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Wood R4 - The New Firmware 99.8% Compatibility (CK3)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by CoolKill3r, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. nizidafabie

    nizidafabie Member

    I have the R4IIIsdhc
    I don't see a wood version for it...
    i really want something like that because i can't play all of the new games (above 5000)
    please awser me.. with a persenal mail (or something like that)

    -xx- your Nizi
    (don't be scared i write that all the time :) )
  2. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    I'm not scared from any kisses! ;)

    Sorry, but I don't know. I'm not sure, but I don't think there is a WOOD firmware for SDHC? I'm not really into the firmware things... I only update my own, that's all. Is your R4 an R4 clone? Because you should look on this page for it, what's happening with the WOOD clones.

    -XX- ;)
  3. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    sis whe forget about WAIO? download that and try it!
  4. lorenaccio

    lorenaccio Member


    thanks for the great support.
    I think it is required a new update so as to play with call of duty black ops without blackscreen.
    And I am talking for those who like me has bought an R4 SDHC. Regretfully the v1.15 of WAIO is no more sufficient.
    I hope you two good souls will come back soon with a new clone version.

    Let me thank you again for the great job even for clone owners.

    So long.
  5. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    if you have an r4 sdhc, use ysmenu: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.0
  6. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Read the news on the first post!
    YWG is saying he can make Wood works on almost all clones if he can get information ect!
  7. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    he also said that the flashcart companies have to contact him for wood support, not just anyone
  8. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    You removed it remember?
  9. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    I re-uploaded it already a while ago.
    you can read that on the previous page!
  10. clockitty

    clockitty Member

    Just dropping by to say that this works great on my R4 SDHC so far. Managed to load both Lego Harry Potter and The Sims (although I haven't tested to see if there's any bugs with that last one, since I hear its notorious for having them). Going to test out Lego HP now.

    Edit: Forgot to mention that I had to defrag the game files first by simply moving them to the desktop and then back onto the card. Simple enough.

    Quick question though- is there any way to change the theme? Its not a big deal but it would be nice to be able to swap it for something else.

    Thanks again
  11. Thehea

    Thehea Active Member

    I downloaded the .nds file for Wood 1.16, and i'm using an R4SDHC. Every game I load i get an error saying the 'save data could not be accessed'. Even after I moved it from my card to the pc and back again.

    Any idea what's wrong?
  12. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    I said this before.
    the .NDS file on the first page is ONLY for 'Wood R4 for R4 Original'!
    Not waio!
  13. kingslonger

    kingslonger New Member

    cant wait for wood to work on my r4i from super4i.com managed to get ak2ysmenu to work on it for about an hour then it went back to error dldi not supported anyone know if the card i got is a clone of anything tried ak2 firmware on it as the ak2ysmenu sort of worked but the ak2 firmware won t load at all . Help from anyone would be great as i feel like im stuck in a dark place with no way out lol. just send me a message if you have any help . Thanks coolkill3r and anyone else in advance.
  14. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    let me be straigt,
    Every R4 card except R4 Original is a clone! also the R4i's
  15. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Just 1 thing I have in mind to ask you.

    For each time the Wood R4 get updated, say...from v.1.16 to v.1.17. Which exactly is edited by Yellow Goblin? The wood r4.nds or the _ds_menu.dat, or some other file from the _rpg folder? Cause its rather bothersome to keep moving my custom screen interface, cheats, etc.

    If you can point me to which one of the file that kept getting updated by Yellow Goblin, would be great. Cause that way it makes it simple for me and everyone else to just replace 1 or 2 file instead of kept changing the _rpg folder. Much in the sense like YSMENU that only has the extinfo.dat and infolib.dat changed in every update. So which one is it in the case of Wood R4?

  16. Thehea

    Thehea Active Member

    Then since Xenon++ stopped updating WAIO, would you suggest SDHC users use Ysmenu, or is there something better?
  17. cassiu09

    cassiu09 Member

    1.17 the wood does not work with mario and cooking mama
    CoolKill3r makes a new wood because it does not work there
    sorry for the horrible english
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Coolkill3r is just spreading the wood r4 and waio updates each time a new version is available for all of us in romulation. The one who actually created/edit the files are: wood r4 --> yellow goblin and as for waio --> xenon++.

    Not sure if Coolkill3r will want to try take over from xenon++ if xenon indeed stop updating the waio versions. One way is to try figure out how to edit the _ds_menu.dat or the waio.nds. Jhon 591 taught me about how to edit the _ds_menu.dat by using R4crypt.exe, ...I'm using R4 DS Original, so I'm not sure if anyone can do the same for waio since its for R4's clones.

    By the way cassiu09, I am able to play mario vs DK mayhem on wood v.1.16. Not sure if you can. But it is for sure not going to run on YSMENU/TTMENU. I've tried it....gives me white screen. Just for your info, I'm using R4 DS Original v.1.18 running 2 firmwares in 1 SD Card; YSMENU Unofficial v.117a32rev54 (with some added codes of my own) and Wood R4.nds v.1.16.

    I've downloaded the wood r4 v.1.17 but not yet install it into my cart. Cause I do not need it at the moment.
  19. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    good question,
    Normally only the _ds_menu.dat because in there are the new games etc...
    and about my .nds file, its just the _ds_menu.dat converted to .nds so if you take the latest .nds file then its the same, you don't have to update the _rpg folder!
    Al tho sometimes there can be an update in the _rpg folder but its mostly unnecessary things like Language and or front updates or so (witch practically never hapens!)
    you can always look into the Changelog on the first page to see what has been updated/changed!
    but i still recommend you update the _rpg folder so now and then like every 5 updates V1.10 > v1.15 > v1.20 you get the point!
    Post Merge: [time]1290182232[/time]
    I cant tell you, its your choice if you want to play all games up to now then i recommend WAIO,
    but if you want to lay the latest games then you cant use WAIO so you must use YSMenu right?
    Post Merge: [time]1290182358[/time]
    Again i'm not the creator of Wood R4, i'm the creator of this topic and the .nds file to load wood R4 etc!
    and both games should work, take a look in the Compatibility List section on the first post!
    Post Merge: [time]1290182649[/time]
    Not 'I' or someone el's will and i repeat 'NOT' update WAIO.
    I got my hands on WAIO when Xenon++ deleted everything, and he send me a PM that i have permission to upload it. NOT UPDATE!
    So no-one will update it, also he asked me to delete the RPGLINK folder he used for updating.
    I do still have have the RPGLINK folder in my possesion tho
  20. kingslonger

    kingslonger New Member

    so the big question whats my card from super4i.com a clone of ?
    anybody know i been told before it maybe clone of ak2 or r4i gold but the firmware for them cards will not boot on my card i have tried firmware for every card i can find out there and nothing works apart from my original firmware which has not been upgraded for well over a year now begining to feel like i was ripped off.