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Wood R4 - The New Firmware 99.8% Compatibility (CK3)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by CoolKill3r, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. marretakkebos

    marretakkebos Well-Known Member

    Or just a second sd card with 2gb.
  2. Palisades

    Palisades Member

    Hey, I had a quick question (kinda). I know this guy who is selling r4i happybox and r4itt purplebox. It seemed like the r4itt was the better way to go, but I haven't heard too much about it? Actually, I didn't even know it existed until he told me about it. Can I run r4 wood on it? And more importantly the new Pokemon games (that's the real reason I'm getting a card anyways).

    Some of those questions don't really belong here I understand, but I would love you extra if you could answer them! c:
  3. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    R4iTT is not the way to go. It's a R4 clone & must not be used.

    No you can't run Wood R4 on it.
  4. Palisades

    Palisades Member

    Thanks Yoshi! For the quick response. The guy seemed kinda scammy anyways. Okay, so now my options are just the r4 and the r4i. Which do you suggest? Thanks!!
  5. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    R4 original.
    and if you have a dsi an R4i

    but you can better buy an acekard2i
  6. Palisades

    Palisades Member

    Okay, great. I'm glad you guys are so quick as I am about to go purchase one in the next 30 mins (because of time constraints today) and I'm kinda freaking out now. So I just own a ds lite and don't really plan on getting a dsi in the near future, so would it be best to just get the r4 original? Will that play the newer pokemon games? And I don't need to buy a SD card if I get the original right? That's just if I want to play A LOT of games and have music and pictures correct?

    Love you.
  7. YCobb

    YCobb Active Member

    Classic should work for the new Pokemon games, since the way it works isn't changed as far as the user goes.

    But you will need an SD card with the original.
    They don't have built in memory, they don't even load without the SD card in them.
    Post Merge: [time]1287936717[/time]
    Herp, sorry. It's an old, standard R4. Not even SDHC.
  8. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    have you downloaded wood R4 v1.4 for r4 original?
  9. Palisades

    Palisades Member

    Okay, wow I feel dumb. OKAY! so the final question and I will be GONE!
    I really just want to play the pokemon games (HG, SS, PB, PW), I have a ds lite. I don't care how crappy the interface looks, as long as it WORKS and as long as the actual game WORKS and doesn't lag or whatever. That is all I ask and want. With that in mind; Here are the options I have for local pick up.

    1.) r4 Original with 2 GB SD card $15

    2.) r4i sdhc w/ wifi (wifi seems like a nice feature to have for pokemon games) $20

    3.) r4 Ultra (i've heard some things...) $20

    4.) Acekard 2i $25

    So the question being; which should I get?
    I don't really care too much for the prices, I know I could get them cheaper online, etc, but I am moving soon and it's going to be a LONG trip in which I would like the play the pokemanz. Thank you for even reading this!

    And CoolKill3r (if you were even talking to me?), no I haven't downloaded wood r4 yet, because I haven't bought a card yet. I'm about to in like 20 mins.
  10. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    wasnt talking to you!
    if you like it cheap and good take R4 Original
    Just want a great & awnsome card take Acekard2i

    Just so you know, with my R4 Original i was able to play all pokemons games and completed them!
    and the acekard will als work!
  11. Palisades

    Palisades Member

    Haha didn't think you were! But I didn't want to miss anything.

    Alright, perfect. Thank you so much Coolkill3r and Yoshi. I owe you guys.

    Do you guys live in Los Angeles? I could come give you a hug if you did...if not... e-hug's work too.
  12. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    I live around Hyrule in the Kikori forest.
    Thats all you need to know!
  13. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    No you don't, liar.
  14. MohsinMVP

    MohsinMVP Well-Known Member

    o_0 that where I live
  15. YCobb

    YCobb Active Member

    I have now and it works. The download link convinced me to get 1.14.2, which I assumed would work. It's all better now.
  16. Akalakawak

    Akalakawak Well-Known Member

    Okay, I knew Acecard2i would be my next upgrade before i saw your software for R4i gold,

    But even with Wood R4 v1.14 for R4i gold, i still shouldn't get R4i Gold? Because I would assume since the original R4 had sucked before Wood R4 came out the same would be for R4i Gold?

    And what are the real issues with it (remaining after Wood R4 installation) that would make it worse than the Acecard2i?

    And Last but not least is if I do get an Acecard2i in the future (I'll probably just keep the R4 original for now and maybe get a second sd chip later) What software should I use? I know you talk about Wood RPG being the main software Wood R4 is based off of, so it sounds like the best. and if it is the best software where do I get it? and if its not the best what is?

    All in all the probability will be that I just keep the R4 original until the 3DS comes out and then we'll all need new Flash Carts!
    Until then thank you for your soon to come answers and thank you for making R4 awesome again with Wood R4!!! ;)
  17. KRaid-

    KRaid- Member

    I don't think it is necessarily good to recommend an original R4. Yes, Wood has brought life back to them, but at the risk of getting a clone, the buyer should go the extra $10 or $15 and get an ak2i.
  18. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The risk of getting a clone doesn't exist if you actually buy from a recommended source such as www.shoptemp.com. You only get a clone if you made the personal mistake of picking it.
  19. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    the same is for R4iDS Gold till wood come, but if i where you i just buy an acekard

    if you dont have alot of money or want to buy one cheap, then R4 Original is a great card for you.
  20. pichon64

    pichon64 Well-Known Member

    This Wood thread deserves a Platinum Mention. Or any similar distinction.