priest of the church is caught, they cant be prosecuted on court of law and the children must sign an argreement that state "they cannot tell anyone about the miscounduct 30years after the children reach adulthood". let see if atheist can do that....
We have been conditioned by society to think that crime, corruption and dishonesty is "the way it is" and that there will always be people who want to abuse, hurt and take advantage of others. Religion is the largest promoter of this propaganda, for the "us and them" or "good and evil" mentality promotes this false assumption. The reality is that we live in a society that produces Scarcity. The consequence of this scarcity is that human beings must behave in self preserving ways, even if it means they have to cheat and steal in order to get what they want. Our research has concluded that Scarcity is one of the most fundamental causes of aberrant human behavior, while also leading to complex forms of neurosis in other ways. A statistical look at drug addiction, crime and incarceration statistics, finds that poverty and unhealthy social conditions comprise the life experience of those who engage in such behavior. Human beings are not good or bad... they are running, forever changing compositions of the life experience(s) that influences them. The "quality" of a human being ( if there was such a thing ) is directly related to the upbringing and thus belief systems they have been conditioned into. This simple reality has been grossly overlooked and today people primitively think that competition, greed and corruption are "hardwired" elements of human behavior and, in turn, we must have prisons, police and hence a hierarchy of differential control in order for society to deal with these "tendencies". This is totally illogical and false. The bottom line is that in order to change things for the better fundamentally, you must begin to address root causes. Our current society's system of "punishment" is outmoded, inhumane, and unproductive. When a serial killer is caught, most people jump up and down and scream for the death of that person. This is backwards. A truly sane society, which understands what we are and how our value systems are created, would take the individual and learn the reasons behind his or her violent actions. This information would then go to a research department which considers how to stop such conditions from occurring through education. It is time to stop the patchwork. It is time to begin a new social approach which is updated to present day knowledge. Watch "Zeitgeist Addendum", a documentary made earlier this year which created a movement already in the hundreds of thousands. www.ZeitgeistMovie.com I copied this text from the movement's main website at www.theZeitgeistMovement.com
Competition IS hardwired, its a primary instinct needed for survival (although humans in today's modern society do not need it for survival, so it manifests itself in other ways). The whole concept of survival of the fittest is about competition.
In the modern day, there are basically two prevailing schools of thought. 'Geneticists' and 'Behaviorists'... the old notion of "nature vs nurture." The Geneticists are inclined to think that human behavior is derived from heredity and instinct. Often on the news, reports detail how some study claims to find the 'genetic predisposition' 'to being republican' or 'smoking cigarettes'. This supports the world view that we are 'hardwired' in some way and that even subtle nuances of behavior, such as an inclination for addiction, is genetic or "instinctual" in some way. The Behaviorists, on the other hand, see the human being as a product of conditioning, as based on the environmental exposure of that person. Therefore, the actions of a person have a source that is derived from experience or a triggered train of thought, brought on by a learned understanding. The mechanism of action/belief therefore is sourced in learning, not heredity or instinct. Which is more relevant? Obviously, both views are relevant in certain ways. Our interest in surviving and reproducing is imprinted/genetic in some way, as it is directly associated with fundamental survival. However, the means by which survival is obtained is entirely based on the social conditioning of that person. If a person grows up in a scarce, poverty stricken environment, with limited access to employment, they will have more of a propensity to engage in illegal activity to survive... more so, then say a middle class person who has basic needs met. The bottom line is that it is environmental conditioning that really affects 99% of our actions, and all diligent behavior studies have proven this time and time again.
Some human behaviour is instinctive, just as some is conditioned. Competition is instinctive and common to all species.
No not really. I said I was copying and pasting in the very beginning, it's no secret. But the information I'm sharing is completely relevant. This is how debates are pushed forward, and become more thought provoking.
Word peace is possible... when humans learn to understand each other that will be the firs step When the power of love over throws the love for power!