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Wood R4 - The New Firmware 99.8% Compatibility (CK3)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by CoolKill3r, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    You must have changed more than just the 0. Did you delete any files or anything?
  2. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Still no reports of 1.06 on clones..?
  3. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    No, but when there is i will post it.
  4. No, I opened the global settings file and changed it, saved, and that was it.

    =A= so frustrating.
  5. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

  6. kjdanny

    kjdanny Member

    This may be a noobish question then but if I use only wood R4 as a standalone firmware I will not be able to use cheats?
  7. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Each firmware uses it own cheat database file.
    So if it doesn't work then its because you dont have the right cheat file.
  8. kjdanny

    kjdanny Member

    Ok so what am I doing wrong then? I have Wood R4 v1.06 on a clean sd card. Then downloaded the usrcheat.dat and placed file in the corrrect location, as per these instructions.

    For the latest USRCHEAT.dat place it in the 'cheats' folder (R:\__rpg\cheats) - download here:

    Problem is I can't seem to find a way of enabling cheats for any of the games I have on my card?

    Am I just missing something really simple (Am I being a nooob?) Or is anyone else having the same problem?
  9. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Try looking into the help sections at the first page into the spoilers.
  10. MohsinMVP

    MohsinMVP Well-Known Member

    Question. With the new wood firmware 1.06, can I play GBA games, and can I play Wario DIY without any problems?

    PS: I have r4 original with wood 1.04
  11. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    I dunno about Wario Ware DIY, but you can load your real GBA cart using Wood or you can boot GBA roms if you have a slot 2 card.
  12. Iol, I played pokemon the straight way, now I wanna play it the alternative way.

    And, how would I go about using ysmenu for cheats?
  13. MohsinMVP

    MohsinMVP Well-Known Member

    Moonshell Does Not WORK with wood r4 1.06. It worked for 1.04, but now its not working idk why. I am using R4 original btw

    EDIT: There was a glitch with my SD card or something like that, and it froze when I tried loading moonshell. But I fixed this by removing the flashcart and re inserting it.
  14. Fredbox

    Fredbox Well-Known Member

    I have the final Moonshell 2.10 on mine and it works fine. What do you mean by "Does Not WORK"?
  15. Marnex

    Marnex Well-Known Member

    Highlight a game you want cheats for, press Y, and a menu will pop up. There's going to be three options, which are, (X) Cheats, (Y) Settings, and (A) OK. Choose (X) Cheats and choose the cheat code you want and press X to generate. Then go to (Y) Settings and go to features. Change "Cheat in Game(AR)" from "global(off)" to "on"(this is the step most people don't do). Start the game and enjoy.
  16. What if in the settings menu, you don't have the "features" option?
  17. Marnex

    Marnex Well-Known Member

    You should have it. When you go to "Settings", just press R and you'll see "Features". Keep in mind that it's NOT the "Settings" in the "Start" menu.
  18. axelmar2002

    axelmar2002 New Member

    Errr, I've an R4-III, does r4 wood for clones support mine, anyway, can't someone put a ready-for-use file, because I've no idea how to make it work, no idea how to replace my firmware, please some help!
  19. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Try downloading WAIO for R4 Clones.
  20. axelmar2002

    axelmar2002 New Member

    Thanks, I was able to boot it and make it work, but it's possible to replace te old firmware with the the wood r4, because I've no idea how

    Note: It works really good, I can open my saves but on my regular sav files, with nds.savs it doesn't works, but everytime I try to save it get stucks, all games, somehow, dunno why, help please?