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Wood R4 - The New Firmware 99.8% Compatibility (CK3)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by CoolKill3r, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. realguy88

    realguy88 Member

    hello quick question, I have a r4 card from www.r4ultra.com is there anyway to get your program to work with this card. thanks, or am i stuck with akaio v1.8.6a for clones and can't update.
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    i don't think it will. neither does rgf's ysmenu. your pretty much stuck. i would suggest trying WAIO, but 'cause thats outdated you pretty much have no other option. mine might work, but I don't have an r4 ultra. good luck...
  3. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Wood for R4 SDHC: has been removed from the first post.
    If you want to download it feel free to search for the owners topic.
  4. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    umm not to question you rights but why?
  5. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    I had a talk with CK3. End of discussion.
  6. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    oh ok
  7. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    the ways of work doesnt need to be known by u or others.
  8. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

  9. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    why not use wood r4idsn i140b?
    it Fixes a critical bug that could erase your microSD
  10. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member


    Change Log:

    New versions added:
    Added: Wood v1.41 for R4 Original/M3 Simply
    Added: Wood v1.41 for R4iDSN
    Added: Wood v1.41 for R4iDS Gold
    Added: Wood v1.41 for Acekard R.P.G.

    New loaders added:
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.41
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.41
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.41

    Download it on the first page!

  11. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member


    Post Removed
  12. keithizback

    keithizback Active Member

    hey, i have the orginal r4. will this autoboot with it?
  13. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    you want autoboot or secondary boot?
  14. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Autoboot. It means when you turn on the DS it automatically loads.

    And yes, it will. Copy the _DS_Menu.dat and _rpg folder to your micro sd card. Then copy your games etc. Then load it and your finished.
  15. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    i kno what autoboot means just asking him if he wants it?
  16. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    There are others who update things so we can have pleasure for it.
    As i think to myself when they give us things for free then this would be my duty to give to people in return also, as everyone has a job where mine is updating this topic and the .nds files.

    So i will update till the end of wood r4 and maybe longer if it continues on the 3DS or whatever.
    Besides that i will update WAIO for R4 clones soon to latest version till the latest wood to come out with simply the little things not anything big.

    This might be useless text but i felt like putting it out there.

    PS: Long live Antic Cafe: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBBo5-7rhgM
  17. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    If someone can give me the latest wood source code, I can have WAIO updated to that version. I just don't have the code. Bloody YWG
  18. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    ywg should release his source for wood. itll be more friendly and plus almost any cart can get wood!. The thing is If i were ywg I would have opened the source but since he is the owner he can do *anything he wants with it.*
  19. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    if you where him you where also get tired of people stealing credits for it, and dont get mad i dont mean either of u.
    plus its his firmware, i might just as well stop updating it.
  20. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    exactly he might as well stop updating it but for others probably who got the worst clone ever can be helped by his source