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Wood R4 - The New Firmware 99.8% Compatibility (CK3)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by CoolKill3r, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Simply said, they dont excist?

    Oh and:
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Right, v.1.59 and v.1.60 only exist for R4iDSN (R4i Gold). The other 2 didn't.
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Modern list on unfixed games by YWG

    XXXX - Chronicles of Mystery - The Secret Tree of Life (M6) (EUR)
    XXXX - Tokumei Sentai Go Busters (Japan)
    XXXX - Tron Evolution (EUR) (M4)
    XXXX - Beyblade - Metal Fusion (USA)
    6243 - Mama's Combo Pack: Volume 1 (USA) (EXiMiUS)
    6244 - Mama's Combo Pack: Volume 2 (USA) (EXiMiUS)
  4. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member


    Change Log:

    New versions added:
    Added: Wood v1.62 for R4 Original/M3 Simply
    Added: Wood v1.62 for R4iDSN
    Added: Wood v1.60 for R4iDS Gold
    Added: Wood v1.62 for Acekard R.P.G.
    Added: Wood v1.62 for Ace3DS

    New loaders added:
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.61
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.62

    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.59
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.60
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.61
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.62

    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.59
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.60

    Download it on the first page!

  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    WoodR4, List of upto date unfixed games.

    XXXX - Chronicles of Mystery - The Secret Tree of Life (Europe) (NDSi Enhanced) [VMYV]
    XXXX - Tokumei Sentai Go Busters (Japan) [TQ5J]
    XXXX - Tron - Evolution (Europe) (NDSi Enhanced) (M4) [VTEX]
    XXXX - Beyblade - Metal Fusion (USA) [BBUE]
    6243 - Mama's Combo Pack: Volume 1 (USA) (EXiMiUS) [TCYE]
    6244 - Mama's Combo Pack: Volume 2 (USA) (EXiMiUS) [TCZE]
    TGSE - 6246 - I Spy Game Pack (USA) , Unkown if mainor AP ?,
    TKSE - 6212 - My Amusement Park - Digging for Dinosaurs - Game Pack (USA)
    Unkown if mainor AP ?,
    these works on Flashcards OK, Not work on any Emulator black screens at start.
  6. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Added it to the first page in a new tab.

    All i have left to do is find an copy of the versions of
    Wood for m3 and wood for Dstt.

    Can someone confirm with a TTDS/DSTT if this works, or if its real, cause the last version i know of is v1.25:
    In the log its also mentiond as WAIO wich the latest version of is v1.15.
    Same goes for this:
    Also soon reuploading the latest untouched waio version again from xenon.
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Sorry I don't have any of them two Flashcards to test ^ :(

    Hope someone can for you :)
  8. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Already found wood4tt and wood for m3 again, and uploading official latest waio soon.
    Hope there arnt comming any more wood updates, its getting annoying!

    Tough i must say since my vacation i tought id play one of my 100 games i had backup for playing and tried kingdom hearts 358/2 days. been playing ds since then from dragon quest IX to 999 and, finished my unfinished game of ace atorney miles edgeword and just played and finished Ghost trick.
    Might get a 3ds again and see what info i can gather on those.
  9. WilWildWesley

    WilWildWesley Member

    Ever since the Gateway cartridge got released I've been trying to find out whether it was possible to run the official Wood firmware on it. It already uses Wood, but it's on 1.56. I've tried different Wood distributions, but it can't seem to find the file it needs to boot, even if you rename the files of the official Wood. Here's a photo of the version info you get on the Gateway blue cartridge.


    Supposedly, it's a R4i clone. Any plans on supporting this one? It's become fairly popular, since it comes bundled with every Gateway cartridge, and it would be great if it could be added to cartridges supported by Wood devs.

    Or maybe it's already possible to replace the original firmware with official Wood? If so, how would I go about doing that? Any help would be appreciated!
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Not likely, Wood R4 had for quite sometimes not been updated from v.1.62.
    We here aren't the ones making the updates, you'd need to contact Yellow Wood Goblin and request it directly to him.
    Being a clone of an R4 doesn't mean it is compatible with WOOD R4, it's probably not even compatible with YSMENU/TTMENU either.
    Wood R4 is only compatible with a few carts, YSMENU has better compatibility with a more divers cart. So no, I don't think there is any way of going about it.
  11. WilWildWesley

    WilWildWesley Member

    Well, that sucks. I don't like the Gateway skin and I can't even replace it, because it becomes all messed up. I like the black one from Wood the best. Anyway, I'll keep my fingers crossed for an update, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who hates being stuck on an old firmware hack with an ugly skin.
  12. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    I'm sure you're not the only one. Yeah well, good luck waiting. We've been hoping for a Wood R4 v.1.63 for weeks or probably months by now, and still none.
  13. WilWildWesley

    WilWildWesley Member

    I have an original R4, so since I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Gateway compatible release, for solidarity's sake I'll cross my toes in hoping for a 1.63 update for all of us. I won't hold my breath, though. Is there anything noteworthy that isn't compatible with 1.62? DS gets only crap games these days, so I guess the motivation to make an update just isn't there.
  14. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    These aren't fixed in v.1.62:
  15. WilWildWesley

    WilWildWesley Member

    Are releases labeled with XXXX relevant, though? They're not numbered, because they're on the nukelist. This happens if a ROM contains a cracktro, a trainer or has been otherwise messed with. The last two work on flashcarts, but not under emulators, so they don't count. This leaves two proper releases, which are combo packs of games which (possibly) got separate retail releases already. Like I said, not much to fix = no motivation.
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    They are Done by the Scene groups Numbed games. XXXX games they are very good dumps used woodumper r85 and wifi to dump them into a ROM and contain a good header just like a Scene released dump.

    They do not contain nukes are virus of any kind.

    I can fix some but not all AP in ysmenu / dstt, but wood use there own AP fixes and much diffrent .
  17. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member


    Wood R4idsn v.1.63 by Yellow Wood Goblin for R4i Gold 3DS from R4ids(.)cn and R4idsn.com

    I haven't any idea what's new since there's no mention about it!
    Since this is the latest release, I assume this contains fixes up to rom no. 6248.

    There's no mention about when v.1.63 for R4DS Original/M3 Simply and Acekard R.P.G. be available.
    So be patient until reported available for download.

    Download Link
  18. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Good work YWG, but thats strange no mention of what fixes are even on file trip ??? ^

    Not listed anywhere, where find new update ^^
  19. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    It's in R4ids(.)cn website. In fact guess what?! See below:


    Wood R4idsn v.1.64 by Yellow Wood Goblin for R4i Gold 3DS from R4ids(.)cn and R4idsn.com

    Made on November 4th 2013.
    I haven't any idea what's new since there's no mention about it!
    Since this is the latest release, I assume this contains fixes up to rom no. 6248.

    There's no mention about when v.1.63 or v.1.64 for R4DS Original/M3 Simply and Acekard R.P.G. be available.
    So be patient until reported available for download.

    Download Link

    Sorry I can't link direct to the original website's download link. Apparently for those of you who knows, the name of that website hasn't been removed from the filtered words in this forum. Thus why it's to be via file sharing site.
  20. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Sorry my left eye did not see ^ :( have to put my had over it at times heat in left side to in head.