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WoR: Off topic

Discussion in 'Werewolves of Romuville' started by athemoe, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    Don't you mean when will people die so that you all can further the game
  2. megashell

    megashell Well-Known Member

    TOTALLY!! im so tired of round 3 T-T
    Everyone must just die!!!
    i want to play again
  3. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Round 3 is now over ^^


    I am sorry to anyone who is offended by my tricking.

    But when it leaked by my wolf mates.... that I was part of a couple... my chances of winning were very slim... but I did it.
  4. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    I feel quite offended
  5. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    ::) Yeah right.

    Let's make round 4 a way better round. Round 3 was not so much fun thanks to lurkers...
    So, if you want to join round 4... I ask everybody kindly... don't lurk and post from time to time. I am not the most but me and Misery were a bit annoyed by it.
  6. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    Megashell might go:
  7. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Nothing was 'leaked' :3
    I just gave purposely vague hints that did absolutely nothing.

    Oh, and I am very offended that I won the honorary honor of dying for. the. third. time in a row DX
  8. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    No, I was talking about Misery and I. It is my bad that she added the rule topic...
  9. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    So you were lying! fuck...
  10. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    You almost got me Irish... But lucky that you believed me when I said what Para said in the previous round as seer.

    It is a surprise that I am the wolf no?
  11. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    I knew you were one because of your flawlessness
  12. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Yeah... you even pm'ed me about that.
  13. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Can I already sign in for round 4? :D
  14. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Huh, not even surprised at the last two. It's why I picked random.org over Jonez' word.
  15. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    Do we have to make a list of the members for the next round?
    If yes

    I join again :3
  16. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Make me and MiseryLC number 2 & 3.
  17. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    Members round 4
    1) <~Tarik B~>
    2) -Jonez-
    3) MiseryLC

    (mod edit: thanks for making the list. It won't be necessary though since there's a new game already)

    (Tarik edit: alright no problem)
  18. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

  19. MiseryLC

    MiseryLC Guest

    Why, God, WHYYY!??
  20. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Can a major be a wolf ?