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Wood R4 - The New Firmware 99.8% Compatibility (CK3)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by CoolKill3r, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    He put an translation above it so it is fine.
  2. aquario123

    aquario123 Member

    as ive got he r4 sdhc it only work waio.nds, woodr4sdhc and the .nds file of the original wood r4 1.14.2 with the waio _rpg folder
  3. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Everyone talks english here thats why, but fine ok!

    i dont care, and you dont have to come between it!
  4. aquario123

    aquario123 Member

    dont get so
    if you dont want i dont post anymore in spanish...
  5. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    I see you are in a no-good mood today.

    Try putting Wood R4 1.14.0 (aka 1.14) in there.
  6. aquario123

    aquario123 Member

    i put the _rpg folfer of 1.14 and it also works
  7. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Soo..what's your problem then?
  8. aquario123

    aquario123 Member

    i think im writing a very bad english...
    when i use waio and wood r4sdhc super scribblenauts doest work it loops and loops again...
    but when i use the wood r4 1.14.2 not included in waio it works but dont save
    it was a recommendation to all the r4 sdhc users
  9. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    WAIO has 1.14.2 r4loader included!

    Because you're here -_-
  10. aquario123

    aquario123 Member

    r4loader doesnt work to me!
  11. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    dint say you need to use it
    said it is included!
  12. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Then why say it actually...?

    Well thanks...
  13. aquario123

    aquario123 Member

    with the waio and the r4loader IT DOESNT WORK TO ME running the woodr4sdhc
    well lets leave it since he post the downloads...
  14. beaudon73

    beaudon73 Active Member

    you seem to be the person to ask this question my son recently deleted everything off the sd card on his r4i gold revolution for ds ,so i went to the website r4igold.cn and put the 1.4.1 version on it it has v1.4 on the card, but it doesnt work it just comes up with a white screen so tried other versions and nothing works still on white screen.could you tell me if the cart is now knackered or if its the sd card ,or if i can just put v1.4 back on it (which iv`e googled and cant find) or anything i can do to fix it theres currently nothing on the card ,and i only understand the basics so please help it would really be appreciated
    Post Merge: [time]1287849067[/time]
    i`ve put the one on that you put a link to on your first page but still a white screen please help
  15. aquario123

    aquario123 Member

    are u sure that is a r4i gold revolution?
  16. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    You have an R4iDS Gold v1.4 thats what i follow from your post right?
    Normally you should get a disc with the firmware on it when you buy the flashcard!
    (If i'm not mistaken)

    How To:
    First delete everything on your SD card and then format it!
    If thats done, download this kernel: http://www.r4ids.cn/kernel/V1.38/ENG.rar
    Then it should work correctly, if it doesnt then just send me a PM and i'll help you further.
    (If it works it should be smart to save a copy of the firmware on your PC for if this happens again.)

    You could always try the Wood R4 for R4iDS Gold firmware on this topic but it doesnt seems to work for everyone!
  17. beaudon73

    beaudon73 Active Member

    thanks i will try that and let you know what happens and i backed up the original on my computer but my daughter delated it when cleaning up the computer maybe i should just get rid of kids
  18. YCobb

    YCobb Active Member

    So I'm having some issues.
    My friend asked me to put Pokemon white onto her R4, so I put Wood R4 on too. Compatibility and all that.

    It doesn't really work :V
    It's a blank screen aside from some colorful vertical lines and the file icons- no text. I was thinking maybe a new skin would fix it, but I'm not sure.
    Anyone here wonderful enough to help me?
  19. Akalakawak

    Akalakawak Well-Known Member

    Hi! Me and My Brother have used your software for the R4 since about June (that's when we first got 2 R4s), and it has worked almost PERFECTLY! At 99.8% of the time :) And we have Loved it! But are still frustrated with the 2gb max. So of course we were thrilled to open your page for an update and find out about your R4i Gold Software because now we can buy a R4i Gold and have 4gb! But the Question I have is, which one should I buy? Maybe the one with the Mario on the Box? But if you could look through this page:


    If Just for a Minute or so and Could recommend one based off of the models you worked on? (both which R4i Gold and which SDHC) After all you have the best opinion!. So could you look through that Page and find the ones you worked off of? if so then, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! If Not, Than we will either take the chance with the one on the top right or Just continue using the R4 original as it works great! Thank you for Wood R4 the New Firmware!
    Post Merge: [time]1287880947[/time]
    With Regard to my last post about which one should i buy.
    Do you recommend getting the R4 SDHC or the R4i Gold? (Welcoming other peoples input who have tested either of them with the new firmware for these particular clones) Because I want an R4i Gold in case I ever get a DSi but on this post:


    It says to avoid the R4i gold, Should I? I would appreciate your input (or any one else who knows! :))

    Thanks Again! ;)
    Post Merge: [time]1287881612[/time]
    Something like that happened to me once.

    I believe you need to take everything off and format the card then install the wood R4 From the Downloaded Zip, Make sure it's a fresh copy of wood R4. then add games and skins and the cheat file and run it! then Voala! it should run perfectly! at least thats what i think will happen! :)

    But the problem is that you probably somehow deleted the skin that was set as the default, making it not know what to do and then glitch, but thats how you fix it!

    And maybe even try just Replacing every Wood R4 File And Folder with a fresh copy! Maybe that will work!

    Hope this helps! ;)
  20. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    plaese, always say what kind of R4 you own!

    its trash, instead buy and acekard its much better!