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Wood R4 - The New Firmware 99.8% Compatibility (CK3)

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by CoolKill3r, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Wood R4 v1.38 (improved)

    edit: remove main link

    Source post 907 upto you if wish to try. ... : http://yuzuru.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/gameurawaza/1313235471/l50

    improved unknown ?.
  2. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Please dont post these links, its not from the autor last stand known if its even safe.
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I get my DATs from there at times, they did a very good job at fixing KIRBY mass attach (USA) and Abosule kirby (JAP)

    I think they can be trusted, But don't know about woodr4.
  4. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Even so it is still unknown what this package is.
    Or do you know what has been changed at the first page?
  5. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I will test it as soon as i get my DS back, Sorry don't know what has changed.

    I'm not afraid to give it a go what's the worst that can happen... just a format of micro SD chip lol., Just that DL link keeps saying I'm downloading when I'm not at all.

    Anyway it's up to ones self if they wish to change it are not.
  6. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member


    Change Log:

    New versions added:
    Added: Wood v1.38 for R4 Original/M3 Simply
    Added: Wood v1.38 for R4iDSN
    Added: Wood v1.38 for R4iDS Gold
    Added: Wood v1.38 for Acekard R.P.G.

    New loaders added:
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.31
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.32
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.33
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.34
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.35 *locked*
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.35_v2
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.36
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.37
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.38

    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.31
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.32
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.33
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.34
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.35
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.36
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.37
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.38

    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.31
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.32
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.33
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.34
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.35
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.36
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.36b
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.37
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.38

    Download it on the first page!

  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Maybe i will switch back to both WoodR4 1.38 and YSMenu 5854 in one :)

    My neace can't play 4778 - Tracy Beaker The Game (E) on YSMenu :(, and can not be fixed using the DATs at all.

    So yes both in one is grate for R4 originals ;) .
  8. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    the say wood r4 1.38 is released
  9. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

  10. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] --> [​IMG]
    I suck so bad, atleased i stopped using MZ paint -_- (MZ: i dont want to get suid by them cheapo's)
  11. manik95

    manik95 New Member

    i need some help ive got a clone r4i v1.4.1 ( no its this system becasue ive upgraded my dsi system) and every time i play a game theres always a black screen or the game freezes mostly pokemon soul silver even if i put no$gba on so what wood could stop this happening
  12. drubhoy

    drubhoy Member

    I have a R4i v1.4.1 with 2 GB micro SD card.I updated to the latest kernel R4i V1.46b.
    Everything was working fine over the weekend.When I went to switch on the message that came up was "There is no card inserted in the DS Game Card slot".
    i reformatted the card after backing up,then placed all the files back on.Still the same message.
    DSi-version 1.2E
    r4i-sdhc.com is where i get my firmware from.
    I was pointed in the direction of this page by Jonez001.
    http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=57152.0 is my original post
    Any help would be much appreciated.
  13. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    love wood. its the bomb!!
  14. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member


    Change Log:

    New firmware added:
    WAIO v1.38 for R4 SDHC (by Calo3Productions) | Use at own risk, will be tested and more info given soon!

    New versions added:
    Added: Wood v1.39 for R4 Original/M3 Simply
    Added: Wood v1.39 for R4iDSN
    Added: Wood v1.39 for R4iDS Gold
    Added: Wood v1.39 for Acekard R.P.G.

    New loaders added:
    Wood R4 (.NDS) v1.39
    Wood R4iDSN (.NDS) v1.39
    Wood R4iDS Gold (.NDS) v1.39

    Download it on the first page!

  15. Joel16

    Joel16 Well-Known Member

    use me repack also plz it works on r4 III upgrade u can get it here (wood 1.38 (A) for r4 clones) :http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=55687.0
  16. orlando1210

    orlando1210 New Member

    So the WAIO for R4 SDHC might not be safe? :eek:
  17. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    WAIO is safe. I have made it myself for the R4 SDHC. No problems will occur and it uses the Wood R4 firmware. Please contact me if you need any details about it.

    - CK3

    I am currently working on changing the "_rpg" to "_waio". I'll see if it works tonight.
  18. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Yea the point is, Calo3Productions his firmware is from the official source and the clones version also works with R4-III Upgrade, where your pack is more of packed with other things, so convince me why i should add this also?

    Multieple people use it, but i aint going to write it down as safe if i havent tested it myself.
    Thats what i ment with use at own risk, i will test it later today, in about 5 hours.

    I also did it once and it loaded it up, but i mearly changed all the _rpg directions withing the Hex data to _waio, but it couldnt load up games and i had other things to do than that.

    Ps. can i ask what extra things other then the official source youve inplented in your download, please send me a PM for this.
  19. DrX1969

    DrX1969 Member


    How would I load your WAIO 1.38 for r4 sdhc to my r4-III?
  20. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    You should just put the _ds_menu.dat on the root of your card and the _rpg folder also.
    ps i thiink you should use the waio v1.38 for r4 clones verision.